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Details for the convict Henry Clack (1811)

Convict Name:Henry Clack
Trial Place:Suffolk
Trial Date:1809
Notes:aka Clarke
Arrival Details
Ship:Admiral Gambier (2)
Arrival Year:1811
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 4 researchers who have claimed Henry Clack

  • Researcher (427)
  • Researcher (Beryl Whatson)
  • Researcher (3936)
  • Researcher (Debbie Weldon)
Claimed convict


Baptised at St Mary, Cratfield, Sussex UK 30 Jul 1787
Son of William CLACK 1754-1842 and Priscilla HUGGINS 1751-1814
Siblings Henry CLACK 1777-1777, William CLACK 1778-, John Clack 1787-1792, Elizabeth CLACK 1790-1827, John CLACK 1792-
Married Mary YOUELL 1787-1851 on 4th August 1808 in St Mary, Cratfield
Issue:- Henry CLACK 1805-1872, Jane CLACK 1808-
Married Sarah BELLAMY 1800- , 27 July 1818 Parramatta, N.S.W., Australia
Issue:- John CLACK 1824- ,Henry CLACK 1826

Residing Castle Hills in 1828 census. Conditional pardon granted 1 Feb 1838 Convicted of Burglary 19th Jul 1789 at Sussex Assizes together with brother William. Sentenced to death, later commuted to transportation for life.
Report of Court proceedings.
The Jurors for our Lord the King upon their Oath present That Henry Clack late of the Parish of Laxfield in the County of Suffolk Labourer On the nineteenth day of July in the forty ninth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland about the hour of twelve on the night of the same day with force and Arms at the parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid the Dwelling house of Simon Grimsby Lenny thow/there situate feloniously and burglariously did break and enter with intent the Goods and Chattels of the said Simon Grimsby Lenny in the same Dwelling house then and there being feloniously and buglariously to steal take and carry away and then and thow/there with force and arms one hamper bag of the value of six pence and diaper Table Cloth of the value of eighteen pence one hundred pounds Weight of cheese of the value of twenty shillings, forty pounds Weight of Pork of the value of twenty Shillings, forty pounds Weight of Butter of the value of twenty Shillings, and fourteen pounds Weight of salt of the value of five Shillings of the Goods and Chattels of the said Simon Grimsby Lenny in the same Dwelling house then and thow/ there being found then and there feloniously and burglariously did steal take and carry away against the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and Dignity.

And the Jurors aforesaid on their Oath aforesaid do further present that William Clack late of the Parish of Laxfield aforesaid in the said County Labourer afterwards to wit on the twenty third day of July - in the forty ninth year aforesaid with force and Arms at the said Parish of Laxfield aforesaid and in the County aforesaid.Thirty pounds weight of cheese of the value of Ten shillings, twenty pounds Weight of Pork of the value of Ten Shillings,and ten pounds Weight of Butter of the value of Tenshillings,
part the said goods and chattels so as aforesaid feloniously and burglariously stolen taken and carried away feloniously did receive and have (he - the said William Clack then and there well knowing
the said last mentioned Goods and Chattels to have been feloniously stolen taken and carried away) against the form of the statute in such case made and provided
and against the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and Dignity.
Submitted by Researcher (3936) on 24 March 2015

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