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Details for the ship Lady Ridley (1821)

Ship Name:Lady Ridley  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1813
Size (tons):373
Voyage Details
Master:Robert Weir
Surgeon:James Wilson
Sailed:14 January 1821
Arrived:27 June 1821
Days Travel:164
Convicts Landed:137 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, FrancisDavy, JosephHurst, JosephSingleton, William
Addy, RichardDavy, ReubenHutchinson, ThomasSmith, Charles
Allott, DavidDent, ThomasJackson, CharlesSmith, David
Atkinson, RobertDickinson, RobertJackson, EdwardSmith, John
Bailey, JohnDooley, JohnJackson, RalphSmith, Thomas
Bairnes, ThomasDraper, WilliamJohnson, JohnSmith, William
Baker, HenryDunnon, JohnJohnson, ThomasSomerville, Charles
Bale, WilliamElmes, BenjaminJones, GeorgeSouthall, Samuel
Bannister, MosesEnock, WilliamJones, ThomasStansfield, Charles
Banton, WilliamFaircloth, JohnKelly, WilliamStanton, William
Barker, JamesFirth, JosephKendall, JohnStapleton, Joseph William
Bayley, JohnFoster, EnochKing, WilliamSummers, William
Beard, SamuelFoxall, WilliamKirwan, WilliamSykes, William
Bell, JohnGlare, JamesLemon, WilliamTaylor, William
Bell, RobertGreenhill, RobertLindley, JohnTempleman, William
Benfield, JohnGrosvenor, WilliamLovell, EdwardThomas, George
Benwell, WilliamGrundy, IsaacMarsh, JohnThompsett, Henry
Berry, WilliamGwillym, SamuelMaslen, WilliamThompson, William
Bromwich, WilliamHaines, WilliamMatheson, JohnTilling, John
Brown, JohnHall, JohnMcFarlane, WilliamTonks, Richard
Brown, MichaelHalsey, JohnMeers, AlexanderVerey, John
Budd, WilliamHalworth, JamesMellor, ThomasVickers, John
Burkinshaw, JohnHanger, SamuelNewton, WilliamWaldron, Joseph
Calley, ThomasHanson, BenjaminNicholls, WilliamWaters, Richard
Carey, PeterHarris, JohnNichols, WilliamWebster, James
Chapiel, JosephHarrison, SamuelPeacock, JohnWhittaker, William
Clanson, RichardHaynes, GeorgeRaby, JeremiahWilcock, John
Clutterbuck, JamesHeath, John ScottRice, WilliamWilks, Matthew
Cole, MarkHolmes, WilliamRogers, BenjaminWilliams, Edward
Cole, WilliamHolward, WilliamRogers, GeorgeWilliams, John
Comstive, WilliamHooley, ThomasRudge, WilliamWinslaw, John
Condliffe, JohnHorton, JohnRyley, JamesWood, James
Cooper, WilliamHorton, ThomasSeaman, JohnWood, Thomas
Copestick, Henry HadenHoye, SamuelShaw, Thomas
Cridland, JamesHughes, EdwardSimpson, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lady Ridley is 138 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/4, pp.1-7
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.356-357, 383

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