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Details for the ship Lady East (1825)

Ship Name:Lady East  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1818
Size (tons):590
Voyage Details
Master:Andrew Talbert
Surgeon:William McDowell
Sailed:16 December 1824
Arrived:9 April 1825
Route:St. Jago
Days Travel:114
Convicts Landed:208 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adsley, JamesDix, JosephJones, JohnSalter, Samuel
Aitken, Ralph Fale FreemanDixon, GeorgeJones, ThomasScarra, Henry
Allen, JohnDouglas, JohnLandsdown, WilliamSharp, Matthew
Allison, BenjaminDunnagon, MichaelLaw, JamesSherborne, John
Anthony, ThomasEdwards, WilliamLewis, CharlesSmalley, Thomas
Archer, ThomasEgginton, WalterLightfoot, JohnSmith, Benjamin
Atterton, JamesEnderby, EdwardLilley, JamesSmith, Henry
Avery, WilliamEvans, JohnLittle, GeorgeSmith, John
Bailey, BenjaminFahey, JamesLockett, JosephSmith, Samuel
Bailey, JohnFever, CharlesLudlow, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Bainbridge, RobertField, JamesLynch, DanielSmithson, John
Baird, RobertFildes, GeorgeMacNally, WilliamSolomon, Goodman
Baldwin, ThomasFitzhugh, CharlesMadden, PeterSproul, James
Ball, JohnFlack, SamuelMariner, RichardStandley, Thomas
Bates, ThomasFlinn, WilliamMartin, WilliamStansfield, James
Beaton, DavidFlood, JohnMathers, JohnStone, Joseph
Bensurilla, ArchibaldFoster, JohnMawer, JamesStrong, James
Betts, RobertFrazer, GeorgeMcDougall, JohnTaylor, John
Bimsom, ThomasGallocher, HughMcGatheridge, JohnTerry, Thomas
Bird, JohnGardiner, AlexanderMcLintock, JamesThomas, David
Blower, SamuelGarner, JamesMcQuide, WilliamThomas, William
Botton, WilliamGent, JosephMoney, JohnThompson, John
Bowling, RobertGibson, ThomasMorley, ThomasThompson, Joseph
Braby, GeorgeGilman, RichardMorris, RichardTobin, William
Brace, JosephGolding, CharlesMorrison, JohnTrovell, Henry
Bradbury, RobertGoodwin, JamesMunn, CharlesTurner, Frederick
Bradley, SamuelGossington, Thomas WilliamNadin, RichardTurner, Samuel
Breakill, JohnGower, JohnNeil, JohnTwinning, Thomas
Bristow, WilliamGrant, CharlesNewman, JohnVincent, James Tomer
Bromhall, JamesGray, WilliamNewton, JohnWaddell, Richard
Brooks, WilliamGreen, HenryOram, JohnWalker, James
Browett, RobertGretton, JohnOverend, WilliamWallis, Robert
Brown, JohnGriffiths, GeorgePain, JohnWalton, Thomas
Buchanan, JohnGrout, RobertParmington, WilliamWatson, Robert
Budd, ThomasGuest, JohnParry, JohnWeller, James
Bumbie, WilliamHamstone, WilliamPaterson, AlexanderWhite, William
Burgess, JohnHardy, JamesPemberton, WilliamWhitehorn, John
Burnell, JamesHarrison, JamesPerring, WilliamWilkes, William
Burton, EdmundHeath, JohnPerry, JacobWilkinson, Charles
Chapman, Frederick WilliamHelps, HenryPerry, WilliamWilliams, George
Chapman, WilliamHemming, FrancisPhillips, JohnWilliams, John
Clark, JamesHiggins, JohnPitt, GeorgeWilliams, John
Clark, RichardHogsflesh, JohnPrice, WilliamWilliams, Thomas
Clark, WilliamHolland, HenryRadford, CharlesWilliams, Thomas
Cole, JohnHoughton, TimothyRattan, ThomasWilliamson, John
Colelough, JohnHughes, HughReynolds, JohnWilson, Thomas
Collins, JosephHughes, JohnReynolds, WilliamWilson, William
Conning, RichardInglebert, RobertRhind, AndrewWise, Edward
Cooper, WilliamJackson, WilliamRichardson, ThomasWood, James
Cowden, ThomasJee, JamesRichardson, ThomasWoodwards, James
Dagger, JohnJohnson, GeorgeRobertson, DavidWoolley, George
Digby, EphraimJohnson, JosephRooker, BenjaminYoung, George
Dillon, DanielJones, GeorgeRuddick, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lady East is 211 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/5, pp.209-219
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.358-359, 384

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