List of convict passengers
Adams, William | Den, William | Keeler, Thomas | Rogers, William |
Allan, Robert | Devar, Francis | Keeling, John | Rogers, William |
Allen, George | Dobbyns, James | Kenny, William | Rooney, John |
Annan, Robert | Douce, William | Keys, Samuel | Ruscoe, Richard |
Armitt, Charles | Dowling, William | Kidman, James | Russell, George |
Armitt, Thomas | Drayton, Samuel | Knight, Joseph Barker | Saunders, William |
Ashby, Henry | Dunkerley, John | Lane, John | Scaling, Francis |
Ashe, Peter | Dunn, Samuel | Lane, William | Shanks, William |
Ashford, Thomas | Dyson, Charles | Langford, John | Shaw, Joseph |
Attwood, Samuel | Ellis, Joseph | Larder, William | Shaw, Joshua |
Badger, William | Ellis, William | Laughton, William | Shepherd, Edward |
Bailey, James | Evans, Daniel | Lawrie, William | Shortland, Charles |
Bailey, Joseph | Evans, Robert | Lenton, Joseph | Silverlock, James |
Bain, John | Evans, Thomas | Lewis, Abraham | Silvey, James |
Baker, George | Everett, William | Lewis, Joseph | Sinclair, John |
Baker, James | Evett, Samuel | Lilwall, John | Slater, Alfred |
Baldrey, William | Exley, Thomas | Lindsay, John | Smith, Henry |
Barclay, William | Farquhar, James | Lloyd, Edward | Smith, James |
Barlow, James | Featherston, William | Lloyd, Edwin | Smith, James |
Barnsby, William | Fellows, George | Lockhart, Oliver | Smith, John |
Barr, George | Ferris, James | Lockyer, James | Smith, John |
Barrell, Robert | Fitzgerald, John | Long, Francis | Smith, John |
Barton, Thomas | Fletcher, Samuel | Lovatt, Charles | Smith, John |
Bassett, Samuel | Flood, Michael | Lovatt, John | Smith, William |
Battersby, John | Forbes, Alexander | Love, Daniel | Smith, William |
Baucutt, Edward | Ford, John | Lundie, Peter | Smith, William |
Bennett, John | Foreshaw, George | Lush, Jeremiah | Smith, William |
Bennett, Thomas | Foreshaw, William | Manson, Thomas | Soars, James |
Benson, James | Frazer, James | Marsden, John | Soden, Thomas |
Bentley, William | Frost, George | Martin, Thomas | St. George, John |
Berry, Benjamin | Gadsby, Thomas | Martin, William | Standen, Thomas |
Bevans, John | Gains, William | Mastees, William Randell | Stanford, Thomas |
Biggs, James | Gallivan, William | McCann, John | Staples, John |
Billington, James | Gillard, William | McCausland, John | Statham, Peter |
Bisgrove, James | Gillett, Thomas | McColiff, Jeremiah | Sterrat, Daniel |
Blackall, William | Gillson, George | McKay, Duncan | Stevens, Alfred |
Blackburn, Obadiah | Goff, Charles | McKay, James | Stevens, Henry |
Blackwell, James | Golden, Jonathan | McLeod, Alexander | Stimpson, Barnard |
Blackwell, John | Goodman, William | McLoskee, John | Stock, William |
Bluck, Richard | Gordon, Henry | McLoskey, Charles | Sullivan, Henry |
Blunden, Samuel | Gordon, Peter | Meacham, William | Surrey, William |
Bonham, John | Gosh, Benjamin | Mee, Joseph | Symon, George |
Booth, George | Gray, Joseph | Meek, Richard | Taylor, James |
Bourne, Henry | Gray, William | Melville, Ninian | Taylor, John |
Bowling, Edward | Green, Henry | Midgley, Thomas | Taylor, Robert |
Bowser, Timothy | Green, James | Miller, Robert | Thompson, Matthew |
Brentnall, William | Greenbank, George | Money, Joseph | Thompson, William |
Britton, Richard | Greenough, James | Moon, Roger | Tomkins, Abraham |
