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Details for the convict Charles Briggs (1831)

Convict Name:Charles Briggs
Trial Place:Middlesex Gaol Delivery
Trial Date:17 February 1831
Arrival Details
Ship:Surrey I (6)
Arrival Year:1831
Claim Charles Briggs as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There is currently one researcher who has claimed Charles Briggs

  • Researcher (Ann Spiro)
Claimed convict


Charles Briggs was born about 1800 in Essex (31yrs when tried/sentenced)
Religion: Protestant, married (in England), and he can read.
Occupation: tailor 5yrs, weaver.
Crime: burglary.
Trial: Middlesex gaol delivery in 1830.

London England, Newgate Calendar of Prisoners 1785-1853 - February 1830, Middlesex: Charles Briggs aged 30yrs, under sentence of death.

Sentence commuted to Life. Transported on the “Surrey 1(6)”. Departed England on 15th July 1831 and arrived in NSW on 26th November 1831.

He wasn't new to trouble and you will see plenty on the Old Bailey reports + Panopticon list of crime:

Ticket of Leave: Entry no: 40/2180. District: Maitland.

Conditional pardon: 30 July 1841. Entry No: 47/428. Citation{4/4451; reel 783; Page 355-356. Index no: 65.
Permission to marry: was already married in England.

Convict assignments: can’t find any
Charles is seen on Convict Record Australia: The surname BRIGGS is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies
Submitted by Researcher (Ann Spiro) on 25 July 2021

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/8, p.134

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