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Details for the ship Atlas I (1) (1802)

Ship Name:Atlas I (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1801
Size (tons):435
Voyage Details
Master:Richard Brooks
Surgeon:Elph. Walker
Sailed:29 November 1801
Arrived:7 July 1802
Route:Rio, Cape
Days Travel:220
Convicts Landed:0 males & female convicts

List of convict passengers

Ahern, JohnDelany, AnnHiggins, JamesO'Brien, Bryan
Ahern, MathiasDelany, DennisHogan, DennisO'Brien, Denis
Ahern, MichaelDelany, JohnHogan, JohnO'Brien, James
Ahern, MurtaghDelany, NicholasHolligan, WilliamO'Brien, John
Ahern, WilliamDempsey, JamesHopkins, PatrickO'Brien, Maris
Bagnel, MichaelDempsey, JohnHughes, PatrickO'Brien, Thomas
Barrington, MarkDempsey, LaurenceHyland, ThomasO'Neal, Felix
Barrow, EdwardDenahy, DennisIgot, JamesPearson, Ralph
Barry, JamesDenahy, PatrickIvory, ThomasPhair, Stephen
Birmingham, ThomasDenahy, TimothyJackson, GeorgePhillips, Bridget
Bland, DanielDermund, ThomasJenkinson, JamesPlunkett, Dennis
Brady, PatrickDesmund, JohnKavenagh, MichaelQuick, Patrick
Brazel, JohnDevelan, JohnKavenagh, PatrickQuirk, Philip
Brennan, LukeDevereaux, JohnKeam, PatrickRamsey, William
Brien, ConnorDevneaun, JohnKeating, JohnReason, Robert
Brien, EdmundDignum, MaryKeating, MichaelRedmond, Mary
Brien, NicholasDinning, BryanKeeffe, JamesReily, James O'Brien
Broadstreet, CharlesDooly, MauriceKeene, AndrewReynell, George
Broder, DennisDoran, PatrickKelly, JamesReynolds, Thomas
Brown, JohnDowlan, JohnKelly, JohnRichards, Edward
Brown, ThomasDowling, ElizabethKennedy, ThomasRigney, Thomas
Browne, WilliamDowling, WinifredKennedy, WilliamRogan, Patrick
Bryan, MichaelDowns, MichaelKielly, JohnRoss, Patrick
Bryan, WilliamDoyle, JamesKirk, PatrickRossiton, Mon's
Burke, MichaelDoyle, LawrenceLacy, MaryRush, Philip
Butler, JohnDoyle, MaryLawlor, MaryRyan, Connor
Byrne, JohnDoyle, PatrickLawrie, MarkRyan, Cornelius
Byrne, LaurenceDoyle, TimothyLeary, JamesRyan, Dennis
Byrne, MichaelDriscoll, DarbyLeary, JohnRyan, John
Calahan, DarbyDun, FentonLehy, DarbyRyan, John
Campbell, RobertDunn, JohnLell, WilliamRyan, John
Carey, ThomasDunn, PatrickLynch, JohnRyan, M
Carey, WilliamDwyer, AnthonyLyons, JohnRyan, Mary
Carney, LaurenceDwyer, JamesLysaith, CorneliusRyan, Michael
Carr, PeterDwyer, JohnMartin, JaneRyan, Michael
Carr, RichardEdwards, ThomasMatthews, W. M.Ryan, Michael
Carrel, LawrenceEllis, GeorgeMaxwell, ThomasRyan, Thomas
Casey, ThomasEllis, GeorgeMcCann, MichaelRyan, William
Caulfield, MichaelEllis, PatrickMcCarthy, DanielSavage, Christopher
Cavanagh, JamesFarr, WilliamMcCarthy, DanielScanlon, Richard
Cavanagh, JohnFarrel, LawrenceMcCourtney, CatherineScott, Patrick
Cleary, TimothyFarrell, AgerMcDaniel, DanielShanahan, Andrew
Coleman, PatrickFarrell, LawrenceMcDermot, OwenShanahan, Philip
Collier, RichardFennell, EdwardMcDermott, PatrickShannon, John
Condon, ThomasFitzgerald, CatherineMcDonald, MShearman, Richard
Connel, ThomasFitzgerald, EllenMcDonogh, GeorgeShee, Mary
Connell, JohnFitzpatrick, JohnMcDormad, ThomasSimpson, Francis
Connolly, JamesFitzpatrick, MaryMcHale, PatrickSlattery, Paul
Connor, JohnFlannery, JohnMcKeon, JohnSloam, Patrick
Connor, JosephFoley, JohnMcLoughlan, JohnSmith, Ann
Connor, MaryFoley, JohnMcLoughlan, ThomasStacey, Dennis
Connor, MichaelFortune, MurtaghMcLoughlin, JamesStafford, Francis
Conway, JamesFowler, JohnMcNamara, ElizabethStafford, Patrick
Cooke, ElizabethGagan, JamesMcNamary, ElizabethStone, James
Cooke, JamesGalivan, FrancisMcNaughton, AlexanderSullivan, Dennis
Coonan, ThomasGammon, PatrickMcOwen, OwenSullivan, Patrick
Cooney, JeffryGilligan, FrancisMiles, PatrickSully, Edward
Cooney, MichaelGillooly, MichaelMoney, ThomasSweeny, Daniel
Coughlan, JohnGleason, MMoore, JohnSweeny, Martin
Crimmeen, JamesGleeson, MatthewMorgan, CorneliusTarlton, Rebecca
Cross, AndrewGlyn, MichaelMorgan, HughThomas, Robert
Cullen, JamesGoggins, PatrickMorgan, JohnTiernan, Andrew
Cullen, MichaelGood, JohnMorgan, JohnTindall, Samuel
Cullen, PatrickGorman, WilliamMorrison, WilliamTrotter, John
Cullinan, RobertGrace, ThomasMorrissy, DavidTroy, Richard
Cushion, LaurenceGrady, DanielMulchaly, JamesWall, William
Dacey, PatrickGraham, JohnMulhall, ElizabethWalsh, Edward
Daly, JamesGraham, Mary AMulkeen, BridgetWalsh, James
Daniel, Eliza DonallyGready, JamesMurdaugh, DarbyWalsh, James
Darcy, AndrewGriffen, OliverMurray, PatrickWalsh, Nicholas
Darcy, JohnGrogan, ThomasNeil, JohnWalsh, Peter
Darcy, PatrickHagarty, WilliamNeile, EdmundWalsh, Thomas
Davirin, PatrickHanaghan, PatrickNesbitt, PatrickWelch, William
Davis, RobertHanratty, PatrickNewlin, MarthaWhelan, Edward
Dayley, CharlesHarney, PhilipNicholson, GeorgeWhelan, Thomas
Dayly, ThomasHayden, ThomasNowlan, JohnWhite, Edward
Dean, MaryHayes, H. B.Nowlan, PatrickWhite, James
Dee, PatrickHayes, HughNowlan, PatrickWhite, John
Dee, ThomasHealy, JohnNowland, Ann
Delaney, JohnHenralty, PatrickNugent, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Atlas I (1) is 318 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.

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