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Details for the ship Albion (1) (1823)

Ship Name:Albion (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1813
Size (tons):479
Voyage Details
Master:W.R. Best
Surgeon:James A. Mercer
Sailed:20 May 1823
Arrived:21 October 1823
Days Travel:154
Convicts Landed:200 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Again, WilliamDearman, JacobJohnson, WilliamPurser, Thomas
Allen, JohnDodd, JamesJones, JamesReader, Frederick
Angell, WilliamDunkley, Thomas (the elder)Jones, JohnReeder, Jonathan
Armitage, JosephEagles, DavidJones, RichardReeve, William
Baker, WilliamEdwards, JohnJones, WilliamRhodes, Samuel
Balls, John (the younger)Edwards, RichardKemball, RichardRhodes, William
Bannister, GeorgeEvans, SamuelKennedy, JohnRoberts, Robert
Barker, WilliamFarrant, HenryKing, JamesRobinson, Charles
Barlow, CharlesFellows, GeorgeKingston, BenjaminRogers, James
Barnaby, WilliamFennell, JamesKirby, JohnRowling, Edward
Barnes, DavidFletcher, AmbroseKnight, JohnRussell, Samuel
Barrington, JohnFoster, WilliamKnowles, ThomasSandford, John
Basford, WilliamFranklin, GeorgeLavender, ReubenSaunders, James
Beal, JohnFranklin, RobertLawley, JamesScholfield, William
Beamon, JohnGardner, JamesLee, BenjaminSheasby, George
Belcher, JohnGavin, JohnLee, JohnShore, John
Birch, WilliamGee, EdwardLewry, WilliamSilva, Manuel
Blackburn, ThomasGibbons, JosiahLilley, WilliamSkinner, Dennis
Booth, EdmundGilbert, JohnLord, JohnSloggett, Joseph
Bowyers, JamesGooch, George LonsdaleLydiate, ThomasSmith, Owen
Brewer, RobertGordon, RobertLynch, JohnSmith, William
Bright, WilliamGray, RobertMackrell, JosephSnook, James
Brookes, CharlesGreen, SolomonMadden, WilliamSparke, John
Brown, ThomasGreenwood, JamesMarsh, DavidStaines, James
Brown, ThomasGriffin, HenryMarshall, HenryStubberfield, William
Bull, ThomasHackett, CharlesMcCorville, WilliamSutton, Richard
Bully, JohnHadfield, WilliamMerringham, JohnSwallow, Joseph
Bunton, JosephHaines, HenryMilkin, JosephSykes, William
Burrett, MosesHall, GeorgeMillard, FrancisSymons, Moses
Bush, WilliamHall, MatthewMiller, JamesThompson, Joseph
Buxton, JosephHancock, RobertMilsom, JacobThornley, John
Byron, WilliamHardinge, CharlesMorrell, JoshuaTierney, Matthew
Callendar, JamesHaslam, JamesMorton, GeorgeTool, Stephen
Case, HenryHatchell, ThomasMurray, JohnViginton, George
Chandler, MosesHatfield, WilliamNewman, GeorgeWalford, Edmund
Chapman, WilliamHenley, ThomasNewman, JamesWaller, James
Christopher, WilliamHiggins, LukeOsborn, ThomasWarburton, John
Clayton, James PattesonHoad, CharlesOwen, WilliamWatson, William
Clough, JamesHoe, JohnPalmer, JamesWebber, John
Coniner, WilliamHolden, JamesParker, JosephWeston, Henry
Cooper, BenjaminHolden, SamuelPearce, SamuelWhatford, John Camfield
Corker, HenryHolt, EleazerPearce, ThomasWheeler, Francis
Cowell, JamesHough, EdwardPeel, RobertWhitlock, William
Cox, JamesHoward, HenryPennell, MatthewWickham, Edward
Crossingham, JohnHubbard, GeorgePhillips, SampsonWinn, Robert
Cullen, JohnIngman, WilliamPratt, DavidWinters, William
Daniels, JamesJames, JosephPriest, GeorgeWood, James
Darby, JoshuaJefferies, ThomasProuten, CorneliusWood, Wright
Davis, RobertJohnson, JamesProuten, FrancisWorland, Thomas
Dearing, JohnJohnson, RichardPryor, IsaacWright, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Albion (1) is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/5, pp.49-59

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