List of convict passengers
Abbott, James | Edwards, Thomas | Kirby, William | Reed, Daniel |
Abrahams, Samuel | Edwards, William | Lacey, John | Rivetta, |
Allen, William | Elirick, James | Levi, Solomon | Robinson, Richard |
Allen, Willm | Elston, Benjamin | Linsley, John | Salmon, Frederick |
Allerton, Richard | Evans, Thomas | Lloyd, Francis | Saw, John |
Amos, Samuel William | Ferguson, John | Long, Patrick | Scales, John |
Ashcroft, John | Finch, William | Long, Richard | Scarr, John |
Aurey, Ferdinand | Ford, Robert | Manning, Richard | Shales, John |
Auton, James | Franks, Himey | Matthews, John | Sharman, John |
Bailey, John | Franks, Jose | McDowall, John | Slater, James |
Bailey, William | Freeman, George | McGeary, William | Smith, James |
Baker, William | Freeman, Joseph | McGellick, Michael | Smith, Samuel |
Ball, Charles | Friday, Thomas | McLeod, Daniel | Smith, William Giles |
Ball, John | Friend, Charles | McNally, Patrick | Sorton, Joseph |
Betley, William | Gallard, John | Merritt, William | Stanley, William |
Blade, Thomas | Games, Charles | Mole, James | Staples, Edward |
Bolton, James | Garrad, Jonathan | Montgomery, Joseph | Stevenson, Thomas |
Bourne, William | Gilchrist, James | Moore, Patrick | Still, Henry |
Bridges, Christ Limebear | Giles, Isaac | Morgan, John | Taylor, Thomas |
Brown, George | Gladding, Joseph | Morgan, John | Thomas, Robert |
Brown, James | Gregory, Ralph | Moses, Abraham | Thomas, Thomas (the younger) |
Brown, William | Grundy, John | Mott, Thomas | Thomlinson, William |
Brown, William | Guagan, Daniel | Motts, John | Thompson, William |
Brown, William | Hadley, Thomas | Myers, Michael | Thompson, William |
Burcher, Stephen | Haggart, Joseph | Myers, William | Thorpe, James |
Butcher, Philip | Haigh, Samuel | Neville, Thomas | Thorpe, John |
Cadwell, John | Harman, George | Newcombe, James | Tomlinson, James |
Chapman, Matthew | Harper, John | Northall, John | Topp, James |
Chrisford, James | Hasell, William | Northey, James | Town, James |
Clark, William | Head, Edward | Oakes, Ralph | Tuck, Carter |
Clarke, James | Henshall, John | Ockendon, Charles | Wainwright, John |
Clarke, William | Hopgood, John | Oliver, John | Walker, Andrew |
Clements, Thomas | Hopkins, John | Page, Henry | Walker, John |
Cooper, John | Hunt, William | Palmer, John | Webb, William |
Cope, William | Hutchins, John | Pares, John | Wheeler, Thomas |
Cox, John | Ibel, Thomas | Parsons, John | Whitaker, Thomas |
Cox, Stephen | Ireland, James | Payne, William | White, Charles |
Crane, Isaac | Jackson, Aaron | Perkins, William | White, John |
Crooks, George | Jackson, Burke | Phillips, George | White, Thomas |
Cross, Robert | Jenkins, William | Phillips, James | Wiggins, James |
Culter, James | Jex, James | Pitman, John Matthew | Wilkinson, Richard |
Davey, William | Jones, David | Plank, Thomas | Williams, Ino |
Davies, Meredith | Jones, John | Plumb, Robert | Williams, Richard |
Davis, John | Jones, William | Poole, John | Williamson, William |
Davison, John | Joseph, Anthony | Quick, William | Willis, Joseph |
Dawson, James | Joseph, David | Ragan, Timothy | Wilson, John |
Diss, Samuel | Jotcham, John | Ralph, James | Wilson, Robert |
Dore, James | Kean, James | Ranson, John | Wilson, William |
Duffey, William | Kelly, James | Rappe, Christopher | Woodworth, Henry |
Eades, John | Kidwell, John | Raymond, Richard | Wright, James |
Edwards, Benjamin | King, John | Reading, George | Wright, Peter |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Surrey I (1) is 204 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, pp.129-139
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.340-341, 382