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Details for the ship Chapman (2) (1824)

Ship Name:Chapman (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1777
Size (tons):558
Voyage Details
Master:John Milbank
Surgeon:James Hamilton
Sailed:6 April 1824
Arrived:27 July 1824
Route:St. Jago
Days Travel:112
Convicts Landed:180 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Alexander, AbrahamCooper, ThomasHoward, WilliamShepherd, William
Allen, MetyerCrisp, SamuelHubbard, BenjaminShipp, James
Allsop, JohnCrook, DanielHurst, JamesShynn, Joseph
Almond, JamesCrow, WilliamIronmonger, WilliamSlip, Charles
Anderson, JamesCunningham, WilliamIrwin, JosephSmith, David
Arnold, SamuelDaltry, WilliamJackson, JohnSmith, Thomas
Bailey, RobertDay, John (the younger)Jefferies, JonasSmith, William
Baker, GeorgeDennis, SamuelJones, JamesSmith, William
Barnett, ThomasDivers, ChristopherKelly, JohnStebbings, James
Barton, JohnDouglas, JamesKingston, WilliamSteers, John
Barton, WilliamDrage, WilliamLeonard, FrancisSteward, George
Beeton, AbrahamDrury, JamesLewis, JohnTabrum, William
Bennett, ThomasDunningham, JosephLines, JohnTapp, Benjamin
Biggs, IsaacEllis, CharlesLound, WilliamTaylor, Henry
Bilney, RobertEvans, Henry (the younger)Matthews, JamesTaylor, Thomas
Binnington, ThomasFelmingham, WilliamMcKenna, BryanTeed, Roger
Bird, ThomasFinch, ThomasMee, CharlesTennis, John
Bishop, JamesFisher, CharlesMee, GeorgeThomas, Isaac
Blomfield, RobertFranks, JohnMiddleditch, MatthewThompson, Thomas
Bollin, WilliamFreeman, GeorgeMiller, ThomasThrossell, William
Boswood, JohnFrench, SamuelMillington, WilliamTilley, Edward
Bourke, HenryFroom, JosephMilson, JohnTilley, John
Britton, ThomasGadden, JohnMogg, GeorgeTomey, James
Bromley, EdwardGarrard, SamuelMoxham, JamesTrappell, William
Brooker, ThomasGarrard, ThomasMoyse, RichardVickery, John
Brooks, ZachariahGathercole, Thomas (the younger)Munson, JamesVie, John
Brown, Samuel HarveyGibson, JohnNathan, SolomonVinall, Richard
Browning, ThomasGledhill, WilliamPackham, JamesVizard, William Garreway
Bunce, ThomasGood, JosephPalmer, JamesWakelin, Samuel
Burk, JohnGrainger, JohnParish, AbrahamWalker, Matthew
Butterley, NicholasGravener, JohnPeacock, CharlesWalker, Philip
Button, JamesGreen, GeorgePease, WilliamWard, Alexander
Camp, SamuelGrimsey, EliasPeters, ThomasWard, Joseph
Campbell, JohnGrubb, CharlesPhillips, JohnWare, Thomas
Castle, WilliamGuise, WilliamPow, JacobWebb, Jeffery
Chambers, EdwardHale, WilliamPurse, JohnWhite, John
Chapman, WilliamHall, ThomasRadford, ElijahWilby, George
Chick, JosephHardy, ThomasRainbird, SamuelWilletts, Thomas
Child, JamesHearsey, JamesRhodes, JosephWilliams, John
Clarke, JamesHill, JohnRoberts, JohnWilliams, John
Coleman, RichardHill, JosephRoberts, WilliamWilson, Thomas
Collins, WilliamHinds, JeremiahRourke, JamesWood, George
Collins, WilliamHitchcock, RobertSawyer, WilliamWright, George
Cook, JohnHough, PeterScurrah, ThomasWright, Henry
Cooley, ThomasHoulihan, MauriceSheasby, JosephYork, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Chapman (2) is 180 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/5, pp.139-147
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.358-359, 384

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