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Details for the ship Edward (3) (1834)

Ship Name:Edward (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1806
Size (tons):406
Voyage Details
Master:E. A. Lindsay
Surgeon:Joseph Steret
Sailed:5 May 1834
Arrived:4 September 1834
Days Travel:122
Convicts Landed:0 males & 151 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, SusanDeveling, AnnHulse, SarahPullan, Mary
Allen, EllenDiamond, ElizabethHutson, SarahShields, Sally
Ashton, MaryDonally, MaryHuxley, AnnSidnem, Eliza
Attfield, SarahDonovan, MaryJenkin, AnnSkinner, Phillis
Axon, MargaretDriscoll, MaryJohns, RebeccaSmall, Rebecca
Bagott, JemimaDuffell, HannahJohnson, ChristianaSmith, Ann
Ball, AnnDunn, MarthaJones, ElizabethSmith, Margaret
Baxter, JaneEast, AnnJones, Mary AnnSquires, Eliza
Bennett, ElizabethEdwards, MargaretJowett, MaryStammers, Hannah
Bennett, SelinaElliott, EllenKemble, EllenStead, Fanny
Biddlecombe, CharlotteEvans, AnneLamb, SarahStiggells, Margaret
Bissett, SusanExley, LydiaLear, SophiaSuxsspeach, Sidwell
Blackmore, MaryFearns, MaryLewis, RachelTaylor, Mary
Blyth, Mary AnnFensum, MaryLittle, MaryThomas, Winifred
Bowen, MaryFogg, MaryLock, ElizaThorpe, Ann
Brian, CarolineForrest, AnnLush, PrudenceTway, Bridget
Brookes, MarthaFriend, CharlotteMacKenna, AnnTylee, Ann
Brown, HannahGardener, JaneMarsh, Mary AnnTysum, Sarah
Brown, MargaretGilby, AnnMarten, FrancesVasper, Agnes
Brown, MaryGillard, ElizaMathers, HannahVaughan, Harriet
Burns, SarahGillard, MaryMatthews, HarrietWake, Mary
Cann, JaneGlasgow, ElizaMatthews, MaryWalliss, Harriet
Carlton, GraceGoodwin, JaneMiller, EllenWarner, Ann
Carr, JaneGoulding, Mary AnnMitchell, ElizabethWatts, Sarah
Carrol, AnnGrayson, Mary AnnMoon, MaryWelch, Catherine
Cashell, SarahGreen, AnnMullins, MaryWells, Emma
Chatterley, LydiaGreen, MariaMurray, BridgetWestaway, Mary
Clarke, CatherineGriffiths, EllenMyson, LydiaWestwood, Ann
Collins, ElizabethGroaner, Mary AnnNoble, MaryWilliams, Eliza
Connett, SarahHarding, JaneOckenden, ElizabethWilliams, Mary
Coombs, ThomasineHarris, AnnOnions, MaryWilliams, Mary
Cornelius, MaryHarris, JaneParry, ElizaWilson, Eliza
Costello, MaryHerring, MaryParry, MaryWilson, Ellen
Creed, MaryHewitt, AnnPeckitt, MargaretWilson, Margaret
Curd, AnnHodgin, SophiaPerkin, MaryWines, Louisa
Curtis, AnnaHollins, ElizaPike, PriscillaWood, Ellen
Davis, ElizaHood, MaryPiper, ElizabethWoolley, Mary Ann
Davis, SarahHoward, JanePuddefoot, Elizabeth

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Edward (3) is 151 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.343-348
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 389

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