List of convict passengers
Allen, James | Earle, John | Jewlin, William | Robinson, Thomas |
Allen, John | Evans, David | Johnson, Edward | Russell, Jacob |
Andrews, Joseph | Evatt, Thomas | Johnson, Thomas | Russell, John |
Atkins, Joseph | Fenwell, Robert | Jones, James | Salmon, George Thomas |
Barney, Joseph | Flannagan, Patrick | Jones, John | Savage, William |
Bates, Joseph | Forsyth, John | Jones, Thomas | Scott, Walter |
Beaver, Thomas | Fossett, Robert | Jones, Thomas | Shadwick, George |
Beecroft, Felix | Fossett, William | Jones, William | Shirley, James |
Belbin, James | Francis, Job | Jones, William | Short, Roger |
Belfort, Jacob | Free, Samuel | Joseph, William | Skilling, Stephen |
Bellow, George | Fry, George | Kelly, Benjamin | Skinner, Richard |
Berkley, Charles | Fryer, Valentine | King, John | Slater, Robert |
Blower, James | Galloway, Timothy | Lewis, Edward | Smith, Thomas |
Bough, Benjamin | Garmont, William | Lovell, George | Smith, William |
Brien, Daniel | George, Charles | Lynch, William | Solomons, Simon |
Bristol, Joseph | Gillett, John | Marshall, John | Spooner, James |
Broughton, John | Goss, John | McGee, Thomas | Stanyard, Samuel |
Bryan, Daniel | Grant, George | Mills, Benjamin | Steel, John |
Buck, Henry | Grave, John | Mince, William | Stevens, Thomas |
Burgin, William | Greaves, Benjamin | Mitchell, William | Stevenson, Thomas |
Burn, Bartholomew | Greenbank, Thomas | Moore, John | Strickland, William |
Carpenter, James | Groves, Thomas | Mordecai, Joseph | Tanner, William |
Cassady, Thomas | Gurney, Richard | Murphy, George | Taylor, Abraham |
Clay, William | Hallum, Robert | Murphy, James | Taylor, John |
Cock, Francis | Hardy, John | Murphy, Thomas | Tirey, James |
Coleman, Richard | Harper, William | Nash, George | Tuck, Thomas |
Conaway, Joseph | Harrigan, Teague | Newton, James | Wallace, George |
Cooper, Charles | Harris, John | Nicholson, John | Ward, John |
Cooper, Edward | Harvey, William | Nolt, William | Ward, Thomas |
Cox, Robert | Haynes, Richard | Owens, John | Watts, Thomas Pardoe |
Cozens, Samuel | Hepworth, John | Palmer, Thomas | Welch, Edward |
Craft, Samuel | Holdway, John | Parkes, Thomas | Welsteade, Joseph |
Crofts, Samuel | Hollis, William | Parsons, William | Weston, James |
Cross, Thomas | Holyoak, Thomas | Pate, Benjamin | Weston, Stainer |
Curry, John | Homer, Thomas | Peters, James | White, Thomas |
Dalton, Joseph | Howard, John | Place, John | Wilbow, James |
Davis, William | Huckles, Thomas | Powis, Thomas | Williams, Edward |
Daw, William | Hughes, John | Price, Samuel | Wilson, George |
Delaney, John | Huxley, Thomas | Pritchard, William | Wood, Thomas |
Derry, Thomas | Hyams, Thomas | Ransom, Thomas | Woolerton, Thomas |
Duncombe, William | Jackson, Henry | Richards, John | Wright, Samuel |
Dutton, Henry | James, William | Richards, William | |
Dyers, James | Jarvis, John | Roberts, Richard | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Salamander is 170 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.