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Details for the convict Robert Bradbury (1834)

Convict Name:Robert Bradbury
Trial Place:York (West Riding) Quarter Session
Trial Date:8 April 1833
Sentence:7 years
Arrival Details
Ship:Southworth (4)
Arrival Year:1834
Claim Robert Bradbury as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 2 researchers who have claimed Robert Bradbury

  • Researcher (Alan Eade)
  • Researcher (Ann Fitz-Gerald)
Claimed convict


Robert BRADBURY was born in 1810 in Pontefract, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, died on 16 December 1862 in Moulamein, Colony of New South Wales at age 52, and was buried on 17 December 1862 in Moulamein Cemetery, Moulamein, Colony of New South Wales.

15 January 1833 ~ Robert worked as a grinder.

8 April 1833 ~ Robert was tried at the Pontefract Spring Sessions, Yorkshire, England, he was sentenced to 7 years, for house breaking and stealing eleven sovereigns, a five pound bank-note, and wearing apparel.

4 May 1833 ~ Robert was delivered to the Hulk, "Retribution", at Woolwich, Kent, England.

14 January 1834 ~ Robert was transported to Hobart Town, Colony of Van Diemen's Land aboard the "Southworth".

6 December 1876 ~ Robert's will was granted probate; Goods sworn at £10, bequeathed to Catherine BRADBURY.
Submitted by Researcher (Alan Eade) on 27 January 2021

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, p.230

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