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Details for the ship Northampton (1815)

Ship Name:Northampton  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1801
Size (tons):548
Voyage Details
Master:John O. Tween
Surgeon:Joseph Arnold
Sailed:1 January 1815
Arrived:18 June 1815
Days Travel:169
Convicts Landed:0 males & 106 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Absolom, MaryEngland, MaryJohnson, RoseRuben, Catherine
Argent, SusannahEsther, HesterLangridge, MaryRyan, Margaret
Aynsley, JaneEvans, ElizabethLawson, SarahSantaff, Ann
Bailey, AnnFerguson, EstherLeonard, MarySantaff, Elizabeth
Baillie, ElizabethFindlater, AgnesLloyd, AnnShipp, Elizabeth
Barnard, MaryFitzgerald, MaryMack, CatherineShurwell, Elizabeth
Barton, RebeccaFrench, AnnMarks, HarriotShurwell, Sarah (the elder)
Baxter, MargaretFrost, SusannahMascall, MaryShurwell, Sarah (the younger)
Bell, MaryGibbs, ElizabethMay, SarahSimmons, Sarah
Berridge, AnnGibbs, ElizabethMcGavin, MarySladen, Rachael
Berridge, EleanorGranville, CatherineMcIntyre, MariaSmith, Ann
Blake, SusannahGray, MaryMorris, SarahSmith, Catherine
Bowers, JemimaGreenrod, MaryMunro, EleanorSmith, Mary
Brazeley, SusannahGriffith, MargaretNeavett, ElizabethStewart, Rosa
Britt, ElizabethGutsell, FannyNoble, AnnTurner, Ann
Broadfield, SarahHalworth, MaryNorton, HannahTurner, Mary
Brown, HannahHandal, MaryO'Neal, SarahWard, Ann
Bryan, MargaretHasty, MaryParsons, MarthaWatling, Ann
Buckley, AliceHatfield, AmeliaPatten, JaneWatson, Sarah
Carman, SophiaHathaway, MaryPaul, AnnWebb, Frances
Carter, MaryHead, JanePearce, JaneWhite, Mary
Combe, MaryHill, ElizabethPerry, MaryWilliams, Ann
Corbett, SarahHoste, JaneRice, EleanorWilliams, Eliza
Coward, ElizabethHumphreys, JaneRiley, AnnWilliams, Mary
Craston, SarahHutchell, JaneRoberts, AnnWilliamson, Mary
Crouch, SophiaInglis, JanetRoberts, EstherWilson, Frances
Dias, RebeccaInglis, MargaretRoberts, MariaWiltshire, Ann
Downs, AnnJohnson, ElizabethRobertson, ElizabethWright, Elizabeth

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Northampton is 112 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, pp.189-195
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.340-341, 382

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