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Details for the ship Mary Anne II (1835)

Ship Name:Mary Anne II  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1817
Size (tons):587
Voyage Details
Master:Aaron Smith
Surgeon:Campbell France
Sailed:9 July 1835
Arrived:26 October 1835
Days Travel:109
Convicts Landed:305 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

??, BenDearn, SamuelJones, RobertScott, Robert
??, BobDester, JohnJones, ThomasScott, William
Abel, WilliamDixon, JohnJones, WilliamScott, William
Adams, WilliamDolby, WilliamJones, WilliamSevern, Henry William
Allen, JohnDow, DavidJordan, StephenShaw, Michael
Anderson, DavidDow, JohnJoys, GeorgeShaw, Thomas
Andrews, WalterDowson, JamesKallan, JohnSills, Joseph
Ansell, RichardDupree, AbrahamKendall, JohnSimkins, William
Arundale, JohnEdwards, ThomasKing, JosephSimmons, James
Attewell, SamuelEmslie, JohnKingstone, JohnSimpson, John
Bagnall, WilliamFall, HenryKirk, WilliamSindall, Robert
Bailey, William WillbyFallan, PatrickKitteridge, ThomasSlack, John
Baird, JosephFenney, ThomasKnipe, JohnSlater, Abraham
Ball, WilliamFinch, FrancisLemon, JohnSmith, Edward
Barber, WilliamFinch, JosephLewis, JohnSmith, Henry
Barclay, GeorgeFletcher, JohnLindsay, James LethamSmith, James
Barker, ThomasForster, JohnLindsey, Martin AlfredSmith, John
Barnes, PatrickFowkes, WilliamLoader, JamesSmith, Thomas
Barnes, WilliamFraser, JohnLock, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Bateman, SamuelFreeman, JohnLongley, GeorgeSnook, Richard
Baxter, ThomasGamblen, JosephLyes, WilliamSoar, George
Beal, EdwardGawthorn, BenjaminLynchey, ThomasStainton, John
Beavan, WilliamGee, ThomasLysatt, WilliamStansfield, Thomas
Bevans, JohnGilbert, WilliamMacMillan, ColinStewart, David
Bootle, RobertGillory, JohnMale, SimeonStokes, Isaac
Bostans, ThomasGlastonbury, WilliamMartin, EdwardStott, Thomas
Bowker, JosephGoff, ThomasMcAllister, CharlesStrange, Matthew
Brealey, JohnGomer, JohnMcDougall, JohnStratford, Thomas
Bridge, JonathanGraniger, GeorgeMcKenzie, AlexanderStratton, Richard
Brierley, ThomasGreen, HenryMead, JamesStreets, George
Bristow, JohnGreen, JohnMears, WilliamStreets, John
Brown, JamesGreen, SamuelMendham, ThomasStringfellow, William
Brown, WilliamGregory, JamesMerrett, WilliamSutton, Robert
Brunning, JonathanGregson, ThomasMillar, JohnTaylor, George
Bullock, DanielGulliver, EdwardMills, JohnTaylor, William
Bulpin, JamesHadfield, JosephMitchell, AlexanderTharpe, Tom
Burden, JosephHall, JamesMowat, WilliamThomas, David
Burgess, JohnHall, ThomasMoyse, RobertThomas, David
Burkamshear, WilliamHammers, WilliamMurry, ThomasThomas, Edward
Callis, JohnHand, ThomasNaggs, RichardThomas, Richard
Campbell, HughHarding, SamuelNeville, JohnThompson, Edward
Carr, JohnHardy, JosephNicholson, MichaelThomson, William
Carroll, PatrickHare, JohnNixson, JohnThornton, John
Carwood, ThomasHargreaves, RobertOakley, RichardThorpe, John
Cattermouel, ThomasHarris, JamesOates, WilliamTinsdale, John
Cecil, JohnHarris, RichardPaine, RichardTyrrell, John
Chambers, WilliamHarrison, GeorgePapworth, BenjaminVale, William
Chapman, HenryHarvey, AbrahamParker, John (the elder)Vallis, John
Charlton, JosephHaslam, JohnParkins, CharlesWakefield, Isaac
Cheadle, JamesHawksworth, JohnParramore, JamesWalker, John
Cheetham, EdwardHayes, RichardPatrick, FrancisWaller, Thomas
Cherry, WilliamHaylock, EdwardPhillips, ThomasWalters, John
Citta, LawrenceHead, ThomasPoole, IsaacWard, James
Clapton, WilliamHele, RuthenPoole, WilliamWatson, Alexander
Clarke, WilliamHennesey, EdwardPottinger, CharlesWatt, David
Clarke, WilliamHickman, WilliamPowell, JosephWelburn, George
Clarkson, JohnHill, RichardPrice, JohnWheeler, John
Claypole, JamesHilt, ThomasPrice, ThomasWhite, Henry
Clayton, ThomasHobbs, John ChristmasQuin, SamuelWhitebread, John
Cockroft, Isaac BurgessHolloway, JamesRafferty, PeterWhitmore, Charles
Collier, JohnHope, WilliamReynolds, JosephWignall, Hugh
Collins, CharlesHowarth, RobertRiley, EdwardWilliams, Frederick
Collins, JamesHudson, ThomasRiley, HenryWilliams, Henry
Combron, RichardHudson, William PickRimmer, JamesWilson, George
Connor, WilliamIngram, ChristopherRobb, WilliamWilson, Thomas
Cook, GeorgeJackson, JohnRoberts, GeorgeWingate, John
Cook, IsaacJames, HenryRoberts, JosephWitten, Charles
Coster, JohnJames, ThomasRobinson, ThomasWitten, William
Cumpty, WilliamJames, WilliamRose, WilliamWood, William
Cuppist, JosephJay, SamuelRowland, RobertWoodward, James
Curtis, IsaacJennings, JamesRussell, JamesWoolley, William
Dalton, ThomasJohnson, HenryRutter, HenryWright, George
Daniels, JesseJohnson, RobertSaint, JohnWright, George
Davey, GeorgeJohnson, ThomasSalt, ThomasYardy, Richard
Davies, JosephJones, JoshuaSavage, JohnYoung, Ralph
Day, HenryJones, LewisSawyer, George
Day, JohnJones, RichardScotnall, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Mary Anne II is 306 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.103-115
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.352-353, 389

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