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Details for the ship Active (1791)

Ship Name:Active  
Rig Type:
Build Year:
Size (tons):350
Voyage Details
Master:John Mitchinson
Arrived:26 September 1791
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:0 males & female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allwright, ThomasGirling, ThomasMcDonald, ThomasSenior, John
Ashley, JohnGoldsmith, RobertMcQuin, ThomasSennett, James
Ashworth, JohnGoose, PeterMendoza, AaronSerpleney, Richard
Aston, JamesGordon, WilliamMerritt, WilliamShade, William
Bacchus, EdwardGreen, WilliamMessanger, HenrySheen, Michael
Bailey, PaulGreville, DavidMillion, EdwardSherrard, Thomas
Bailey, RichardGrimes, JohnMorris, WilliamSibery, Charles
Bailey, WilliamHall, JohnMoss, WilliamSimpson, Michael
Bains, JohnHannell, GeorgeMotley, JamesSlater, William
Barnett, GeorgeHarcord, WilliamMounslowe, WilliamSloper, James
Barrington, GeorgeHarris, JohnNewman, WilliamSmith, Isaac
Bartlet, HenryHarrison, JohnNewton, JosephSmith, James
Battersea, RichardHartnell, JohnNichollas, ThomasSmith, John
Bellamy, WilliamHobbs, RobertNixon, WilliamSpiers, Samuel
Betson, JohnHoldis, ThomasNowland, JohnStamper, William
Bevan, DavidHolloway, BenjaminO'Neal, JohnStanton, James
Brewer, JohnHoulsworth, JohnPank, ThomasStewart, James
Brown, ThomasHowland, JamesParry, ThomasSutherland, John
Burgess, ThomasHunt, AnthonyPass, MordecaiSwinney, John
Butler, ThomasHurne, PlunkitPeake, JohnThomas, William
Cameron, AllenHyams, JohnPeart, JohnThompson, John
Cane, JohnIngram, JamesPemberton, JohnThompson, Joseph
Cardle, JohnIsaacs, SamuelPenithorn, PeterThorley, Samuel
Carroll, ThomasIsaacs, SolomonPerkins, ThomasThornton, Brook
Cartland, JamesJeaunex, WilliamPerry, ThomasThurley, Samuel
Cartwright, JohnJenkins, JosephPhealan, JamesTomlin, William
Casey, JohnJones, JohnPhillips, IsraelTomlinson, James
Checkly, WilliamJones, RobertPitt, WilliamTopping, Thomas
Clement, EdwardKeith, AlexanderPocock, JosephTucker, John
Collins, JohnLawrence, RichardPorter, WilliamTurner, Thomas
Cooke, WilliamLee, JohnProsser, JosephTyne, Thomas
Cooper, JosephLee, MichaelPudney, HenryVale, William
Cooper, LucyLee, ThomasPyers, SamuelVerrier, Richard
Crosdale, WilliamLewis, WilliamRansom, RobertWalford, Barnard
Davidson, JohnLockett, ThomasRedford, SamuelWalls, William
Davis, DavidLowder, JamesReeves, WilliamWaring, James
Davis, JamesLukin, JamesRevell, ThomasWatts, William
Davis, JohnManning, CharlesRichardson, RichardWaugh, William
Davis, JosephMarks, SolomonRobinson, JohnWeale, Robert
Davis, SamuelMarlborough, JohnRobson, JosephWebb, Thomas
Denby, WilliamMarsh, EdwardRugless, ThomasWheatley, John
Edwards, JosephMarsh, JohnRushen, RichardWilliamson, Thomas
Evans, RichardMart, JohnSargent, HenryWilson, Thomas
Fisher, DanielMatthews, JosephSaunders, IsaacWimprey, William Henry
Fisher, WilliamMatthews, ThomasSaunders, JosephWood, Thomas
Franklin, JamesMatthews, WilliamSawyer, WilliamWoodward, George
Gapp, JohnMcCawley, JamesScott, James
Gentleman, WilliamMcDonald, EdwardSeaton, Robert

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Active is 190 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.

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