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Details for the ship Kains (1831)

Ship Name:Kains  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1818
Size (tons):353
Voyage Details
Master:William L. Goodwin
Surgeon:Thrasycles Clarke
Sailed:8 July 1830
Arrived:11 March 1831
Route:Teneriffe, Cape
Days Travel:246
Convicts Landed:0 males & 118 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allen, AnnElliott, AnnLovell, JaneSkelton, Elizabeth
Armsworth, AnnEllis, MaryLyons, ElizabethSmith, Ann
Austin, EleanorEnglish, DorothyMacGee, ElizabethSmith, Elizabeth
Bartlett, AmeliaEnglish, SarahMack, MarySmith, Hannah
Beddow, ElizabethFord, AnnMarkey, AnnSmith, Mary
Bishop, SarahGardiner, ElizaMayes, CatherineSmith, Mary
Blasedale, ElizabethGeary, MaryMcCarthy, CarolineSmith, Phoebe
Bowring, SarahGlover, Mary AnnMcCollim, IsabellaSmith, Sarah
Boyens, Ann MariaGreen, AliceMcGregor, SarahStephens, Elizabeth
Bradford, IsabellaGreen, AnnMcPherson, MaryStevens, Jane
Brown, MargaretGwynn, AnnMills, SophiaStevens, Mary
Bulpin, SarahHamilton, AnnMoffett, EllistonSullivan, Mary Ann
Butler, BridgetHandlin, MargaretMontague, ElizaSutcliffe, Sarah
Campbell, IsabellaHardy, MaryMoore, ElizabethTarpin, Elizabeth
Challener, ElizabethHardy, RebeccaMoore, Mary CharlotteTaylor, Elizabeth
Clayton, EllenHarris, ElizaMurphy, MargaretThomas, Mary
Clift, SarahHarvey, MaryMurphy, MaryThompson, Hannah
Coles, RebeccaHawkins, FrancesNorton, JaneTolman, Mary
Constable, HarrietHealey, MargaretPalmer, MaryTurner, Mary
Corley, AnnHealey, MariaParkin, FrancesTweedale, Ann
Craggs, JaneHolding, SarahPeters, MaryWallis, Jane
Cronin, HannahHolmes, JaneQuin, JohannaWalters, Harriett
Dawson, MaryHudson, CharlotteRedman, RebeccaWard, Mary Ann
Denley, CharlotteHugall, LouisaReed, ElizabethWarr, Ann
Dial, MaryJohnson, ElizaRevill, SarahWheeler, Frances
Douglas, AnnJones, AnnRichmond, FrancesWhitacre, Mary Ann
Dowling, CharlotteJones, ElizabethRing, MargaretWhite, Rebecca
Dyson, Mary AnnJones, SarahRogers, SusannahWilliams, Henrietta
Eaton, BettyKing, JaneRoss, MarthaWilliams, Mary Ann
Edwards, SarahKing, MarySheridan, BridgetWoods, Mary Ann

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Kains is 120 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/7, pp.435-441
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.350-351, 387

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