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Details for the convict William Hudson (1832)

Convict Name:William Hudson
Trial Place:Lincoln Assizes
Trial Date:3 March 1832
Arrival Details
Ship:Hercules II (3)
Arrival Year:1832
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There is currently one researcher who has claimed William Hudson

  • Researcher (3250)
Claimed convict


William Hudson was born 1801 Cottam,Nottingham England,was convicted along with William Luffman(brother-inlaw) and George Stothard of robbing Richard Cokerills(Corn Merchant) 3/13/1832 convicted for life- Doc.Ref..Hill41/5/31
Was transported on Hercules 1832 arriving in Port Jackson NSW on 16/10/1832
Was assigned to J G Colyer - Camden,was later charged with cattle stealing in 1849?,trial Cambellfied, also arrested for murder after a fight, was given 6 months.Was given Ticket of Leave 1846 a Conditional Pardon in both 1855 which was later revoked but then reinstated in 1857, he did serve time at Norfolk Island, not sure where or when he died.His brother James born 1813 was convicted in 1846 and transported to Hobart and served 7 years before marrying and settling in Tasmania where he remained until he died.I am not sure whether William ever caught up with his brother James after his Conditional Pardon in 1857, he didn't return to England.
I am a direct descendent of William. He married Elizabeth Foster (Nurse) 13/5/1831, they had 1 son William Hudson born 26/3/1832 - Blyton Lincolnshire, married Ann Bee 15/5/1854, he died 1913 Gainsborough Lincolnshire. One of his children was Charles Hudson born 20/1/1864, married Elizabeth Pickupp 1864, he died 20/6/1918 (he was my great grandfather), one of his children was Charles Hudson born 1886(Farmer/Ploughman) he married my grandmother Eva Yarnall 24/5/1911 in Lincoln, Charles died 22/9/1985.
For more information about this family history, it can be found on Ancestory, the family history dates back to the late 1500s so far.

Submitted by Researcher (3250) on 26 October 2014

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/8, p.356

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