Brooks, John | Gregory, William | Moon, William | Trickett, George |
Brown, Thomas | Griffin, Robert | Morgan, Robert | Tuck, William |
Brown, William | Groves, Joseph | Morgan, William | Tugwell, James |
Buckett, Jacob | Guppy, Joseph | Morris, Thomas | Turner, John |
Bufton, John | Hall, John | Moseley, Thomas | Turner, Joseph |
Bullard, William | Hall, Thomas | Mosley, William | Vaughan, William |
Bunworth, Peter | Hallett, John | Mozley, Frederick | Vessey, Henry |
Burke, John | Hammersley, Benjamiin | Muir, William | Vickery, James |
Burling, Joshua | Hartland, William | Munds, Henry | Walkden, Robert |
Burrows, William | Hartley, George | Murray, John | Walker, Samuel |
Cadman, Samuel | Harwood, George | Nason, William | Walker, William |
Caffey, Hugh | Haslam, James | Neighbour, Robert | Walker, William |
Caims, Charles | Hasler, James | Newell, Charles | Walker, William Brymen |
Cannon, George | Hawkesley, James | Newton, John | Walkman, James |
Carney, Thomas | Haydon, William | Nicholls, John | Wallace, George Blair |
Carr, George | Hayes, Benjamin | Nixon, William | Walmsley, James |
Carrington, Thomas | Haywood, William | Nott, Charles | Ward, Joseph |
Carter, James | Herbert, Edward | Noy, Michael | Ward, Robert |
Carter, Thomas | Herod, Isaac | Nuttall, Samuel | Watkin, Thomas |
Carthie, John | Heron, William | Ogden, Thomas | Watson, James |
Chard, John | Herring, Richard | Oxley, Abraham | Watson, Richard |
Clark, Henry | Herring, Thomas | Pardoe, James | Waugh, William (the younger) |
Clark, John | Hills, James | Park, James | Webb, George |
Clarke, John | Hodgkinson, Thomas | Parkes, George | Wells, George |
Clarke, Robert | Holbrook, John | Peake, Michael | Wells, Thomas |
Clary, William | Holgate, John | Pearson, Thomas | West, James |
Close, George | Holmes, John | Peden, Robert | Wetherall, William |
Cole, Daniel | Holmes, William | Plumbley, John | Whateley, Charles |
Cole, Henry | Horsfall, Abraham | Plummer, John | White, David |
Cole, James | Hosier, Thomas | Prankard, James | White, Thomas |
Cole, William | Hoskins, James | Price, Morgan | Williams, George |
Coleman, Thomas | Hubble, Joseph | Pritchard, William | Williams, Henry |
Collett, Stephen | Hughes, Joseph | Provis, John | Williams, James |
Cooke, Edward | Indell, Joseph | Quarman, Thomas | Williams, John |
Cope, Job | Ives, William | Ranscomb, Thomas | Williams, Thomas |
Coulthurst, Thomas | Jackson, George | Reece, John | Wilson, James |
Coupar, Peter | Jackson, James | Reynolds, William | Wilson, John |
Cox, Robert | Jacobs, John | Richards, Thomas | Winfield, John |
Crockson, Richard | James, William | Richards, William | Winsper, William |
Crowder, Joseph | Johnson, Edward | Richardson, James | Winteringham, James |
Darby, Richard | Johnson, Isaac | Richardson, Joseph | Wood, Michael (the younger) |
Davidson, Thomas | Johnson, John | Riley, Michael | Woods, James |
Davies, Thomas | Johnson, William | Riley, Robert | Wright, Charles |
Davis, Joseph | Jones, Edward | Roberts, Henry | Young, James |
Davis, Thomas | Jones, Henry | Roberts, John | |
Davis, William | Jones, James | Robertson, Daniel | |
Davison, Benjamin | Jones, Owen | Robertson, John | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Fairlie (1) is 377 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.233-247
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.352-353, 389