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Details for the ship Grenada (2) (1821)

Ship Name:Grenada (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1810
Size (tons):408
Voyage Details
Master:Andrew McDonald
Surgeon:Peter Cunningham
Sailed:9 May 1821
Arrived:16 September 1821
Days Travel:130
Convicts Landed:152 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Andrews, FrancisDorsett, ThomasLee, WilliamRodger, John
Andrews, JamesDownes, CharlesLewis, WilliamRolls, George
Armstrong, ThomasEdwards, RichardLinton, CharlesSaunders, John
Atherley, JosephElmer, JamesLloyd, ThomasShreeve, James
Bagshaw, WilliamFains, WilliamLock, JonathanShreeve, James (the younger)
Baker, JamesFisher, WilliamLock, RobertSmith, George
Barker, JohnFortiscue, JohnLong, WilliamSmith, Henry
Barratt, SamuelFrazer, JohnLow, DanielSmith, Thomas
Baxter, JohnGalliford, JamesLowick, ThomasSowden, John
Beckett, BenjaminGandy, JamesLowndes, WilliamSpooner, William
Beckett, WilliamGent, ThomasMalcolm, PeterSummerfield, William
Bedford, BenjaminGeorge, HumphreyMarshall, PeterSuter, John
Bell, WilliamGlover, WilliamMartin, John ThomasTaylor, Henry
Blackburn, JohnGoodall, ThomasMold, JohnThain, Robert
Bran, WilliamGriffin, JohnMorgan, ThomasThaxter, Joseph
Briant, JohnGriffiths, CharlesMurphy, John CooperThompson, William
Brown, John (the elder)Grundy, JohnMurphy, PeterTyler, Peter
Brown, ThomasHancox, WilliamMurray, HenryUpton, Thomas
Burns, LawrenceHarbison, RobertMycock, JamesVaughan, William
Burrow, MarmadukeHarris, HenryNewman, JohnWalker, Thomas
Butchard, PeterHarris, JamesNowell, JonathanWarnes, George
Cains, WilliamHaughty, WilliamOldham, GeorgeWebster, Robert
Carr, GeorgeHemmings, JohnOrford, GeorgeWhitaker, George
Carr, ThomasHibbard, JohnOsborne, ThomasWhite, Stephen
Carroll, WilliamHoulding, JosephOwen, WilliamWhite, Thomas
Castle, JoshuaJackson, JeremiahPaddick, StephenWilcox, James
Chantler, WilliamJacobs, JamesPalmer, AdamWild, Joseph
Church, JamesJames, CharlesParadio, AntonioWilliams, George
Clebony, ThomasJohnson, BenjaminParker, ThomasWilliams, John
Cohen, RobertJohnson, FrancisPattle, SamuelWilliams, John
Collis, RobertJohnson, StephenPeacock, ThomasWilliams, Robert
Cranmer, WilliamJones, GeorgePenny, WilliamWilliams, Thomas
Daddy, ThomasKellett, JamesPhillips, JamesWoollard, William
Dagwell, GeorgeKelly, JohnPitcher, RobertWorthington, Richard
Darch, JohnLangbridge, JohnPitchers, JohnWright, George
Davis, JohnLayton, EdwardRent, JohnWright, John
Dean, JohnLazarus, LewisRestall, RichardWright, John
Devine, JohnLee, HenryRichardson, WilliamYates, Edward

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Grenada (2) is 152 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/4, pp.27-34
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.344-345, 383

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