List of convict passengers
Ackers, Thomas | Dunlop, Edward | Keith, John | Robinson, Thomas |
Aldridge, Charles | Dunton, Edward William | Kelley, James | Ross, Charles |
Anneley, Joseph Giles | Dye, John | Kelly, Thomas | Ross, Josiah |
Anslow, James | Earl, William | Kemp, Samuel | Salter, Samuel |
Appleford, Alfred | Edwards, Benjamin | Kendall, George | Sanderland, James |
Argument, Thomas | Evans, Job | Kent, James | Sarson, Thomas |
Arrol, William | Evans, John | Kerr, William | Saunderson, George |
Ashburn, Joseph | Evans, Thomas | King, Charles | Scott, Samuel |
Austin, William | Failes, Benjamin | King, George | Selsby, John |
Bailey, Francis | Fallowell, Thomas | King, John | Senior, Joseph |
Bailey, John | Fletcher, Joseph | Knowles, Frederick | Sheerlock, George |
Baker, Robert | Fletcher, Martin | Lamb, Richard | Sheffield, Thomas |
Baldwin, James | Fritchley, Richard | Lansdown, William | Sherwood, William Robert |
Banfield, William | Froude, James | Laughton, John | Shipton, Thomas |
Bardell, James | Gee, James | Lavary, Joseph | Simpkins, Thomas |
Barnes, Thomas James | Gilbert, Lorenzo | Lester, Thomas | Skeffington, John |
Barnfield, George | Gloag, William | Lowe, James | Skett, Stephen |
Barrington, John | Goodridge, James | Lowndes, Samuel | Slaigh, William |
Barrington, Mark | Goulding, Peter | Lynall, John | Slater, George |
Beer, William | Grattan, Henry | Macdonell, John | Smith, Charles James |
Bennett, George | Gray, John | MacDonell, Thomas | Smith, George |
Benson, William | Green, Edward Henry | MacLeod, John | Smith, George |
Bentley, James | Green, John | Macnamara, Henry | Smith, George |
Bevan, Thomas | Grinman, Alfred | MacWilliams, William | Smith, Matthew |
Bird, Thomas | Gurdon, George | Mason, George | Smith, William |
Blackburn, Mark | Gurney, Richard | Matheson, Charles | Smith, William |
Blandford, James | Guthrie, Jabez | McDonald, Adam | South, George |
Bletchington, Joseph | Hall, Edward | McGloughlin, John | Sparling, Joseph |
Booth, Charles | Hampson, Benjamin | McNabb, William | Spencer, William |
Bosworth, William | Hansell, John | Medcalf, John | Standish, John |
Boulton, Joseph | Hanton, Benjamin | Melrose, John | Steel, John |
Boylan, John | Harbour, John | Millard, William | Stokes, George |
Boyles, Michael | Hardie, John | Miller, William | Sullivan, John |
Bracegirdle, James | Harkins, Charles | Mills, John | Sumner, Thomas |
Bradley, Peter | Harrow, Henry | Mitchell, John | Surry, Henry |
Braid, Simon | Hartley, Richard | Morgan, Thomas | Tatham, James |
Bright, James | Harvey, Henry | Morris, Owen | Thomas, David |
Broad, James | Harvey, William | Mounteney, John | Thomas, Frederick (the younger) |
Bronn, John | Hawker, William | Murdoch, Henry | Thomas, John |
Brookfield, Thomas | Hawkes, Matthew | Murrell, Samuel | Tomlinson, Benjamin |
Brown, James | Hayes, Samuel | Neville, William | Townhead, John |
Brown, John | Heathcote, William | Newman, William | Tripp, Samuel |
Brown, Richard | Heskin, Edward | Newson, Frederick | Turner, James |
Browning, Thomas | Hewitson, Thomas | Nowlan, William | Turner, John |
Burke, James | Hewitt, Henry | Offer, Nathaniel | Twells, Jesse |
Cambage, John | Hewitt, Richard | Oldham, William | Vaughan, Charles |
Carpenter, Edward | Higgingbottom, John | Oliver, Joseph Watkins | Wainwright, William |
Carr, William | Hill, William | Ollis, Charles | Walker, John |
Carter, Gervas | Hinch, Thomas | Osland, John | Walker, Thomas |
Carter, John | Hinchliffe, John | Outhwaite, Thomas | Walker, William |
Carter, Robert | Hitchcock, George | Owers, Abraham | Walsh, William |
Carter, William (the younger) | Holman, Joseph | Parsons, Samuel | Wandsworth, James |
Cavannah, Michael | Holmes, William | Parsons, Thomas | Ward, Thomas |
Chantry, Edward | Howard, John | Penkethman, Thomas | Warmby, James |
Chapman, Joseph Hutchinson | Hughes, Joseph | Perry, John | Watkins, Francis |
Chapman, Russell | Hughes, William | Perry, Joseph | Watkins, Job |
Clark, Samuel | Hylan, John | Peters, James | Watkins, Thomas |
Clarkson, Ebenezer | Innes, Thomas | Petty, Thomas | Watson, William |
Clay, William | Jacks, William | Petty, William | Welsh, Samuel |
Cone, Samuel | Jackson, James | Phillip, John | Wharton, William |
Conley, William | Jackson, John | Pick, John | Wheelton, Jonathan |
Connoly, Peter | Jackson, William | Piggott, William | Whinyates, James |
Cook, Charles | Jackson, William | Pink, William | Whitcomb, George |
Cook, John | Jaffray, George | Platt, Thomas | White, Charles |
Coops, John | Jangleman, Joseph | Plummer, John | White, William |
Copas, George | Jarratt, William | Pott, Andrew | Whittaker, John |
Crow, Joshua | Jenkins, Thomas | Pound, James | Wigley, Joseph |
Curtis, William | Johnson, Charles | Powell, Llewellin | Williams, John |
Curwen, Daniel | Johnson, George | Prescott, John | Willis, George |
Davis, Richard | Johnson, Thomas | Proctor, Louis | Willis, William |
Dawson, Thomas | Johnson, Thomas | Punyer, John | Wilson, Charles |
Dean, George | Johnson, Thomas | Rae, Thomas | Wilson, James |
Deans, James | Johnston, John | Ramsden, George | Wilson, John |
Denby, Joseph | Jones, Matthew | Richardson, John | Withnall, William |
Desmond, John | Jones, William | Riddiford, Charles | Wittingham, Charles |
Dicken, Timothy | Joyner, William | Riley, Henry | Wright, Charles |
Dickey, William | Jupp, James | Risby, Esau | Wright, James |
Dixon, Joseph | Kangaroo, William | Robertson, James | Wright, John |
Donaldson, John | Keen, William | Robertson, James | Wright, William |
Douglas, William | Keen, William | Robinson, John | Young, James |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Marquis of Huntley (4) is 320 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.11-25
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.352-353, 389