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Details for the convict Maria Beavis (1830)

Convict Name:Maria Beavis
Trial Place:Middlesex Gaol Delivery
Trial Date:3 December 1829
Sentence:14 years
Arrival Details
Ship:Roslin Castle (2)
Arrival Year:1830
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 3 researchers who have claimed Maria Beavis

  • Researcher (Jo Acton)
  • Researcher (6464)
  • Researcher (8402)
Claimed convict


Maria Beavis was born on the 9th February 1811 at Whitechapel to William and Sarah Beavis.

Maria was convicted at the Old Bailey for stealing 20 yards of cotton and sentenced to 7 years transportation. She arrived in Sydney on the 29th June 1830.

Maria married Edward Greenland at Maitland in 1841. They had two daughters, Sarah and Eliza. Maria died on 14th August 1852.

In 1846 Maria's brother George Beavis moved his family from Hobart to Maitland. Maria's daughter Sarah was a witness at the marriage of George's daughter Margaret to Richard Ayris at Lochinvar in 1855. Maria's brother George and sisters Elizabeth and Mary Ann had all been convicted at the Old bailey and transported to Australia.
Submitted by Researcher (8402) on 20 August 2017

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/7, p.284

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