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Details for the ship Surrey I (1) (1814)

Ship Name:Surrey I (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1811
Size (tons):443
Voyage Details
Master:James Patterson
Sailed:22 February 1814
Arrived:28 July 1814
Days Travel:156
Convicts Landed:199 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abbott, JamesEdwards, ThomasKirby, WilliamReed, Daniel
Abrahams, SamuelEdwards, WilliamLacey, JohnRivetta,
Allen, WilliamElirick, JamesLevi, SolomonRobinson, Richard
Allen, WillmElston, BenjaminLinsley, JohnSalmon, Frederick
Allerton, RichardEvans, ThomasLloyd, FrancisSaw, John
Amos, Samuel WilliamFerguson, JohnLong, PatrickScales, John
Ashcroft, JohnFinch, WilliamLong, RichardScarr, John
Aurey, FerdinandFord, RobertManning, RichardShales, John
Auton, JamesFranks, HimeyMatthews, JohnSharman, John
Bailey, JohnFranks, JoseMcDowall, JohnSlater, James
Bailey, WilliamFreeman, GeorgeMcGeary, WilliamSmith, James
Baker, WilliamFreeman, JosephMcGellick, MichaelSmith, Samuel
Ball, CharlesFriday, ThomasMcLeod, DanielSmith, William Giles
Ball, JohnFriend, CharlesMcNally, PatrickSorton, Joseph
Betley, WilliamGallard, JohnMerritt, WilliamStanley, William
Blade, ThomasGames, CharlesMole, JamesStaples, Edward
Bolton, JamesGarrad, JonathanMontgomery, JosephStevenson, Thomas
Bourne, WilliamGilchrist, JamesMoore, PatrickStill, Henry
Bridges, Christ LimebearGiles, IsaacMorgan, JohnTaylor, Thomas
Brown, GeorgeGladding, JosephMorgan, JohnThomas, Robert
Brown, JamesGregory, RalphMoses, AbrahamThomas, Thomas (the younger)
Brown, WilliamGrundy, JohnMott, ThomasThomlinson, William
Brown, WilliamGuagan, DanielMotts, JohnThompson, William
Brown, WilliamHadley, ThomasMyers, MichaelThompson, William
Burcher, StephenHaggart, JosephMyers, WilliamThorpe, James
Butcher, PhilipHaigh, SamuelNeville, ThomasThorpe, John
Cadwell, JohnHarman, GeorgeNewcombe, JamesTomlinson, James
Chapman, MatthewHarper, JohnNorthall, JohnTopp, James
Chrisford, JamesHasell, WilliamNorthey, JamesTown, James
Clark, WilliamHead, EdwardOakes, RalphTuck, Carter
Clarke, JamesHenshall, JohnOckendon, CharlesWainwright, John
Clarke, WilliamHopgood, JohnOliver, JohnWalker, Andrew
Clements, ThomasHopkins, JohnPage, HenryWalker, John
Cooper, JohnHunt, WilliamPalmer, JohnWebb, William
Cope, WilliamHutchins, JohnPares, JohnWheeler, Thomas
Cox, JohnIbel, ThomasParsons, JohnWhitaker, Thomas
Cox, StephenIreland, JamesPayne, WilliamWhite, Charles
Crane, IsaacJackson, AaronPerkins, WilliamWhite, John
Crooks, GeorgeJackson, BurkePhillips, GeorgeWhite, Thomas
Cross, RobertJenkins, WilliamPhillips, JamesWiggins, James
Culter, JamesJex, JamesPitman, John MatthewWilkinson, Richard
Davey, WilliamJones, DavidPlank, ThomasWilliams, Ino
Davies, MeredithJones, JohnPlumb, RobertWilliams, Richard
Davis, JohnJones, WilliamPoole, JohnWilliamson, William
Davison, JohnJoseph, AnthonyQuick, WilliamWillis, Joseph
Dawson, JamesJoseph, DavidRagan, TimothyWilson, John
Diss, SamuelJotcham, JohnRalph, JamesWilson, Robert
Dore, JamesKean, JamesRanson, JohnWilson, William
Duffey, WilliamKelly, JamesRappe, ChristopherWoodworth, Henry
Eades, JohnKidwell, JohnRaymond, RichardWright, James
Edwards, BenjaminKing, JohnReading, GeorgeWright, Peter

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Surrey I (1) is 204 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, pp.129-139
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.340-341, 382

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