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Details for the ship Lord Lyndoch (2) (1833)

Ship Name:Lord Lyndoch (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1815
Size (tons):638
Voyage Details
Master:William Johnston
Surgeon:David Watson
Sailed:June 1833
Arrived:18 October 1833
Route:Rio de Janeiro
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:325 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, WilliamDyson, WilliamLegg, JamesShelton, William
Alderson, Francis ThorntonEames, WilliamLewis, JohnSibbald, William
Alderson, WilliamEastburn, WilliamLindon, JohnSinkler, Elisha
Aldridge, WilliamEccles, RichardLinegar, WilliamSkinner, Benjamin
Andrews, JohnElliott, JohnLinley, JohnSlater, Anthony
Anson, JohnEllis, AbrahamLister, JosephSlater, James
Armitage, ThomasEmmerson, WilliamLloyd, FrancisSlater, Richard
Arnold, ThomasEwing, JamesLochkam, DavidSmith, James
Ayres, Robert (the younger)Facey, JohnLong, WilliamSmith, John
Baker, GeorgeFearnley, GideonLucas, MatthewSmith, John
Bardell, HenryFennell, JamesLuckman, MarkSmith, John
Bartrim, WilliamFinicane, MilesLupton, JohnSmith, John
Bates, JohnFish, JamesLynim, WilliamSmith, Joseph
Bell, JamesFord, JamesMacdonagh, JamesSmith, William
Bennett, JamesFossey, SamuelMaloney, WilliamSnape, Joseph
Benson, CharlesFox, ThomasMancer, AlfredSpencer, William
Bingley, WilliamFurniss, JosephMarlin, WilliamSpencer, William
Birchall, SamuelGandy, JohnMarsden, CharlesStanfield, Henry
Birnie, JamesGeary, ThomasMarsden, JamesSteebe, Henry
Blacksell, JohnGell, SamuelMartin, JohnStephenson, George
Blaney, JamesGillson, ThomasMason, RobertStephenson, William
Boonham, WilliamGlover, RichardMcDonnel, AlexanderStorer, Charles
Booth, JohnGornall, CharlesMcGready, WilliamStuart, James
Brady, PatrickGough, WilliamMcLeod, NeilSutherland, John
Brammall, WilliamGowin, JohnMcMahoney, ThomasSutton, James
Briggs, JosephGreenland, WilliamMcMillan, CharlesTatham, Joseph
Brooks, EliGreetham, ThomasMcNicol, JamesTaylor, Solomon
Brothers, JohnGriffiths, RichardMeadowcroft, JamesTaylor, William
Brotherson, SamuelGuess, JosephMellish, ThomasThompson, David
Brown, JamesGulliver, JamesMellor, ThomasThompson, Henry
Brown, JohnHaddock, JamesMiller, AlexanderToomey, William
Brown, ThomasHaines, WilliamMinean, TimothyTown, Philip
Brown, WilliamHalfpenny, JohnMines, ThomasTownsend, William
Brown, WilliamHalliwell, BenjaminMolloy, JohnUnderwood, Joseph
Brown, William (the younger)Harborn, HenryMontague, HenryVoss, Simeon
Bucknall, ThomasHarford, AndrewMoor, JamesWaddell, William
Burley, JohnHarman, RobertMorgan, JamesWaddington, Thomas
Bushell, JohnHarrill, DanielMorgan, WilliamWade, Edward
Butcher, DanielHarry, WilliamMoss, WilliamWalker, Henry
Butcher, WilliamHawksworth, FrancisMotson, JohnWalker, John
Callaghan, JosephHepworth, JohnMunday, JosephWalker, Thomas
Cane, JamesHerbert, WilliamMyers, ThomasWalker, William
Capsey, GeorgeHerd, WilliamO'Connell, JohnWalpole, William
Carman, JosephHigham, JamesO'Farrell, MichaelWard, Samuel
Carter, William (the younger)Hill, JohnOldham, RobertWardrop, John
Castle, IsaacHill, JohnOnions, ThomasWaring, Luke
Chamberlain, PhilipHitchin, DavidOsborne, WilliamWatson, Thomas
Chapman, JohnHockley, JamesOwnas, JohnWatts, William
Clarke, BenjaminHollingsworth, WilliamPainter, ThomasWebb, Henry
Clarke, GeorgeHollows, JosephPalethorpe, JohnWells, John
Clarke, JohnHopkin, JohnPalmer, HenryWelsh, John
Clarke, WilliamHorton, SamuelPalmer, JohnWestwood, John
Clegg, JohnHosie, JohnParberry, CharlesWheeler, John
Cliff, JonathanHouldsworth, HenryPartridge, GeorgeWhitaker, John
Clough, FrancisHowcroft, RobertPeake, GeorgeWhite, Edmund
Cole, ReubenHudson, JamesPeckitt, PeterWhitehead, Richard
Collins, ThomasHughes, StephenPennell, BenjaminWignall, James
Cooper, RobertHundy, WilliamPhillips, WilliamWilford, Stephen
Coupland, WilliamHuxtable, IsaacPhilpot, HenryWilkes, John
Court, JamesIggulden, StephenPickersgill, JohnWilliams, James
Cowles, JohnInnes, JamesPickles, JohnWilliams, James
Cox, RichardIvens, WilliamPollard, JohnWilliams, John
Craven, JoshuaJackson, CookPrice, GeorgeWilliams, Joseph
Crossland, JohnJackson, JohnPrice, JohnWilliamson, Samuel
Crossley, WilliamJarratt, WilliamPurfleet, ThomasWillshaw, Henry
Crouch, SamuelJeffery, StephenQuint, John (the younger)Wilson, John
Cruxton, ThomasJennison, SamuelRandle, SamuelWilson, John
Curtis, HenryJerome, EdwardRevell, EdwardWinfield, Isaac
Cutts, WilliamJewell, William HenryRichards, JohnWitherwick, Thomas
Daft, JohnJones, RichardRichardson, GeorgeWittam, John
Dalton, JohnJones, ThomasRichardson, GeorgeWolfe, James
Davies, GeorgeKeable, SamuelRickett, Michael WoodwardWollaston, Jacob
Davies, JosephKeightley, CharlesRix, RichardWood, John
Dawson, JohnKennedy, PhilipRobinson, IsraelWoodford, Isaac
Dawson, LeonardKent, ThomasRogers, JamesWorcester, Robert
Deane, GeorgeKilminster, CharlesRussell, JamesWorsley, John
Delves, DavidKitchen, RichardSadler, JohnWorth, John
Diaper, HenryKnapp, WilliamSaint, JosephWright, John
Dobby, WilliamLancaster, ThomasSchofield, ElyYarnold, William (the younger)
Doleman, GeorgeLane, JamesScriven, ThomasYarrol, Thomas
Donovan, JeremiahLavender, WilliamSelwood, CharlesYoung, John
Doyle, MichaelLawton, JonathanSharpe, Stephen
Dry, FrederickLawton, ThomasShaw, Joseph

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lord Lyndoch (2) is 330 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.121-137
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.352-353, 388

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