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Details for the ship William and Ann (1791)

Ship Name:William and Ann  
Rig Type:
Build Year:
Size (tons):370
Voyage Details
Master:Eber Bunker
Arrived:28 August 1791
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:0 males & female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allen, SamuelDorrington, JohnKair, JohnSkipwith, Peter
Andrew, RobertDrewett, WilliamLangston, JamesSlater, Luke W
Archer, GeorgeDunn, MichaelLevy, JacobSmith, Edward
Atkins, JohnEdwards, JohnLevy, JosephSmith, George
Barton, JohnEllis, JosephLittler, GeorgeSmith, James
Barwick, CharlesEvans, JamesLoveday, EdwardSmith, Jeremiah
Bates, WilliamFalconer, AlexanderLovegrove, WilliamSmith, John
Battaley, JohnField, ThomasLoverett, BenjaminSmith, John
Beadle, WilliamFitzgerald, PeterMaddocks, PeterSmith, Samuel
Best, GeorgeFitzgerald, RichardMartin, HenrySmith, William
Bevin, GeorgeFoster, ThomasMartin, JohnSmith, William
Bigg, StephenFrancis, JohnMcCarty, JamesSparrow, Peter
Biggs, JamesFrancis, PeterMcDonald, JohnStedman, Phillip
Booth, JosephFuller, JamesMcGuire, EdwardStevens, Thomas
Bowman, JohnGardner, GibbonMeek, WilliamStick, Matthew
Boyer, JohnGaskin, ThomasMillan, GeorgeStocks, George
Bradley, ArthurGay, WilliamMillen, GeorgeSwales, John
Bradley, JamesGolding, RobertMills, RobertSykes, Thomas
Branch, HenryGoodman, WilliamMinific, RichardThompson, Bishop
Bridge, JosephGost, JohnMortimer, RichardTilson, Joseph
Brooks, JamesGregory, JosephNewman, JohnTucker, Joseph
Brooks, WilliamGregory, ThomasNorman, WilliamTucker, Samuel
Brown, EdwardGroves, ThomasNormington, LukeTurner, John
Brown, JohnHaigh, WilliamOwston, JohnTurner, Robert
Brown, WilliamHall, GeorgePage, JamesTurner, William
Butcher, JohnHall, JamesParkhurst, JohnWamstead, James
Butt, WilliamHalton, DavidParrott, JamesWard, Joseph
Byron, HenryHalton, RobertPaterson, GeorgeWass, Joseph
Camp, AbrahamHarly, BenjaminPawson, RobertWatkins, William
Campbell, JosephHarrison, RichardPayne, JamesWeaver, John
Carr, FrancisHart, JohnPearce, JohnWelch, William
Carr, RogerHaswell, RobertPearson, SamuelWestgarth, John
Castle, ThomasHay, ThomasPeatman, MilesWetherill, John
Chester, JamesHaynes, JosephPotter, HezekiahWhite, Philip
Clifford, JohnHazelwood, WilliamProsser, HenryWhite, William
Clissold, AmbroseHiggins, JosephRaynor, WilliamWhitter, John
Connor, DennisHill, ThomasReardon, DennisWilkinson, William
Cornelius, IsaacHobbett, WilliamReid, JohnWilliams, Charles
Cornwall, IsaacHodgkins, ThomasReynolds, JamesWilliams, John
Cornwall, IsaacHollings, WilliamRichards, WilliamWilliams, Robert
Cousins, ThomasHorton, DavidRickley, ThomasWood, George
Daniel, RobertHorton, RobertRoberts, JamesWood, John
Daniels, JohnHowgate, SamuelRobinson, JohnWoodfield, Thomas
Davenport, WilliamHughes, RichardRose, JosephWoodhouse, Thomas
Davis, JohnHumphreys, GeorgeSanderson, William JnrWoodhouse, William
Davis, JohnHunt, JohnScott, WilliamYates, Joseph
Dixon, GeorgeJackson, RobertShaw, William
Dixon, JohnJames, PhillipShepherd, John
Dixon, WilliamJohnson, SamuelSilvester, Jonas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship William and Ann is 193 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.

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