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Details for the ship Almorah (1) (1817)

Ship Name:Almorah (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1817
Size (tons):416
Voyage Details
Master:William McKissock
Surgeon:Edward F. Bromley
Sailed:26 April 1817
Arrived:29 August 1817
Days Travel:125
Convicts Landed:180 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abbleby, GeorgeEverett, JohnJohnson, RobertRiordan, William
Appleton, JosephFarthing, JohnJones, JamesRobinson, Robert
Barker, FrederickFeatherstone, JonothanJones, JohnRodie, Peter
Barker, WilliamFitzpatrick, MartinJones, RobertRogers, Daniel
Bekin, JamesFlinn, JamesKelly, MichaelRudd, Joseph
Best, PhilipFord, FrancisKent, ThomasRussell, William
Blackall, ThomasFox, JosephKeys, JohnRyder, James
Blues, SamuelFranklin, ThomasKeys, JohnSeyers, Daniel
Bone, JohnFranklin, WilliamKing, JohnShandley, James
Boote, GeorgeFreeman, JohnKnowles, RichardSheath, Matt.
Booth, ThomasFrost, RobertKnox, WilliamSimcoe, William
Boyle, OwenGardner, JamesLawrence, LewisSimmonds, Francis
Breeze, JohnGoodfellow, WilliamLeach, IsaacSimmonds, Richard
Bridge, HenryGoodwin, WilliamLeary, DanielSmith, George
Brotherton, Benj.Gore, JohnLeeming, JohnSmith, John
Brown, JamesGraves, WilliamLewis, JamesSmith, John
Brown, JohnGreatley, ThomasMarchant, GeorgeSmith, Joseph
Brown, JohnGreen, JamesMartin, DanielSmith, Robert
Buckley, JohnGreenhalgh, RobertMartin, WilliamSnell, John
Burnford, ThomasGriffen, JohnMitchell, JamesSpencer, James Thomas
Burrell, FrancisGrimes, JohnMoore, CharlesSpring, Edward
Butler, HenryGrocott, RichardMoreton, JohnStevens, Thomas
Caddick, SamuelHale, SamuelMoreton, WilliamStockley, John
Cassady, WilliamHall, JohnMorgan, GeorgeSullivan, Timothy
Chadaway, ThomasHannah, JosephMorris, JohnSutton, Richard
Chadwick, EdwardHarris, RobertMortimer, JohnTaylor, John
Clapp, ThomasHarris, ThomasMunday, SamuelTaylor, William
Clark, DanielHarris, WilliamMurphy, EdmundThomas, John
Clarke, WilliamHartland, WilliamMyers, DavidTravers, Augustus
Collins, FrancisHatton, GeorgeNeall, SamuelTyson, William
Collins, JohnHayward, JosephNedon, GeorgeWakefield, Richard
Connolly, ChristopherHearne, BenjaminNeill, TerenceWalker, John
Connor, GeorgeHedges, ThomasNewport, GeorgeWallis, John
Cosgrove, ThomasHolloway, JohnNunn, JohnWalters, Richard
Creswell, HenryHolt, JamesParker, HenryWard, William
Dalton, JamesHopwood, JosephPaul, JohnWells, George
Daniels, ThomasHorseley, WilliamPayne, HenryWenham, Joseph
Davenport, ThomasHunt, WilliamPerring, ThomasWheeler, William
Davis, GeorgeHunt, WilliamPeterkin, JohnWhistance, Samuel
Deroches, CharlesJackson, ThomasPettit, JamesWhite, John
Diprose, StephenJacobs, RalphPrice, SamuelWhite, Thomas
Dobson, RobertJohannes, JohnPuckeridge, JamesWilson, Thomas
Dwyer, JamesJohnson, JohnRankin, RichardWood, George
Earl, WilliamJohnson, JohnRatcliffe, JamesWorger, Thomas
Eden, RobertJohnson, JosephRawley, Robt.Worrall, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Almorah (1) is 180 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, pp.337-345
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.340-341, 382

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