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Details for the ship Asia I (1) (1820)

Ship Name:Asia I (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1819
Size (tons):532
Voyage Details
Master:James Morice
Surgeon:William B. Carlyle
Sailed:3 September 1820
Arrived:28 December 1820
Days Travel:116
Convicts Landed:189 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, WilliamDunn, AndrewLangley, AndrewPinnell, Samuel
Armstrong, JohnDyde, EdwardLawrence, BenjaminPollard, Wentworth
Astley, SamuelEarl, JohnLeitch, DugaldPonting, Joseph
Attwood, MatthewEason, JamesLewis, CharlesPorter, Jacob
Bailey, WilliamEvans, JamesLewis, WilliamPreddy, Walter
Baker, DanielFergusson, JohnLightfoot, ThomasPreston, Joseph
Baker, ThomasFordyce, JohnLivingstone, MalcolmRea, William
Bartlett, RobertFrench, ThomasLloyd, BenjaminReady, John
Bates, JohnGallochar, MichaelLloyd, JohnReardon, Denis
Bates, WilliamGavinloch, ChristopherMacDonald, EdwardReece, Charles (the younger)
Bell, JohnGerrard, ThomasMackay, JohnReed, Thomas
Berridge, JohnGorton, WilliamMartin, JamesRichardson, John
Blackbourn, CharlesGrant, WilliamMay, JamesRoberts, John
Blake, JohnGreig, WilliamMaydew, SolomonRobinson, William
Blanchard, JamesGuiton, WilliamMcColl, JamesSavage, Jonathan
Blott, ThomasGulson, OliverMcCurdy, JohnSeymour, George
Boyle, JohnHalliday, JohnMcDonald, AlexanderShaw, William
Brett, WilliamHancox, JohnMcDonald, JohnSheen, William
Brooks, JosephHarrington, ThomasMcDonald, JohnSiborn, William
Brown, WilliamHaughham, JohnMcDonald, RobertSimcox, George
Brown, WilliamHayward, JamesMcDonald, WilliamSmith, James
Browning, GeorgeHealey, GeorgeMcLean, DonaldSmith, John
Bult, WilliamHenley, GeorgeMcLean, HughSmith, John
Bunn, WilliamHeys, DavidMcLeod, GilbertSmith, William
Bursill, WilliamHill, JohnMcMillan, JohnSmith, William
Cameron, AlexanderHolland, WilliamMiller, GeorgeStapleton, John
Cassell, GabrielHopwood, JohnMills, JosephStephens, Frederick
Chillingworth, JacobHudson, JohnMoore, EdwardStevens, William
Clark, WilliamHunter, ThomasMoors, GeorgeStocks, Samuel
Cock, ThomasHutchings, WilliamMoran, JamesStow, Samuel
Collins, PatrickIreland, RobertMorrison, WilliamStroud, George
Connell, JohnJames, RichardMoses, JacobSwain, John
Constantine, WilliamJefferies, JohnMurphy, JamesTaylor, John
Cooke, RobertJohnson, Benjamin (the younger)Neilson, JamesThorpe, George
Cooper, WilliamJohnson, RobertNesmith, JamesTurner, James Edward
Copner, ThomasJohnson, WilliamNewington, JesseUley, James
Corns, Thomas BaileyJohnson, WilliamNewman, JohnWalter, William
Cox, DanielJones, JohnNish, GeorgeWatkins, Samuel
Cox, JosephJones, JohnOwen, ThomasWhite, John
Cox, ThomasJones, MichaelPaine, JohnWilkinson, John
Cruttenden, JohnJones, WilliamPalmer, StephenWilliams, John
Curtis, WilliamKailman, WilliamPalmer, WilliamWilliams, Thomas
Davenport, SamuelKarney, RichardPannifer, JohnWilliamson, James
Davidson, WilliamKearney, JamesParker, HenryWinterbottom, William
Davies, WilliamKitchen, WilliamPaterson, ThomasWylie, Robert
Dean, SamuelLacey, ThomasPearson, ThomasYoung, Thomas
Dougherty, JamesLancashire, JohnPerks, William
Drover, JamesLang, John RobertsonPike, Theodore

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Asia I (1) is 190 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/3, pp.373-382
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.342-343, 383

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