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Details for the ship Pitt (1792)

Ship Name:Pitt  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1780
Size (tons):775
Voyage Details
Master:Edward Manning
Sailed:17 July 1791
Arrived:14 February 1792
Route:St. Jago, Rio de Janeiro
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:319 males & 49 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abel, WilliamDickerson, TimothyKeeling, WilliamRossiter, John
Agnew, JamesDickinson, ThomasKelly, EleanorRowland, John
Alcock, RobertDimmock, JamesKing, AnnRussell, Thomas
Alden, CharlesDiston, WilliamKirk, SarahRyder, Thomas
Allen, JohnDorling, DominicusKnapton, RobertSalt, Samuel
Allen, WilliamDouglass, JohnLane, JamesSaville, William
Andrey, JohnDower, JohnLangster, JohnScott, John
Angus, JamesDuckett, JamesLawrie, HellenSeager, Philip
Aspland, MiahDuke, JohnLeggett, RobertSeals, William
Atkinson, AnnDurrant, JonathanLeighton, JamesSelwyn, Elizabeth
Audrey, JosephEdwards, JamesLewis, WilliamShaw, William
Barber, GeorgeEdwards, JohnLilley, RichardShepherd, John
Barnard, ThomasEdwards, ThomasLinch, MaryShrieve, Elizabeth
Bartlett, WilliamEnnis, JamesLovegrove, CharlesShrieve, Robert
Barton, RichardEvans, CharlesLoveless, DavidShuker, Richard
Bates, ThomasEvans, GeorgeMackay, JohnSimmonds, John
Beale, CharlesEvans, JamesMalcolm, JohnSimmons, Charles
Beale, JamesEvans, ThomasManning, JamesSimonds, George James
Bean, AbrahamFairnington, JamesMarcus, JosephSimpson, Charles
Beckworth, WilliamFarrell, LydiaMartin, GeorgeSimpson, David
Beeby, GeorgeFarrell, MatthewMartin, ThomasSingleton, William
Bennett, DanielFennell, WilliamMassey, JohnSmallwood, Joseph
Bennett, JohnFerguson, AlexanderMassey, JohnSmith, George
Benning, JosephFerguson, KatharineMay, JohnSmith, John
Bentley, JohnFerris, WilliamMcCannon, WilliamSmith, John
Berry, GeorgeFielding, RobertMcDonald, AlexanderSmith, Mary
Bevan, JohnFisher, HannahMcDonald, JohnSmith, Mary
Biffen, JamesFitzjohn, WilliamMcKenzie, AmeliaSmith, Patrick
Bingley, MatthewFitzsummers, EdwardMcKenzie, LawrenceSmith, Thomas
Bishop, CharlesFord, AnnMcKenzie, ThomasSmith, Thomas
Bishop, JohnFoxall, WilliamMeadows, WilliamSmith, William
Blackstone, StephenFranklin, RobertMiell, DianaSnowden, Andrew
Blinkworth, JohnFuge, NicholasMills, MatthewSouthey, Joshua
Bond, JamesFurnaell, WilliamMolison, GeorgeSparrow, John
Bonnick, WilliamGadd, WilliamMolloy, John FrancisSpencer, George
Bonnyman, JamesGammon, WilliamMorris, WilliamStanton, Humphrey
Booth, HenryGardner, CharlesMoseley, DanielStarr, John
Bowers, JeremiahGarside, SamuelMoss, JohnStevenson, John
Boyd, WilliamGayton, ThomasMoulds, ThomasStewart, George
Bradley, JohnGibson, JohnMuldroch, JamesStiles, Philip
Brains, HenryGilberthorpe, ThomasMunday, JaneStone, James
Breeze, RobertGlister, WilliamMurray, KennedyStraker, David
Briggs, WilliamGlossop, AnnNeale, ArchibaldStubbs, Jonathan
Brodie, RobertGodfrey, JohnNeedham, ThomasSutton, Richard
Bromwell, ThomasGoodman, ThomasNellis, JohnSwain, Mary
Brooks, Ann (the elder)Goodwin, WilliamNewland, AnnTate, William
Brooks, Ann (the younger)Gosling, RichardNewman, JosephTaylor, John
Brown, AnnGrafton, ThomasNumar, WilliamTaylor, John
Brown, DavidGraham, EuphamNursey, ThomasTaylor, William
