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Details for the ship Gilmore (1) (1832)

Ship Name:Gilmore (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1824
Size (tons):500
Voyage Details
Master:James Berry
Surgeon:George Roberts
Sailed:27 November 1831
Arrived:22 March 1832
Days Travel:116
Convicts Landed:223 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allcock, WilliamDollimore, SamuelKelly, JohnRoss, David
Allen, JamesDonald, JohnKent, HenryRoss, William
Amey, ThomasDonolly, ThomasKing, JamesRowe, William
Anderson, JohnDrew, JamesLanagan, JamesRush, James
Andrews, GeorgeDumville, JamesLeather, WilliamSadler, James
Applebee, WilliamDykes, SamuelLewis, JohnSaxton, Frederick
Arthur, MichaelEdwards, EdwardLewis, JosephScrivener, Christopher
Ballard, ThomasEdwards, JohnLincoln, WilliamScutts, Thomas
Bamber, ThomasEllis, CharlesLindsey, ThomasSilk, John
Bantick, DavidEmpson, GeorgeLonghurst, JohnSimpson, Daniel
Bantick, ThomasFarrar, JohnLoughton, GeorgeSimpson, Peter
Barnett, EphraimFerguson, WalterLowey, ThomasSiswick, John
Bayley, JamesField, WilliamMaccorquodale, JohnSmith, Alexander
Bayliss, JohnFoster, JosephMacDonald, RichardSmith, Edward
Betts, JohnFoxley, MichaelMacGuire, JohnSmith, George
Bird, DavidFrancis, Frederick WilliamMacintosh, LauchlanSmith, George
Blakeman, JohnFretwell, CharlesMaginn, BryanSmith, George
Bossy, Peter JamesFull, FrancisMarsden, ThomasSmith, John
Bottom, JosephGarland, JamesMarshall, JohnSmith, Oliver
Boyd, JohnGascoigne, WilliamMarsland, JohnSmith, Robert
Brandon, WilliamGeorge, RichardMassey, IsraelSnelson, Joseph
Briggs, CharlesGlover, GeorgeMassey, JamesSowden, John
Briggs, ChristopherGolder, ThomasMatcham, WilliamSpence, Timothy
Briggs, JamesGrant, DanielMavis, RichardStanley, George
Britton, SamuelGreaves, William HamiltonMaxwell, ThomasStarling, James
Brown, BenjaminGrimley, BenjaminMay, GeorgeStigwood, William
Burlow, JohnHall, WilliamMcArthur, DuncanStill, Thomas
Caddens, GeorgeHalliwell, JamesMcDonald, HughStutley, Thomas
Calah, IsaacHamilton, JamesMcDougall, RobertSurr, John
Campbell, EdwardHamilton, ThomasMcPherson, RobertTavener, Francis
Carr, JohnHamnett, ThomasMerrett, ThomasTheed, William
Carter, JohnHarrison, GeorgeMiller, DavidThorogood, William
Casey, JohnHarrison, ThomasMiller, WilliamThorpe, Benjamin
Cass, JohnHayes, RobertMills, JohnTrindell, Richard
Chaplin, JamesHeath, WilliamMitchell, PeterTurvey, George
Clark, RichardHenderson, JohnMitchell, RobertVenson, David
Clarke, William DavidHill, ThomasMoney, David CarrWalker, John
Cleeve, JohnHitchen, WilliamMoody, SamuelWatson, Henry
Cockin, ThomasHoggan, HenryMorris, JohnWatson, James
Coleman, JosephHolder, SamuelMulloy, MichaelWeller, Aaron
Collier, ThomasHolt, Richard MatthewNapier, AlexanderWest, John
Connolly, ThomasHopkins, ThomasNeilham, WilliamWest, Robert
Consterdine, BenjaminHorn, JohnNorris, EdwardWhitehead, John
Cook, DavidHornby, EliOsborne, JamesWhiteley, Joshua
Corker, ReubenHughes, JohnPatching, JohnWilkes, Joseph
Cossens, CharlesHumpage, JohnPhillips, JohnWilliams, William
Cowell, JamesHumphreys, GeorgePickthorne, WilliamWilson, James
Crabtree, JosephHunter, JosephPorter, ThomasWilson, John
Croll, WilliamJeston, JamesPugh, SamuelWilson, John
Croston, JohnJohnson, JohnRichardson, JohnWilson, William
Davis, JohnJohnston, FrancisRing, ThomasWilson, William
Davis, JohnJohnstone, JamesRobertson, DuncanWindle, Benjamin
Davison, JohnJones, JohnRobertson, ThomasWood, John
Deeming, WilliamJones, JohnRobinson, ThomasWoodcock, Joseph
Dodd, GeorgeJones, ThomasRogers, JamesWorswick, Roger
Dodsworth, CharlesJones, WilliamRosetta, HenryWright, Richard

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Gilmore (1) is 224 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/8, pp.207-218
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.360-361, 388

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