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Details for the ship Baring (1) (1815)

Ship Name:Baring (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1801
Size (tons):842
Voyage Details
Master:John Lamb
Surgeon:David Reid
Sailed:20 April 1815
Arrived:7 September 1815
Route:Madeira, Rio
Days Travel:140
Convicts Landed:298 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Alden, JosephFisher, JohnLeech, RobertSimmons, John
Allan, PeterFootman, EdwardLeoni, JosephSimpson, John
Allcock, ThomasFord, RobertLewis, WilliamSlater, Isaac
Allen, Charles HuskeFreshwater, PaulLloyd, ThomasSmiles, James
Andrews, WilliamGadman, IsaacLogan, CharlesSmith, Charles
Antonio, AugustineGardner, WilliamLong, JohnSmith, George
Antrobus, AlexanderGeorge, JohnLong, WilliamSmith, James
Armstrong, RobertGeorge, JohnLorman, ThomasSmith, James
Arundale, JosephGetty, WilliamLouis, JosephSmith, John
Asquith, TimothyGilchrist, JohnLuby, JamesSmith, John
Barker, JosephGill, JosephMaddox, WilliamSmith, Patrick
Barker, ThomasGodden, WilliamManners, JohnSmith, Samuel
Barker, Thomas TheophilusGough, ThomasMarshall, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Barlow, WalterGraham, WilliamMartin, CharlesSmith, William
Barnett, WilliamGreen, JohnMartin, JosephSmith, William
Bates, Edward FielderGreen, JosephMartin, ThomasSpencer, Joseph
Battie, WilliamGriffiths, DanielMcCann, JohnSpencer, Thomas
Baxter, WilliamGrose, Joseph HickeyMcDonald, DanielSpencer, Thomas Harrison
Berry, MichaelGroves, EdwardMcLaughland, WilliamStevens, Elijah
Boaz, JoachimHall, JohnMcTaggert, WalterStevens, Thomas Henry
Bowman, ThomasHammond, JohnMedlicott, RobertSteward, William Charles
Bowman, WilliamHarding, JohnMiller, EdwardStollery, Thomas
Bradfield, JohnHardy, JamesMiller, JamesStubbard, John
Bradley, JohnHatfield, JohnMitchell, WilliamSumpter, Joseph
Briant, JohnHatfield, ThomasMoore, HenrySwan, William
Briggs, JohnHathway, JohnMoore, JohnSweeting, Henry
Briley, JohnHawkins, JamesMordaunt, JamesTaylor, Thomas
Brine, FrancisHearne, JohnMorley, JasperTaylor, Thomas
Brooks, RichardHearne, JosephMorney, ArthurTekoe, John
Brown, John NicholasHellier, GeorgeMunday, JeremiahThomas, John
Byard, RobertHibbert, DanielNasman, JacobThompson, William
Campbell, RobertHide, JohnNeale, HenryThompson, William
Cannon, JohnHill, WilliamNicholson, JohnTilley, Charles
Carter, GeorgeHogsflesh, RichardNock, JamesTitmuss, William
Chambers, GeorgeHolland, ThomasNorman, WilliamTobin, James
Chapman, HenryHollick, ThomasO'Neal, JohnTodhunter, Charles Clay
Chapman, JohnHollingshead, CharlesOliver, WilliamTopping, James
Chapman, MilesHolmes, JohnOsmond, ThomasTowsey, John
Clarke, ArchibaldHopkins, JohnPalmer, WilliamTredman, Joseph
Clarke, WilliamHopkins, JosephPayne, JosephTurnbull, John
Clements, HenryHorne, RobertPearson, HopewellTurner, Francis
Cleugh, JamesHorton, GeorgePearson, ThomasVay, Abraham
Coleman, JamesHow, JamesPegg, DanielWall, Thomas
Collings, ThomasHoward, JamesPercival, WilliamWall, Thomas
Cook, WilliamHowell, JohnPerry, JohnWalters, William
Cooper, RichardHudson, WilliamPlayer, ThomasWarren, John
Corser, ThomasHughes, ThomasPorter, RichardWatkins, Thomas
Couling, RobertHunt, JamesPotter, WilliamWatkins, Thomas
Crawford, JamesHyland, JohnPowell, ThomasWebb, James
Cribb, IsaacInglefield, JohnPowell, ThomasWells, Thomas
Cribb, JacobIngley, SamuelPratt, GeorgeWest, James
Cribb, ThomasIngley, Samuel JamesPriest, SamuelWeston, John
Cross, BenjaminIngram, JamesPritchard, WilliamWheeler, Edward
Curley, JamesIsaacs, JacobProsser, ThomasWheeler, Joseph
Curran, StephenJenkins, WilliamRands, ThomasWhitfield, William Gibson
Daniel, WilliamJohnson, JohnRatcliff, JohnWhyte, Thomas
Darlington, BenjaminJohnson, JosephRaven, ThomasWilkins, Charles
Davis, EvanJohnson, WilliamReeves, JohnWilliams, John
Davis, JohnJones, RichardRice, WilliamWilson, Alexander
Day, JohnJones, ThomasRiley, CharlesWilson, John
Denby, EdwardJones, WilliamRitson, ThomasWilson, John
Denzey, JamesKeith, JohnRoberts, JohnWilson, Peter
Devenport, JohnKettle, JamesRoberts, ThomasWilson, Richard
Devine, ThomasKilminster, WilliamRobinson, AllenWingfield, James
Dickins, DanielKing, JohnRobinson, JamesWood, Thomas
Donagher, JohnKing, RobertRobinson, JohnWood, William
Douglas, JosephKing, WilliamRobinson, NeedhamWoodrow, George
Drummond, WilliamKirshaw, John CooperRobinson, ThomasWorrall, James
Dyche, CharlesKnight, JamesRocholz, MosesWright, Charles
Evans, EdwardKnight, SamuelSadler, SamuelWright, John
Evans, JohnLambert, ThomasScanes, WilliamWright, Thomas
Eves, JamesLancaster, IsaacSeeton, RobertWright, William
Eyre, GeorgeLavender, WilliamSharp, WilliamWyer, Jacob
Faulkner, JohnLear, JohnSheppard, GeorgeWyer, Joseph
Faulkner, WilliamLedger, ThomasSherry, NathanielYoung, George

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Baring (1) is 300 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, pp.197-209
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.340-341, 382

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