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Details for the ship Circassian (1833)

Ship Name:Circassian  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1822
Size (tons):401
Voyage Details
Master:George Douthwaite
Surgeon:William Porteous
Sailed:14 October 1832
Arrived:16 February 1833
Days Travel:125
Convicts Landed:186 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Athea, GeorgeDavis, JohnKelcey, RichardRoberts, Thomas
Atkins, ThomasDawson, JohnKing, GeorgeRoberts, Thomas
Baker, ThomasDay, JosephKing, JosephRoberts, William
Banks, JamesDennis, JosiahLane, JohnRogers, Benjamin
Barker, HenryDodge, EdwardLeadbeater, JamesRolfe, George
Barnett, JamesDonnelly, DanielLeigh, RichardRose, Henry
Bartlett, GeorgeDonolly, JohnLeman, WilliamRoussell, William
Baynton, ThomasDriver, JohnLewis, ThomasRuscoe, William
Beard, Michael JohnDunnegan, WoodlandLittle, WilliamSage, John
Belcher, WilliamDuson, JohnLong, GeorgeSarah, Richard
Bennett, RichardEarle, HenryLong, IsaacSargent, Samuel
Binsom, GeorgeEdwards, JohnLovell, JohnScott, Thomas
Biron, GeorgeEvans, IsaacLucas, John JonesShallis, James
Bleathman, RichardFeltham, ThomasMacDonogh, MichaelShelton, Thomas
Boley, AbrahamFitzgerald, MartinMalkin, WilliamSmith, Henry
Bourne, JohnFitzmorris, WilliamMarch, JohnSmith, James
Brawn, RobertFitzpatrick, SamuelMason, ThomasSmith, John
Bray, ThomasFogarty, MichaelMatthison, JohnSmith, William
Bright, BenjaminFoot, AbelMaxfield, WilliamSmith, William
Brooks, StephenFrancee, JohnMayall, ThomasStacey, John
Brooks, ThomasFrederick, JohnMcBean, AlexanderSymes, Mark
Brophy, ThomasFreeson, JonathonMcCaig, DuncanTaylor, John
Brown, RichardGarland, JosephMcCarter, DennisTaylor, Thomas
Brown, ThomasGarmston, WilliamMeadows, BarnabasThomas, George
Buckley, DennisGoodall, CharlesMillett, HenryThomas, James
Bullock, RobertGoodman, JosephMoody, JohnTideswell, William Emery
Burrington, JohnGriffiths, JohnMothers, IsaacToleman, James
Burt, WilliamHands, GeorgeNorris, JohnTout, John (the younger)
Butson, JamesHanson, JohnOliver, RobertTrapp, John
Calvert, GeorgeHarrison, JosephPaine, ThomasTurner, Henry
Cann, JohnHartley, SamuelPallett, GeorgeTwist, Charles
Carbis, WilliamHatfield, DanielPearce, JamesUnderhill, John
Carpenter, HenryHaynes, WilliamPenrose, CharlesWalker, John
Carver, Richard ChancellorHead, RobertPerram, RobertWallis, James
Chadwick, JosephHinks, JohnPeterson, AndrewWansborne, Joseph
Chidgy, JohnHolland, ThomasPhillips, BenjaminWarburton, John
Chipper, JohnHooper, EdwardPlank, JosephWebster, John
Churchill, WilliamHoughton, JamesPriston, JohnWelsh, Anthony
Clarke, RobertHounsell, EdmundRadnor, ThomasWestern, John
Cock, John HaynesHowson, Henry JohnRawlings, JohnWilliams, John
Colegrave, FrancisHudson, BenjaminRennie, BenjaminWilliams, John
Coles, JohnHuntley, JohnRichards, GeorgeWilliams, Joseph
Collett, SamuelJenkins, JohnRichards, WilliamWilliams, Roger
Cook, GeorgeJohnson, ThomasRichford, WilliamWilliamson, Matthew
Couzins, JohnJohnston, ThomasRoberts, JohnWines, Simeon
Crockett, RichardJones, JohnRoberts, JohnWinn, James
Crookshanks, RichardJones, WilliamRoberts, JosephWitton, Henry James
Dale, JohnKavenagh, LawrenceRoberts, JosephWoodley, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Circassian is 192 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/8, pp.439-449
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 388

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