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Details for the ship Lady Feversham (1830)

Ship Name:Lady Feversham  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1826
Size (tons):430
Voyage Details
Master:Stephenson Ellerby
Surgeon:Andrew D. Wilson
Sailed:8 April 1830
Arrived:29 July 1830
Days Travel:112
Convicts Landed:178 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abbott, FrancisDuckworth, JohnKirkham, LaxtonSmith, Benjamin
Allen, JamesDudley, JosephKnowlton, JamesSmith, Edward
Allen, RobertDuff, MichaelLacey, JamesSmith, Francis
Ames, SamuelDuffy, HenryLeadbeater, JohnSmith, George
Andrews, JoshuaDugdale, JohnLucas, IsaacSmith, Henry
Atkins, WalterElmes, ThomasLuxford, WilliamSmith, James
Aylward, GeorgeEyre, JohnMarchant, GeorgeSmith, John
Ayres, ThomasFarley, HenryMcCarty, MartinSmith, Joseph
Baker, GeorgeFibbens, JamesMinall, CharlesSmith, Richard
Banks, JosephFiler, ElishaMitchell, JamesSmith, Thomas
Barker, JohnFlight, JohnMoon, EdwardSmith, William
Barnett, CharlesFoulkes, JamesMoon, ThomasSnelling, John
Bartington, BenjaminFray, WilliamMorris, GeorgeSpelzino, Antonio
Batchellor, JohnFreeman, WilliamMoses, HyamStannard, William
Beck, RobertGates, JosephMutimer, StephenStead, William
Bell, RobertGillis, John AndrewNorman, StephenStephens, John
Bertrand, JamesGooding, BenjaminNye, EdmundStevens, John
Binns, JamesGorringe, JesseOrford, StephenStevens, Moses
Bradley, JamesGray, JamesPalmer, WilliamSullivan, Daniel
Brazier, WilliamGreen, WilliamParmenter, JamesSullivan, Williiam
Brown, HenryGregory, JobParsons, FrancisTerry, Benjamin
Brown, JamesHaggatt, RichardPaul, John LewisThompson, Benjamin
Brown, WilliamHall, GeorgePercox, JosephThompson, William
Bruffey, ThomasHampton, WilliamPiers, AbelTice, John
Burnell, RichardHamson, JohnPinkney, WilliamToye, William
Butler, SamuelHarris, JamesPotto, EdwardViall, William
Carman, GeorgeHarriss, WilliamPreston, JohnWalker, Joseph
Carter, JosephHawkins, ThomasPurnall, JohnWaterhouse, Joseph
Challis, JosephHawkins, ThomasRambridge, JohnWatson, John
Chapman, IsaacHawkins, WilliamRead, ThomasWebster, Edmund
Clarke, CharlesHaylor, WilliamReynolds, RobertWebster, John
Clegg, WilliamHill, JohnRichards, JohnWelch, George
Cole, WilliamHobbs, EdwardRichards, JohnWeldish, William
Colson, WilliamHolden, HenryRiley, JamesWest, William
Cooke, HenryHolmes, JosephRoach, JohnWhite, Charles James
Copping, WilliamHolt, JosephRobinson, RobertWick, Mathew
Coxhead, Robert (the younger)Johnson, WilliamRoss, WilliamWickham, Robert
Crane, WilliamJones, DanielRowe, HenryWilliams, Charles Henry
Davis, BenjaminJones, JohnSammons, HenryWilliams, John
Davis, IsaacJones, WilliamShaw, WilliamWillis, Thomas
Daws, RichardJones, WilliamShepherd, ThomasWilson, John
Downes, WilliamKelly, JohnShore, JohnWood, John
Drinkwater, ThomasKemp, RobertSimmons, JohnWorley, Henry
Driscoll, TimothyKing, HenrySimpkins, ThomasWright, James
Duckett, CharlesKing, PhilipSinden, ThomasWright, Lansdale

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lady Feversham is 180 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/7, pp.299-308
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.348-349, 387

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