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Details for the convict Elizabeth Bull (1828)

Convict Name:Elizabeth Bull
Trial Place:Middlesex Gaol Delivery
Trial Date:13 September 1827
Sentence:14 years
Arrival Details
Ship:Mermaid (1)
Arrival Year:1828
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 4 researchers who have claimed Elizabeth Bull

  • Researcher (1145)
  • Researcher (5944)
  • Researcher (11114)
  • Researcher (Shane Poulson)
Claimed convict


Elizabeth Bull was a strawbonnet maker and was tried at the Old Bailey on 13th September 1827 and sentenced to 14 years transportation. Her record reads –
Stealing from the person. Gaol Report: a prostitute. Single woman. Stated this offence. Stealing from the person a watch and some money, property of Alexander Jordan, tried with Maria Johnson. Mother at Haggerstone, New Church. Last lived in St. John Street, Clerkenwell. Whilst in the colony she had a few offences mostly connected with her ‘profession’ and drunkenness. She was given a Conditional Pardon on 17 February 1840. She was given another conviction on 3rd March 1875 for larceny at New Norfolk and sentenced to 2 months.
She sailed from Woolwich on 17th February 1828 on board the Mermaid and after a voyage of 131 days arrived in Hobart Town. The Master was William Henniker and the Surgeon James Gilchrist.
Her description was – she could read only, her height was 5 foot 2 ¼ inches. She was aged 20, had a florid complexion, a small round shaped head with dark brown hair. Her visage small and round. Her forehead was small across and high in the centre. She had scarcely any eyebrows and light blue eyes. Her nose was straight and full at the end. Her mouth was small and her upper lip projected and her chin was small and pointed with full cheeks. She had a mole on her left eyebrow.
Her colonial experiences –
1828: 20th November – Toomey (sic) (this means she was assigned to him). Found in the company with one Cooper at Mr Robinson’s public house between 9 & 10 oçlock last night. Discharged.
1828: 16th December – Married to James Cooper at Hobart Town.
1832: Muster – assigned to Mr. A. Tolmey.
1833: 15th February – Ticket of Leave
1833: 5th June TL. Strong suspicion of stealing a watch of the value of £140, the property of James Keddie, and gross disorderly and immoral conduct. Ticket of Leave suspended for 9 months.
1835: Muster – Assigned to Mr. Tolmey.
1836: 2nd January TL. Found in a public house after hours dancing. Admonished.
1836: 14th January TL. Drunk and found out of town without a pass. Cell 3 days and nights on bread and water, Ticket suspended during that period.
1837: 8th March TL. Out after hours. House of Corrections for 7 days in the cells.
1840: 17th February – Conditional Pardon recommended (approved 10th December 1841)
1841: 13th September – Free by Servitude (Free Certificate)
1853: 30th May – Hobart Quarter Sessions – stealing a watch, the property of Charles Lee. 7 years transportation.
1856: 25th June – Assigned to Washmore, Richmond.
1857: 9th February – Married to Samuel Howlet, FS.
1858: 9th March – Ticket of Leave.
1860: 18th September – TL revoked (absent).
1875: 3r March – Police Office, New Norfolk. Larceny, 2 months imprisonment.
She must have had a fascinations for watches
James and Elizabeth had their first child John on 5th July 1830. He was baptised at St. David’s Hobart Town on 14th November 1830. Possibly died 1830. The record shows that the father was a baker.
The next child was Frances, who was born 29th March 1832. She was baptised 15th April 1832 at St. David’s. James was a baker.
On 9th August 1833 our ancestor Benjamin was born. She must have been out stealing watches while pregnant. He was baptised on 19th July 1835. Place of birth was given as Port o’ France, River Derwent. James was still a baker.

Next was James, born 8th August 1839 at Long Bay, baptised 15th September 1839. Father – sawyer.
Last we have another John, born 7th January 1847 at Hobart Town and baptised 27th January 1847. This time James is a general dealer.

Submitted by Researcher (5944) on 8 April 2017

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/6, p.313

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