Brown, MaryGregory, WilliamOrford, JohnTempleman, James
Brown, ThomasGriffiths, ThomasOrton, ThomasThomas, Joseph
Bryant, CatherineGuy, JohnOwen, MaryThompson, Thomas
Bryant, WilliamHall, JosephOwen, RichardThomson, Andrew
Buckner, ReubenHammond, RichardOwen, WilliamTodd, Lewis
Buckridge, DanielHandley, JohnPage, GeorgeTomlinson, William
Bull, EleanorHanson, JohnPage, ThomasTough, William
Bumpstead, RobertHarcombe, RobertPage, WilliamTwedie, William
Burge, WilliamHarman, JohnPalmer, RichardTyler, William
Burgess, RobertHarris, JobParsons, MaryVaughan, William
Burridge, WilliamHarrison, WilliamPartridge, MaryWaddell, Alexander
Burton, RachaelHart, JohnPatrick, John RichardWade, Elizabeth Ann
Butler, JamesHayes, AnnPaul, JohnWalbey, John
Butterfield, JohnHayes, AnnPavey, GeorgeWarren, Thomas
Bynon, JamesHaylewood, JohnPayne, RichardWatkins, Jane
Campbell, MilesHayman, RichardPearless, WilliamWatkins, William
Carter, RichardHaynes, WilliamPearson, JohnWatson, Alexander
Chapman, WilliamHearding, WilliamPearson, JohnWattling, Thomas
Church, EdwardHearley, NathanielPellinger, JamesWayman, William
Clark, CeciliaHeath, JohnPennington, JohnWaymouth, Thomas
Clark, JamesHerbert, ThomasPerkins, SamuelWebb, James
Clark, JohnHernyman, BettyPetty, ThomasWheatley, Hannah
Clark, JohnHiggins, JamesPiercy, JosephWhite, Thomas
Clements, JohnHilton, CharlesPlatt, GeorgeWhiteman, John
Clifford, JosephHolland, JamesPlucknett, RichardWhittaker, Edward
Clifton, RichardHolmes, JosephPointer, ThomasWhyzall, Vincent
Cloud, RichardHolt, JamesPorter, SamuelWickes, Thomas
Collins, EleanorHouse, MaryPrice, GeorgeWickham, Edward
Connor, JamesHoward, HenryPrice, ThomasWilkins, John
Cook, GeorgeHughes, JohnPriest, EdwardWilkinson, John
Cook, Maria AnnHugo, Mary AnnPritchard, James TomlinsWilkinson, Thomas
Cooke, HenryHumphries, JosephProdger, ThomasWilliam, John
Cooper, JohnHutton, WilliamPybus, JohnWilliams, Henry
Cowdry, JosephHyham, RobertRawlingson, JohnWilliams, Joseph
Cowley, JudithIstead, RobertRayner, JamesWilliams, Thomas
Cowling, ThomasJacques, ThomasRees, JosephWills, George
Crawley, JamesJanes, JohnRegus, IsaacWilson, Jane
Creed, ThomasJenkins, JohnReiley, JohnWilson, John
Cropper, WilliamJenkins, LlewellynReynolds, FrancisWilson, William
Cuerton, RobertJewett, ThomasRichards, GeorgeWinstanley, Thomas
Cumberbatch, AlexanderJohnson, JamesRichards, MargaretWinter, John
Cummins, ElizabethJohnson, JanetRichardson, JamesWood, Archibald
Cunningham, WilliamJohnson, JohnRidgley, JohnWood, Jane
Darke, LeonardJones, GrabrielRoberts, PhilipWood, John
Davis, JamesJones, MaryRoberts, WilliamWoodburne, Thomas
Davisere, JamesJones, SamuelRobertson, JohnWoodcock, David
Dawson, JosephJones, ThomasRobertson, JohnWoods, Henry
Deards, JohnJones, ThomasRobinson, EdwardWrampling, John
Deards, WilliamJones, ThomasRobinson, HenryWright, Elizabeth
Dennison, WilliamJones, WilliamRobinson, ThomasWright, William
Denny, JohnJuar, John NorthRogers, ThomasYates, Elizabeth
Dickens, MaryJudge, JohnRose, JohnYorke, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Pitt is 404 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.139-145
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/1, pp.155-172

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