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Details for the ship Atlantic (1791)

Ship Name:Atlantic  
Rig Type:
Build Year:
Size (tons):422
Voyage Details
Master:Archibald Armstrong
Arrived:20 August 1791
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:0 males & female convicts

List of convict passengers

Ableton, RichardGates, JohnKnowles, JamesRich, James Le
Alford, ThomasGiles, JohnKnowles, JohnRidge, Richard
Archer, JonasGlade, JohnLavers, JohnRidout, William
Baker, GilbertGorrick, IsaacLee, JosephRivers, George
Baker, WilliamGosling, JamesLewis, JamesRoach, William
Barnes, JohnGrant, WilliamLewis, JohnRobins, George
Bowerman, FrancisGreen, WilliamLey, JohnRogers, George
Brady, JohnGrove, RichardLindsay, JohnRogers, Nicholas
Brewer, WilliamHagger, JohnLintern, HoptonRowden, Francis
Brewer, WilliamHague, JamesLise, JamesSalmon, William
Brice, JohnHaley, ThomasLloyd, WilliamSanders, Thomas
Brocker, JonathanHamilton, ThomasLong, AmbroseSapley, John
Brocker, JonathanHart, JonasLong, SamuelSavord, Robert
Brown, ThomasHart, WilliamLong, WilliamSeaman, Robert
Bruce, JamesHartley, ThomasLord, SimeonSears, John
Bullock, JosephHaslam, RobertLorring, JohnSellock, Thomas
Burgess, JohnHaycraft, JohnLovell, WilliamSewell, Daniel
Burris, JohnHead, WilliamLucas, JosephSharples, George
Calvert, JohnHeard, JohnMartin, JohnShaw, William
Candell, JohnHeard, ThomasMartin, ThomasSilverwood, Charles
Cann, JohnHenning, CorneliusMason, DavidSimmons, John
Capen, RobertHester, WilliamMayne, JohnSkelton, Henry
Carpenter, ThomasHetheridge, ThomasMcKay, JohnSmallwood, Joseph
Castletine, EdwardHindle, EdwardMerchant, GeorgeSmith, Samuel
Chew, GeorgeHindle, OttiwellMerryman, JohnSneedon, John
Collins, WilliamHobbs, ThomasMiles, JohnSparrow, James
Cook, WilliamHolford, CharlesMills, ThomasStanbury, George
Cope, JohnHopkins, JohnMoore, WilliamStevenson, William
Cotton, WilliamHorn, RobertMorgan, JohnStout, John
Courtin, JohnHorrocks, ThomasMorgan, MorganSummers, John
Crews, NicholasHorsford, WilliamMorgan, ThomasThomas, Francis
Cross, ThomasHoughton, SamuelMorris, JohnThomas, John
Cruger, WilliamHounsley, WilliamMortlake, JamesThompson, George
Dall, JohnHow, WilliamMurphy, JohnTurpin, Stephen
David, HenryHoward, JohnNeale, JohnTyler, Nathaniel
Davies, JamesHoward, ThomasNeels, WilliamUram, Zimeam
Davis, JohnHoyle, HenryNewhouse, MichaelWallham, John
Densham, DavidHughes, JamesNewman, GeorgeWalton, Thomas
Dignam, JohnHunt, WilliamNorris, HenryWanon, Timothy
Dodd, ChristopherHutchings, RichardNoy, WalterWarren, John
Dunstan, DavidJames, HarryNurse, JohnWebber, Simon
Dyer, JohnJames, RobertOllaway, JamesWelch, James
Dymond, ThomasJames, RobertParker, JohnWellings, John
Eady, JohnJames, ThomasPeachy, WilliamWells, Robert
Edney, JohnJames, WilliamPease, ThomasWhite, Richard
Edwards, EdwardJenkins, ThomasPennalerrick, ThomasWhittington, Thomas
Edwards, FrancisJones, JohnPerks, JamesWickham, Edward
Edwards, JohnJones, JohnPhillips, ThomasWilliams, Pearpoint Walter
Evans, FrancisJones, JohnPickering, WilliamWilson, John
Evans, JamesJones, ThomasPinnell, WilliamWilson, Richard
Everett, ElikerJones, ThomasPlayer, LukeWood, Charles
Flemming, JohnJordan, WilliamPonsford, ZachariahWood, George
Fowler, NathanielKappen, HenryPrice, JohnWood, John
Fowles, ThomasKendrick, SamuelPrice, ThomasWoodland, George
Galley, Michael FrancisKing, JamesPulling, SamuelWorcester, John
Gardner, ThomasKingston, RobertReynolds, EdwardWornell, Peter
Gatehouse, JohnKnight, WilliamReynolds, Richard BealeYoung, Peter

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Atlantic is 228 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.

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