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Details for the ship Bussorah Merchant (2) (1830)

Ship Name:Bussorah Merchant (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1818
Size (tons):530
Voyage Details
Master:George Johnston
Surgeon:William Henderson
Sailed:6 October 1829
Arrived:18 January 1830
Days Travel:104
Convicts Landed:198 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, JohnEarnshaw, JonathanKnight, ThomasRogers, Thomas
Allen, WilliamEdwards, JamesLangley, CharlesRoy, John
Andrew, GeorgeEdwards, JosephLedge, CharlesSampson, James
Ansell, ThomasEllis, Richard (the younger)Lees, GeorgeSaunders, Thomas
Anslow, EdwardFarrell, BarnardLefevre, JosephShanks, John (the younger)
Archer, WilliamFenna, JosephLeyburn, FrederickSheldon, Henry
Ashton, SamuelFife, HenryLinsey, JamesSimpson, John
Atkin, ThomasFitzgerald, JohnLloyd, JohnSmith, George
Bannister, AaronFlemming, RalphLock, HenrySmith, John
Barber, SamuelForster, JohnLoseby, ThomasSmith, John
Barker, HenryFoulds, JohnLucas, JamesSmith, John
Barton, ElijahGaunt, EnochLudlow, GeorgeSmith, Joseph
Bassett, JohnGibbard, GeorgeLythgoe, PeterSmith, William
Bates, JohnGiddes, HenryMacCormick, ThomasSpencer, Daniel
Bennett, CharlesGodwin, ThomasMacWade, MichaelSpencer, James
Bentley, ThomasGoostry, EdwardMarshall, WilliamStephens, William
Benton, HenryGorraquex, ThomasMashford, JohnStubbs, James
Beveridge, RobertGourlay, WilliamMatthews, ArthurSunderland, Rufus
Blackwell, JosephGreasley, PeterMaunder, SamuelSutherland, Robert
Boucher, JohnGreaves, GeorgeMetcalf, JamesSwan, John
Bradeley, WilliamGregson, JohnMillingham, WilliamSwindells, George
Bramwell, GeorgeGurney, Ephraim CroftMitchell, JohnTaylor, John
Brewer, WilliamHall, PatrickMoore, WilliamThompson, George
Brown, DanielHallam, JosephNaldrett, JohnThompson, Thomas
Bryan, PatrickHallam, ThomasNelson, MatthewThorogood, Joseph
Buckett, JobHanables, IsaacNewey, WilliamTomkins, Samuel
Buckley, JohnHanson, JohnNixon, RalphTurner, John
Bull, WilliamHanson, WilliamOgden, WilliamTurner, Samuel
Burbidge, JohnHargreaves, SimonOldfield, JamesTurner, Thomas
Burn, AlexanderHarker, EdmundOliver, PhilipWalker, John
Burrows, RobertHarris, IsaacPacker, IsaacWalker, Thomas
Chamberlaine, ThomasHarrison, JohnPage, ThomasWass, John
Chambers, SamuelHassall, ThomasParsons, RichardWass, Thomas
Chandler, WilliamHenson, DanielPatterson, WilliamWebb, Samuel
Charles, WilliamHenwick, JohnPerkins, CharlesWells, Robert
Clarke, PatrickHeyland, JamesPerkins, WilliamWheeldon, Thomas
Connell, PeterHibbert, JosephPhear, JamesWhite, Martin
Coward, ThomasHobson, JohnPhipps, GeorgeWicks, Richard
Davies, JohnHorsfall, EdwinPickles, PeterWigmore, Job
Davies, JohnHowe, GeorgePreston, HenryWilkinson, William
Davies, ThomasHutchinson, CharlesPrice, JosephWilliams, Jacob
Davis, JohnJoiner, ThomasProvin, GeorgeWilliams, John
Derbyshire, JohnJones, CharlesPugh, JohnWilliams, Samuel
Derbyshire, ThomasJones, EdwardQuin, EdwardWilson, Thomas
Dillon, HandyJones, JohnRees, WilliamWilson, Thomas
Doody, GeorgeJones, JohnRevill, EdwardWood, James
Driscoll, AndrewKerry, JamesRiley, FrancisWood, William
Dudley, ThomasKing, WilliamRiley, ThomasWright, George
Dunning, GeorgeKitson, MichaelRobinson, JamesWright, John
Eagle, RichardKneale, JohnRobinson, RichardYeomans, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Bussorah Merchant (2) is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.360-361, 386
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/7, pp.205-216

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