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Details for the ship Norfolk (2) (1829)

Ship Name:Norfolk (2)  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1814
Size (tons):537
Voyage Details
Master:Alexander Greig
Surgeon:James Dickson
Sailed:22 May 1829
Arrived:27 August 1829
Days Travel:97
Convicts Landed:200 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abernethy, WilliamEvans, OwenLaw, JosephShelly, Thomas
Barkham, CharlesEvans, WilliamLaw, MatthewSheppard, John
Barnes, GeorgeFarrell, JamesLawrence, RichardShort, Thomas
Barnes, ThomasFarrow, WilliamLeary, JeremiahSimonds, John
Bell, SamuelFildew, SamuelLedgerwood, WilliamSimpson, Samuel
Bennett, GeorgeFinney, RichardLinson, JohnSmart, William
Bennett, JohnFowle, WilliamManning, DennisSmith, Charles
Binton, FrederickFox, WilliamManning, GeorgeSmith, James
Birch, JohnFuller, JohnMarkham, JohnSmith, John
Blackburn, EliasFullick, GeorgeMarsh, JamesSmith, John
Bolton, StephenGale, PhilipMartin, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Briant, DennisGraham, JamesMatthews, JamesSmithers, John
Brighton, JosephGrigg, WilliamMayden, JamesSnelling, John
Brooks, WilliamGuy, WilliamMayston, AlexanderSorrell, Thomas (the younger)
Brotherton, JohnHall, JamesMcAnulty, JosephSpencer, Robert
Brown, JamesHarrison, WilliamMcCausland, ArmstrongSpray, John
Brown, JamesHassall, JosiahMcDonald, CharlesStangroom, Thomas
Brown, JohnHayes, JamesMills, ThomasStanistreet, William
Brunsden, WilliamHazleton, WilliamMitchell, GeorgeStannard, Thomas
Budd, WilliamHewitt, JamesMorley, IsaacStreet, George
Bulgaris, GhicasHickey, JamesMulholland, BernardStride, Joseph
Burgess, CharlesHilder, SamuelNewman, JohnStrombolis, Costandis
Burgess, HenryHillier, JosephNicholl, RichardStyring, Charles
Butler, WilliamHolden, JohnNicholson, GeorgeTaylor, Joseph
Cade, SampsonHoldsworth, ThomasNinis, DamianosTaylor, Thomas
Callaghan, JohnHolloway, FrederickNobes, HenryTaylor, William
Carpenter, JohnHoulahan, JohnNoble, WilliamThompson, James
Chambers, WilliamHowarth, JohnO'Hard, EdwardTownley, Frederick
Clark, GeorgeHowe, JohnOlding, JohnTu Manolis, Andoni
Clarke, CharlesHuggitt, ThomasOsler, ThomasTurner, Thomas
Clarkson, JohnHunt, WilliamPalmer, ArthurTurner, William
Clayton, HenryIrving, WilliamPapendross, NicholasUnderwood, Charles
Colbran, ThomasJarvis, GeorgeParratt, WilliamVassilachis, Jorghis
Colley, JohnJefferson, GeorgePayne, WilliamVincent, Thomas Nutt
Collins, JamesJennings, CharlesPeat, WilliamWalker, John
Compton, WilliamJohnson, JohnPerkins, WilliamWarrilow, Thomas
Connington, JohnJohnson, ThomasPickitt, JohnWaters, Joseph
Coombs, JamesJones, WilliamPotter, CharlesWebb, Charles
Cummins, WilliamJones, WilliamPovey, BenjaminWells, Thomas
Cunningham, WilliamJones, WilliamPowell, ThomasWhatmore, John
Darvill, WilliamJordan, EdwardPriestly, JohnWheeler, John
Davis, JohnJude, JonathanQuin, JohnWheeler, William
Dawson, JamesKaye, WilliamReed, JeremiahWhite, William
Deaddross, WilliamKettlety, WilliamRobinson, BenjaminWhite, William
Dearman, JosephKidd, JohnRothwell, HenryWilliams, Benjamin
Dewley, JamesKing, JohnRowley, WilliamWilliams, John
Dunnings, ThomasKingston, JosephSagar, SmithWilson, John
Dyson, WilliamKnight, GeorgeSage, WilliamWood, Henry
Edmeads, GeorgeLarizzos, JorghisSanders, JamesWood, William
Edmunds, JohnLaw, CharlesShaw, WilliamWoodley, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Norfolk (2) is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/7, pp.61-71
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.348-349, 386

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