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Details for the ship Shipley (1) (1817)

Ship Name:Shipley (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1805
Size (tons):381
Voyage Details
Master:Lew. W. Moncrief
Surgeon:George W. Clayton
Sailed:18 December 1816
Arrived:24 April 1817
Days Travel:127
Convicts Landed:125 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Atkins, WilliamForbes, DavidMacdonald, ThomasRobarts, John
Bacon, JohnFowler, JohnMacGeary, AlexanderRogers, Thomas
Baker, EnochFrancis, EsauMackenzie, JohnRusher, James
Bates, ThomasGartside, JohnMarshall, HenryRydon, Jeremiah
Bath, EdmundGatehouse, RogerMason, ThomasSavery, William
Bignall, JohnGill, WilliamMcGinnis, AndrewSherwin, Samuel
Blackmore, WilliamGoulding, MichaelMcKay, WilliamSkay, John
Bosworth, MartinGraston, JohnMcNamara, MichaelSkull, William
Breeze, JohnGregg, JohnMetcalf, BenjaminSly, John
Brown, JohnGunning, EdwardMicklewood, ThomasSmith, Benjamin
Brown, JohnGunton, WilliamMoen, JamesSmith, Edward
Brown, JohnHarrison, WilliamMuir, JamesSmith, George
Burton, JohnHart, HenryNelson, CharlesSmith, John
Burton, ThomasHearn, SolomonNiblett, SamuelSteward, Robert
Camburn, RichardHerbert, WilliamNorries, JohnStone, Edward
Campbell, WilliamHide, RichardNox, GeorgeStone, Samuel
Capp, JosephHindson, RobinsonNutt, BenjaminStreet, Thomas
Carter, JohnHipkin, WilliamNutt, JamesSudsbury, John
Carter, RobertHorton, JohnOliver, WilliamTanner, Samuel
Clegg, JohnHoward, ThomasOrr, JamesThomas, John
Clephane, AndrewHutchinson, JamesOsborne, RichardWedlocke, William
Cox, SamuelJones, EdwardOvens, ThomasWheeler, George
Cross, JohnKennedy, ThomasParker, GeorgeWhite, Abraham
Davies, EvanKnights, GeorgePaseland, JohnWhitehorn, Thomas
Death, Ambrose (the elder)Lampier, JohnPearson, JohnWilson, John
Death, Ambrose (the younger)Langton, HenryPendry, HenryWinter, James
Diamond, AnthonyLear, SimonPhillips, DanielWise, Richard
Donakey, JohnLedyard, JamesPleasants, JamesWright, James
Duff, JamesLeet, IsraelPrictor, JamesYoung, George
Duffey, BarnardLewin, DanielPugh, Thomas
Dunn, RobertLock, JohnRandall, Thomas
Elias, AbrahamLupton, SamuelRedgrave, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Shipley (1) is 125 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, pp.317-322
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.340-341, 382

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