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Details for the ship Mangles (7) (1835)

Ship Name:Mangles (7)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1802
Size (tons):594
Voyage Details
Master:William Carr
Surgeon:Peter J. Suther
Sailed:21 April 1835
Arrived:1 August 1835
Days Travel:102
Convicts Landed:310 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allen, JamesDay, RichardJones, ThomasShead, William
Allen, WilliamDobrea, CharlesJones, WilliamShibbings, James
Ames, JohnDonovan, JosephJones, WilliamShort, Richard
Anderton, WilliamDooner, ThomasJoyce, TimothyShorten, Goymer
Ansell, JamesDouglas, JamesKennedy, CharlesShorten, John
Arlington, JohnDrew, EdwardKern, WilliamSimpson, Samuel
Ashley, RichardDunston, CharlesKirk, ThomasSimpson, William
Baker, JamesDykes, HenryKitts, JohnSmith, Edward
Baker, ThomasEllis, RobertLangham, WilliamSmith, Edward
Barnes, GeorgeElliston, JohnLangston, ThomasSmith, Henry
Barnes, PeterEmmons, JohnLeatherbarrow, RobertSmith, Isaac
Barnes, RobertEnglish, RichardLenny, PhilipSmith, James
Barnett, CharlesEvans, JamesLester, ReubenSmith, John
Barrett, MauriceFairclough, JohnLevy, LewisSmith, John
Batchelor, JamesFarrier, WilliamLingard, JohnSmith, William
Baxter, JamesFeeney, JamesLittle, GeorgeSmith, William
Baxter, William CarterFerguson, GeorgeLloyd, HenrySmith, William
Bays, JohnFirman, ThomasLockwood, JamesSnook, Charles
Beard, ClementFitz, WilliamLowe, JosephSomes, Samuel
Bell, EdwardFitzgerald, JohnLund, StephenSpencer, John
Bellchambers, WilliamFitzgibbon, JohnMacsheen, JohnStaff, George
Bently, HenryFlood, GeorgeMahony, JohnStanley, John
Benyon, WilliamFogg, John WilliamMann, EdwardStanley, John Henry
Betts, JamesFrake, GeorgeMann, JamesStone, Henry
Betts, JohnFrancklin, JohnMarmoud, JohnStonehewer, James
Bews, ThomasFraser, DavidMarsh, WilliamSuckling, Edward
Blakes, JosephFrewarrow, GeorgeMarshall, EbenezerSummers, Thomas
Blencowe, ThomasGardner, ThomasMartin, WilliamSweeney, William
Blick, JoelGee, DanielMaslen, JamesSwindle, Frederick
Blyther, EdmundGiles, WilliamMawson, JamesSwindle, Thomas
Booth, JosephGlover, GeorgeMcBrian, ThomasTandy, George
Boyd, ThomasGoodfellow, HenryMcGhee, FrancisTarbin, Robert
Brackenberry, GeorgeGoodwin, NathanielMeads, ThomasTarsey, George
Brant, EdwardGoodwin, WilliamMiles, JohnTaylor, John
Brewer, WilliamGrant, EdwardMoss, ThomasTaylor, John
Briant, JohnGray, WilliamMouncey, JohnTestar, Edward
Bromfield, JamesGreaves, JamesMountain, JamesThompson, Edward
Brooks, PeterGreen, JamesMurray, William (the elder)Thompson, George
Broughton, ThomasGreenwood, HenryMurray, William (the younger)Thornley, Benjamin
Brown, EdwardGregory, ThomasMurrell, AdamToms, John
Brown, GeorgeGriffiths, RichardNeale, AndrewToogood, Elijah
Burke, JamesGroves, RichardNeil, JamesTuckwell, William
Burman, BenjaminGrubb, GeorgeNelmes, JamesTwiddy, William
Butcher, ThomasGuinea, GregorioNewman, CharlesTyson, John
Calley, JosephHammond, HenryNewman, JosephUnderwood, Robert
Cannell, JohnHardman, JohnNice, JohnUnderwood, Thomas
Cannon, GeorgeHarrold, WilliamNicholas, FrancisVarney, Thomas
Carey, ThomasHart, ThomasNiel, JamesWalker, James
Carlton, EdgarHarvey, JamesNorris, WilliamWalton, Edward
Casey, StephenHasler, RichardO'Donnell, DanielWatson, Joseph
Chalwin, HenryHayden, JosephOdall, ThomasWeaver, John
Christie, WilliamHaynes, GeorgeOwen, ThomasWelch, James
Clancey, JohnHennessey, JohnPalmer, ThomasWelch, William
Clarke, AbrahamHescott, FrancisParton, WilliamWells, Robert
Clarke, FrancisHesketh, WilliamPegman, JohnWells, Thomas
Clarke, GeorgeHobbs, JohnPeter, JohnWells, William
Clarke, WilliamHooker, AlfredPettet, WilliamWenn, Daniel
Clarke, William JollyHorabin, ThomasPiper, JohnWenn, James
Clewley, JoshuaHorne, EdwardPrice, CharlesWest, John
Cloffs, WilliamHowitt, WilliamPrice, GeorgeWest, William
Cohen, SamuelHunt, WilliamPrice, ThomasWicks, John
Colk, WilliamHunter, JohnPritchard, EdwardWilby, Benjamin
Collier, MatthewHurst, JosephPullen, HenryWilkinson, James
Collings, RobertHurst, WilliamRance, WilliamWilliams, Henry
Collins, JohnHyams, HenryRansome, WilliamWilliams, James
Conner, CorneliusIrwin, JohnRayner, IsaacWilliams, William
Cook, JamesJacobs, JohnRead, ThomasWilliamson, William
Coombes, RobertJeffcock, JosephRead, WilliamWillis, William
Cooper, FrederickJohnson, JamesReynolds, CharlesWillson, Edmund Rowler
Crawford, ThomasJohnson, JohnRichardson, MatthewWood, William
Crick, JohnJohnson, ThomasRichardson, WilliamWoodley, John Oliver
Cripps, ThomasJohnson, WilliamRoberts, RobertWoods, John
Crooks, BenjaminJohnson, WilliamRogers, BenjaminWostenholme, Thomas
Cullen, LukeJoiner, GeorgeRoope, WilliamWright, William
Cutts, HenryJones, DavidScott, FrederickWright, William
Dare, RobertJones, JohnSellwood, JohnYoung, James
Davis, JamesJones, ThomasSewell, James
Davis, WilliamJones, ThomasShaw, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Mangles (7) is 310 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.35-48
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 389

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