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Details for the ship Admiral Barrington (1791)

Ship Name:Admiral Barrington  
Rig Type:
Build Year:
Size (tons):527
Voyage Details
Master:Robert Abbon Marsh
Arrived:16 October 1791
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:0 males & female convicts

List of convict passengers

Able, ThomasEaton, WilliamJustice, JohnReynolds, William
Alderidge, WilliamEdwards, RowlandKemp, JamesRhodes, William
Allen, BenjaminEdwards, WilliamKempton, WilliamRichards, William
Anderson, EdwardElderkin, RobertKennedy, JamesRiley, Thomas
Andrews, ThomasElmer, ThomasKentwell, WilliamRoberts, Edward
Anniball, WilliamEmerson, JohnKern, WilliamRoberts, John
Annison, JamesEvans, GeorgeKimber, JohnRobinson, Edward
Archer, JohnFardoe, RobertKing, JohnRobinson, William
Ash, JamesFarrell, EdwardKirk, WilliamRose, Robert
Aulton, BenjaminFisher, FrancisKirnon, JohnRowd, Richard
Baker, JohnFisher, WilliamLang, LewisRussell, William
Baldwin, HenryFlathers, CharlesLangley, ThomasRutledge, Cuthbert
Bale, WilliamFletcher, ThomasLeach, JamesRyan, Thomas
Banford, ThomasFoster, SamuelLeckey, JohnSalmon, Thomas
Barker, WilliamFowler, WilliamLee, GeorgeSansome, James
Barland, BenjaminFrance, JohnLeicester, JosephScott, Thomas
Barnes, JohnFrancis, ThomasLewis, EdmundScupholme, Thomas
Barry, JohnFranks, JohnLewis, JohnShannon, Michael
Barton, DennisFrazier, WilliamLittle, ThomasSharp, Robert
Beazett, JohnFuller, WilliamLondon, JohnSmallwood, John
Beeby, MosesGates, JohnLucas, JamesSmith, Edward
Bellingham, JohnGaynty, TimothyMacey, CharlesSmith, Henry
Belton, WilliamGill, HughMalpas, CharlesSmith, John
Bevan, ThomasGlover, JamesManners, ThomasSmith, Joseph
Biggs, WilliamGodbar, WilliamManning, ThomasSmith, Thomas
Bishop, RobertGoodall, WilliamMarsh, GilesSmith, William
Blackburn, JohnGould, JohnMartin, JamesSmith, William
Booth, WilliamGrant, WilliamMcCarthy, DennisSouthgate, James
Bourn, ThomasGray, AndrewMcCloud, JohnSouthwell, William
Bragger, JohnGraydwy, HenryMcCloud, NealSpeak, Richard
Brain, JosephGreen, JohnMcDermot, AmbroseSpencer, Thomas
Bretcher, WilliamGreen, LukeMcDonald, AlexanderSpringthorpe, William
Brown, CharlesGreen, ThomasMcFee, DanielStackhouse, John
Burch, JohnGriffiths, EdwardMcLaughlin, PeterStevens, William
Burne, JohnGriffiths, NathanMepham, EdwardStreet, Richard
Cameron, DanielGriffiths, WilliamMeredith, WilliamSutcliffe, Simon
Camponey, GeorgeGrissell, BenjaminMiles, BenjaminSutton, Thomas
Carr, GeorgeGutteridge, RichardMoody, ThomasTaylor, Benjamin
Carr, VincentGyatt, JohnMorgan, WilliamThomas, James
Carter, JohnHallsall, ThomasMunday, ThomasThomas, Joshua
Carty, DennisHandlin, ChristopherMunser, ThomasThorne, William
Cates, WilliamHarding, WilliamMurray, ThomasThorowgood, Edward
Chalmers, RobertHarris, WilliamNeal, HenryTimms, William
Chamberlayne, JamesHeathcote, JohnNeale, ThomasToone, John
Chapman, WilliamHeely, ThomasNelson, JamesTopping, William
Chatfield, AbrahamHell, JohnNicholls, IsaacToulmin, John
Collins, IsaacHellyer, StephenNotting, JosephTriplow, William
Collins, JosephHerod, JohnO'Brien, JohnUnderwood, James
Collins, RichardHoldsworth, GeorgeO'Donnell, MichaelVandiest, John
Conant, ThomasHole, WilliamOliver, SamuelVaughan, Edward
Conolly, JohnHolgate, JosephOrmond, JamesWard, John
Cook, JohnHolloghan, FrancisOsbourne, JosephWard, Richard
Cook, WilliamHooke, WilliamOttway, RichardWard, Thomas
Cornelius, JohnHope, ThomasPartridge, JamesWest, John
Corron, JohnHousland, CharlesPartridge, WilliamWest, Thomas
Cowan, BenjaminHoy, LaurencePashley, GeorgeWhite, William
Coxhead, ThomasHumerstone, JohnPawley, JohnWickes, John
Crofts, JohnHumphries, RichardPayton, ThomasWilkinson, John
Cunningham, ThomasHutchins, WilliamPegge, JosephWillets, Samuel
Darby, WilliamIbbell, CharlesPenn, ThomasWilliams, John
Davis, EdwardInglish, MatthewPerkins, JosephWilliams, Moses
Davis, HumphreyJackson, JamesPhillips, NicholasWilliamson, Thomas
Davis, WilliamJacques, JohnPierpoint, MatthewWilson, William
Dent, GeorgeJauffs, RobertPollard, ThomasWindsor, James
Diprose, JamesJeff, ThomasPollard, WilliamWood, John
Dixon, JosephJeffrey, JohnPorter, JohnWood, John
Dollis, AlexanderJohnson, ThomasPortsmouth, JamesWright, Aaron
Doody, JohnJones, EdwardPrice, HenryWright, William
Dorman, ThomasJones, JamesPrice, JamesWynn, Lawrence
Downing, EbenezerJones, JohnProctor, JamesYoung, James
Drew, GeorgeJones, SamuelRamsay, George
Dyke, WilliamJones, WilliamRandall, Paul
Earl, JosephJordan, SamuelReeves, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Admiral Barrington is 289 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.

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