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Details for the convict George Burnett Giblett (1834)

Convict Name:George Burnett Giblett
Trial Place:Somerset Assizes
Trial Date:28 March 1833
Arrival Details
Ship:Moffatt (1)
Arrival Year:1834
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There is currently one researcher who has claimed George Burnett Giblett

  • Researcher (Heather May)
Claimed convict


Still searching for a baptismal record but all documents relating to his conviction say he was born in Bristol. He may be the son of William Burnett Giblett (1772-1829) and Ann Burnett (1778-1850) who lived in Bristol and Wells. If that is the case, he had a brother, James, who migrated to Victoria. He was convicted at Taunton "John Giblett and Harry Penny were indicted for having in their possession a bill of exchange for 200l, directed to Messrs. Masterman & Co., and having the indorsement-'Jones & Co.' and George Burnett Giblett for having counselled and incited the said John Giblett and Harry Penny to forge the same. They were all found guilty and sentenced to transportation for life." (Cabinet Annual Register 1834). He was pardoned conditionally (not to leave Tasmania) in 1844 and pardoned further in 1848 but required to remain outside the UK. It is assumed George then changed his name as there are no further records relating to him thus far discovered.
Submitted by Researcher (Heather May) on 18 October 2022

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, p.268

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