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Details for the ship Hooghly (4) (1834)

Ship Name:Hooghly (4)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1819
Size (tons):466
Voyage Details
Master:George Bayly
Surgeon:James Rutherford
Sailed:28 July 1834
Arrived:18 November 1834
Days Travel:113
Convicts Landed:260 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, JohnDoughty, WilliamJones, WilliamRoberts, William
Alexander, WilliamDrake, JamesJones, WilliamRobinson, Richard
Ambrose, DavidDriscol, JohnKing, WilliamRose, John
Apthorpe, SamuelDuff, CharlesKnapp, JamesRose, William
Baker, WilliamDupen, JohnKnight, JamesRowe, Millward
Barnes, GeorgeEdmunds, ThomasLambert, JamesRozier, John
Beendey, ThomasEdwards, CharlesLarkham, WilliamRussells, John
Bellamy, JohnEdwards, WattsLawrence, JohnRust, Robert
Bellavis, WilliamEdwards, WilliamLawson, JamesScott, Henry
Beney, JamesElmer, ThomasLazell, ThomasSeakins, Henry
Best, JamesEmber, JohnLee, JohnSealy, Samuel
Best, SamuelEvans, ThomasLee, ThomasSellers, Benjamin
Bevison, HenryFarr, JosephLewin, JamesSeymour, James
Birkett, ThomasFeather, GeorgeLincoln, IsaacSharman, John
Bishop, JosephFezard, WilliamLinnett, JeremiahShaw, William
Bishop, ThomasFirman, EdwardLock, RobertSheen, William
Blackburn, WilliamFoley, JamesLockey, WilliamShoard, John
Blake, RobertFoster, JohnLovey, RichardShorten, John
Boiling, JosephFrazer, PeterLudbrooke, GeorgeSimmons, James
Boutard, John FrancisFreeman, JamesMacqueen, JamesSinclair, Edward
Bowdall, JamesFreeman, ThomasMair, JohnSmith, John
Box, EdwardFurguson, DavidMarks, ThomasSmith, Robert
Braybrook, AbrahamGadenne, JohnMarsh, JamesSmith, Thomas
Brooke, MatthewGilbert, JohnMartin, JohnSolomons, Solomon
Brookes, RichardGlue, GeorgeMason, ThomasSone, Thomas
Brown, WilliamGlue, JosephMay, RobertSpink, John
Browne, ThomasGoodrich, WilliamMayne, FrancisSpinks, Henry
Budge, HenryGoodwin, CharlesMcDonald, JohnStagg, Richard
Bunting, GeorgeGould, EliasMead, WilliamStammer, Stephen
Burch, JamesGould, FrederickMetcalfe, GeorgeStevens, William
Burgess, LeonardGreen, JamesMillar, EdmundStreake, Charles
Burles, JamesGreen, JosephMissingham, DavidStuart, William
Burles, WilliamGrundy, CharlesMissingham, WilliamSwinscoe, William
Byfield, RobertHall, CharlesMitchell, CharlesTalbot, Peter
Calloway, JohnHall, JamesMoores, AugustusTanner, William
Carrier, EmanuelHamer, SidneyMunn, DavidTaylor, Robert
Chambers, JosephHardy, JohnNeal, DanielTaylor, Samuel (the younger)
Champion, GeorgeHarrington, WilliamNeale, JohnThacker, Charles
Chatfield, WilliamHarris, WilliamNutbean, PeterThacker, James
Clark, JamesHatton, JohnOsborne, HenryThomas, Charles
Clark, JohnHawkins, EdwardPain, EdmundThomas, John
Clarke, WilliamHemmings, JamesParrott, WilliamThomas, Peter
Clarkson, RichardHeney, JohnPayne, JosephTurner, William
Cohen, JamesHerbert, JohnPeck, JamesUnderwood, James
Collett, ThomasHickox, CharlesPhillips, NathanVerguson, Robert
Conniffe, JohnHill, RichardPhillips, WilliamVickers, George
Cook, JohnHobb, CharlesPhillips, WilliamVincent, James
Cook, WilliamHodson, HenryPhillips, WilliamWaller, Edward
Cook, WilliamHow, DavidPickard, William Thos.Walter, William
Cox, WilliamHoward, HenryPickering, ThomasWarben, Richard
Cricknell, HenryHudson, JonathanPignold, HenryWarben, William
Crouch, JosephHughes, JamesPiper, JosephWard, Daniel
Cundee, Stephen AbrahamHunt, JamesPlatt, JosephWard, James
Dalby, HamletHunt, SpencerPollard, WilliamWells, Edmund
Daniels, JamesHutchins, WilliamPorter, WilliamWeyman, Richard
Davis, DavidJames, WilliamPrice, JamesWhite, James
Davis, JohnJenner, DanielPrice, WilliamWhite, Matthew
Davis, JohnJenner, SamuelPutland, ThomasWilliams, James
Dawbney, RobertJohnson, JohnQuirk, WilliamWilliams, Thomas
Day, JohnJohnson, JohnRaper, SamuelWilliams, William
Delaforce, WilliamJones, AlexanderRayner, JamesWillshaw, James
Dillon, WilliamJones, JohnReeves, RichardWilson, John
Dolly, WilliamJones, JosephRichardson, ThomasWilson, Richard
Donovan, MatthewJones, MosesRichmond, WilliamWilson, Richard
Doughty, AaronJones, RichardRiddlesdale, WilliamWright, George

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Hooghly (4) is 260 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.409-418
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.352-353, 389

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