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Details for the ship John I (4) (1832)

Ship Name:John I (4)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1810
Size (tons):464
Voyage Details
Master:Samuel John Lowe
Surgeon:James Lawrence
Sailed:7 February 1832
Arrived:8 June 1832
Days Travel:122
Convicts Landed:198 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Akers, CharlesDent, GeorgeKenworthy, JohnSmith, George
Alder, JamesDobbs, John AnthonyKing, BenjaminSmith, Samuel
Alphan, HenryDobson, WilliamLangley, JosephSmith, William
Anderson, WilliamDodd, SamuelLaycock, JosephSomers, Francis
Appleton, RobertDonnoughty, WilliamLewis, LewisStacey, Thomas
Atkins, HenryDowlman, StephenLewis, ThomasStallard, John
Atkins, JamesDrayton, JohnLindley, ThomasStandley, Daniel
Atwick, JohnDunn, WilliamLinford, RobertStanford, John
Bates, WilliamEagle, Willm. MuireLynn, JamesStapleton, Francis
Bell, JohnEvans, JesseMandell, JosephSteeple, Timothy
Bottoms, ThomasFisher, IsaacMarsh, JohnStocks, Joseph
Bouchell, PatrickFletcher, ThomasMason, WilliamSummerfield, James
Brewer, GeorgeFletcher, WilliamMcCarty, JosephSymers, Alexander
Brewer, JamesFreeman, WilliamMcFarlan, JohnTaylor, William
Bridges, JamesGale, JohnMcFeat, JohnThomas, David
Brightmore, DavidGarey, EdwardMcGhie, WilliamThomas, John
Broad, JohnGates, WilliamMcGiverall, GeorgeThomas, William
Brown, JohnGill, EdwardMcLachlan, PhilipThompson, George
Brown, JosephGraham, JamesMeads, ThomasThompson, Thomas
Burgess, WilliamGranville, WilliamMellors, JosephTinney, William
Burns, ThomasGraves, JohnMoore, EdwinTurpin, Richard
Burton, JohnGrimes, JohnMoores, JosephTurton, Joseph
Bush, JamesHagan, PatrickMorgan, RobertTwigg, George
Bussey, CharlesHammond, DanielNicholls, RichardTye, Charles
Cammack, WilliamHarris, HenryNicholls, WilliamVaughan, Thomas
Cannon, JamesHarwood, Chas EltonNorth, RichardWatkins, John
Carr, ThomasHastings, EdwardObridge, DavidWebb, Edwin
Carruthers, WilliamHaws, JamesOckley, ThomasWeightman, William
Carter, RobertHazlewood, Thomas Geo:Oliver, JohnWells, Thomas
Cattlin, WilliamHeath, JamesParish, JohnWelsby, Samuel
Cavanagh, JamesHewitt, JohnParker, HenryWest, Abraham
Charlton, SamuelHill, JamesPearce, BenjaminWest, John
Chinn, SamuelHindle, BenjaminPegler, RobertWest, William
Clay, FrancisHolder, JohnPerkins, JosephWheeler, George
Clifton, JohnHolmes, HenryPhillips, ThomasWhite, Charles
Collier, JosephHolmes, JohnQuigley, PatrickWhite, John
Cootes, RalphHowett, GeorgeRandall, WilliamWhite, Joseph
Crockwell, CharlesHughes, DavidRaynor, GeorgeWhiteley, Joseph
Croker, DanielHughes, RobertRees, EdwardWilde, James
Crooks, WilliamHulbert, EdwardRigby, WilliamWilliams, John
Crossland, JosephHulme, FrederickRoberts, EdwardWilliams, Thomas
Crossley, JeremiahJacques, RobertRobertson, FrancisWilliams, William
Crow, JohnJay, JamesRowney, SamuelWilliams, William
Davies, DavidJohnston, EdwardRymer, LewisWilson, Francis
Davies, JamesJones, FrancisSanders, ThomasWilson, James
Davies, JohnJones, SamuelSeelie, JamesWilson, John
Davis, GeorgeJones, WilliamShuttleworth, DavenportWolfe, Thomas
Deacon, DanielJuby, ThomasSimpson, ThomasWood, Thomas
Deal, JohnKaye, FrederickSkinner, SamuelWright, Joseph
Denman, GeorgeKeating, JohnSmith, FrancisWrightson, Charles

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship John I (4) is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/8, pp.253-263

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