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Details for the ship William Miles (1828)

Ship Name:William Miles  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1808
Size (tons):581
Voyage Details
Master:John G. Sampson
Surgeon:E. Johnson
Sailed:24 March 1828
Arrived:29 July 1828
Days Travel:127
Convicts Landed:185 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Alsop, WilliamFarley, JosephLiddall, JohnRofe, John
Ashton, JohnFeatherston, JohnLloyd, WilliamRush, John
Askey, WilliamFinch, JohnLowe, RobertRussell, William
Badkin, JohnFosbrook, AllenMacCullen, JohnRyland, William
Bailey, RichardFowler, WilliamMackay, WilliamSanderson, George
Ball, EphraimFoxall, WilliamMacMinnies, CharlesSannebell, David
Balle, JohnFrampton, JobMahon, PatrickSaunders, Frederick
Barrett, WilliamFraser, ColinMalbon, JohnSefton, Edward
Barry, JamesFriday, JohnMason, JohnShemett, William
Bate, JohnGall, JohnMasters, JohnSilcock, Thomas
Bayley, JohnGallaghan, JamesMatthews, EdmundSimmons, Hudson
Bettany, ThomasGibbons, GeorgeMatthews, JamesSketchley, John
Blakey, ThomasGillin, JamesMcAvoy, PeterSmith, John
Bowdler, WilliamGilmour, ColinMcLaren, JamesSmith, John
Boyle, JamesGowans, GeorgeMealan, PatrickSmith, John
Brooker, DavidGreen, JosephMiller, WilliamSmith, John
Brooks, JonathonGrounds, HenryMillington, GeorgeSmith, Thomas
Brooks, ThomasGuion, WilliamMillington, WilliamSouthernwood, James
Brooks, ThomasHall, ThomasMillward, SamuelSpittle, James
Brown, IsaacHartley, JosephMooring, EdwardSpooner, John
Brown, JamesHarwood, HenryMorris, WilliamStanton, William
Burgess, JohnHaslam, RichardMowat, John (the younger)Stavely, Henry
Burrows, JohnHayes, IsaacMurphy, JeremiahStockton, George
Caine, EdwardHeath, JohnMurphy, JohnStreeton, James
Carlow, FriendHilton, JamesMurphy, JosephSullivan, William
Carr, ThomasHodgson, Edward WilsonMurray, CharlesTaylor, William
Chick, WilliamHolmes, JamesMurray, JohnTerry, Thomas
Clark, JosephHopkinson, GeorgeNorman, NathanThompson, George
Clifton, ThomasHorwood, JohnOils, GeorgeThompson, Henry
Cloak, RichardHughes, EdwardOliver, GeorgeTinker, Daniel
Collester, JohnHughes, ThomasOwen, DavidTipper, John
Connor, JohnHumphreys, GeorgePankhurst, JohnTurner, Francis
Coomber, WilliamIbbs, JohnParker, ThomasTurner, James
Corns, GeorgeIllingworth, JohnParton, JohnVarley, John
Craig, DavidInnes, PeterPinches, RichardWhitbread, John
Crowsher, WilliamJohnson, SamuelPitt, WilliamWhite, James
Dailey, TimothyJohnson, WilliamPowell, JamesWhite, John
Daley, MichaelJoiner, ThomasPoyer, JamesWilkes, Thomas
Davidson, GeorgeJones, DavidPrice, JohnWilliams, Joseph
Davis, JamesJones, JamesPrice, JohnWilliams, Morgan
Davis, ThomasJones, ThomasPursey, EdwardWilson, William
Dewell, DanielJones, WilliamQuin, CharlesWood, Richard
Dight, JosephJones, WilliamRankine, JamesWoolf, James
Dodd, AaronJordan, MichaelRichardson, JamesWooliscroft, John
Donovan, JohnJoseph, ReubenRoberts, WilliamWright, John
Dutton, William HenryKendrick, WilliamRobertson, AlexanderYoung, John
Eardley, WilliamLea, ThomasRobinson, GeorgeYoung, John
Exall, SamuelLeach, JohnRobinson, WilliamYoung, Joseph William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship William Miles is 192 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/6, pp.343-353
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.360-361, 386

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