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Details for the ship Canada (1) (1801)

Ship Name:Canada (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1800
Size (tons):393
Voyage Details
Master:William Wilkinson
Surgeon:Jn. Kelly
Sailed:21 June 1801
Arrived:14 December 1801
Days Travel:176
Convicts Landed:0 males & female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allard, ThomasDavis, ThomasLawler, DanielSmith, George
Allen, CharlesDay, JohnLaws, JeremiahSmith, James
Austin, JosephDevoy, PatrickLees, ThomasSmith, John
Badcock, JohnDixon, JohnLegge, ThomasSmith, Lawrence
Ball, JamesDouglas, ThomasLevy, AndrewSmith, Mary
Barnes, WilliamDry, JohnLevy, AsherSmith, Robert
Barrowman, GeorgeDunn, TerenceLewis, GeorgeSnook, George
Bell, AlexanderEverett, JohnLilburn, ThomasStamford, Walter
Bennett, CharlesEyles, JosephLincoln, JohnStanton, John
Bentley, WilliamEyre, JohnLittle, JohnStrange, Francis
Bird, WilliamFarlow, MichaelLongford, SamuelSturgeon, Benjamin
Blaber, RichardFarlow, RobertLoton, JohnSuddes, John
Boddington, EdwardFever, CharlesLowe, JamesSwift, Joseph
Borroughs, JohnFisher, JohnMaggs, JohnTavern, George
Boseley, JohnFrancis, ThomasMahane, ChristopherTaylor, John
Bourne, JamesFranklin, JohnMarlow, JosephThomas, Francis
Bramwell, JosephGavin, HenryMartin, ThomasThomas, James
Brook, HenryGeraud, FrancoisMartin, ThomasThomas, John
Brooks, JohnGoulding, LewisMasters, HewittThompson, Andrew
Brown, JohnGriffin, JohnMatts, SamuelThornton, John
Brown, RobertHaggett, JosephMcCann, ThomasTomlinson, Robert
Brown, ThomasHailey, JamesMcCarthy, ThomasTurpine, Francis
Burke, WilliamHarris, AlexMcGuire, PeterVaux, James
Burns, JohnHarvey, WilliamMeredith, SamuelWade, Patrick
Burns, ThomasHaydon, WilliamMollineux, StephenWalker, Joseph
Butler, IsaacHearne, WilliamMoore, RobertWard, Joseph
Calvert, JamesHerbert, WilliamMoreton, JosephWatkins, Richard
Camm, HenryHibbott, JosephMorgan, GeorgeWayham, Thomas
Cannon, JamesHicks, RichardMorgan, WilliamWebb, John
Carr, RobertHicks, WilliamMurphy, JohnWhitehead, John
Carthy, CharlesHill, EdmundMurrell, WilliamWhitehorn, William
Catto, GeorgeHill, JosephNash, AndrewWilliams, John
Cawson, JohnHoare, JohnNobbs, JamesWilliams, John
Charles, RobertHodges, ThomasNorman, GeorgeWilliamson, John
Chisham, GeorgeHolgate, JohnOdmond, StephenWilloughby, Joseph
Clapson, JohnHubbard, JohnPaul, GeorgeWilson, Thomas
Clapson, WilliamIrwin, JamesPigott, JamesWimbo, William
Clark, WilliamJackson, JamesPurvie, WilliamWitham, John
Clark, WilliamJoe, WilliamQuinton, BarnettWolfendale, David
Clarke, ThomasJoice, JohnRamsden, RichardWootten, Thomas
Clay, JohnJourdaine, ThomasRivers, JohnWright, Edmund
Clements, JamesKanington, JohnRoberts, JohnWright, Thomas
Copley, JosephKebby, JamesRuggins, JohnWright, William
Corbitt, ThomasKelly, JohnSalter, Joseph
Cowell, JamesKing, HenrySamuel, Joseph
Cundy, IsaacLack, RobertSell, Robert

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Canada (1) is 181 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.

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