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Details for the ship Bardaster (1836)

Ship Name:Bardaster  
Rig Type:S.
Built:New Brunswick
Build Year:1833
Size (tons):435
Voyage Details
Master:Alexander McDonald
Surgeon:Joseph Steret
Sailed:16 September 1835
Arrived:13 January 1836
Days Travel:119
Convicts Landed:235 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abery, WilliamEdwards, WilliamMatthews, WilliamSmith, John
Allen, WilliamElton, ThomasMay, JamesSmith, Michael
Anstice, JamesEvans, John HenryMayes, EdwardSmith, Thomas
Ashworth, JamesEvenett, ThomasMcCarthy, WilliamSmith, William
Aylward, WilliamFisher, GeorgeMiller, SamuelSmith, William
Ayton, RobertFisher, JohnMoor, GeorgeSmith, William
Balfour, FrancisFoley, HenryMoore, WilliamSpillan, John
Barnes, HenryFranklyn, CharlesMoore, WilliamSprowles, Daniel
Barritt, WilliamGoodall, RichardMorrin, JohnSquire, Thomas
Baxter, ThomasGradley, JohnMorris, SamuelStagg, John
Bayley, GeorgeGrimmond, GeorgeNeale, JamesStallard, Alfred
Bayley, JamesHammond, AbrahamNewell, WilliamStanbrooke, George
Benham, JamesHarman, AmbroseNewman, WilliamStevens, John
Bentley, JonathanHartop, ThomasNewman, WilliamStreeter, Alexander
Biddlecomb, GeorgeHatherell, IsaacNewton, WilliamSutton, Charles
Bish, JamesHawke, JonathanNobes, WilliamSymons, Henry
Bishop, MorrisHawkins, JohnNorster, AbrahamSymons, Samuel
Bourke, JohnHayward, HenryNorster, SamuelTann, William
Brinkworth, ThomasHearne, JosephOpen, William (the younger)Taylor, George
Britton, WilliamHenstridge, SamuelOsbourn, SamuelTaylor, Richard
Broom, HenryHitchins, GeorgePartner, WilliamTester, James
Brown, HenryHolden, JohnPaul, JohnThompson, George
Brown, ThomasHolliday, WilliamPayne, GeorgeThompson, William
Brown, WilliamHolloway, JohnPenfold, JamesThompson, William James
Bryant, BenjaminHopkins, HenryPepler, WilliamTilling, John
Bryant, JamesHughes, JohnPillinger, GeorgeTimmins, Benjamin
Burgess, JohnHunt, JamesPlayford, CharlesTravers, Scinty
Burt, JohnHunter, ThomasPoole, WilliamTrower, Robert
Carter, JohnJackson, JamesPorch, JamesTurner, Samuel Henry
Carter, PeterJacques, JohnPross, JamesTwyman, Charles
Cater, JamesJamieson, AlexanderRadnage, JosephVenn, James
Chaplin, WilliamJenner, FrancisRawlings, JonasWaldon, James
Chappell, William (the younger)Jewson, RichardRawlings, JosephWalker, William
Charlwood, JamesJob, WilliamReed, ThomasWaller, Thomas
Chatfield, JohnJohnson, ThomasReynolds, BernardWallis, Henry
Childs, JamesJohnson, ThomasReynolds, GeorgeWalton, William
Chilton, ThomasJohnson, WilliamRoberts, JohnWarren, John
Churcher, JohnJohnson, WilliamRobinson, SamuelWarwick, James
Clack, JamesJones, WilliamRogers, GeorgeWebb, George
Clamp, CharlesKemp, NashRussell, IsaacWebster, David Francis
Clarke, DanielKenny, MatthewRussell, ThomasWebster, John
Clarkson, CharlesKillick, JohnRussell, WilliamWells, James
Coakley, DavidKing, CharlesSalmon, JosephWells, John
Collins, ThomasKing, EdwardSammons, WilliamWeston, Henry
Colvin, AnthonyLangford, RichardSanderson, Edward FrancisWhitelock, James
Cook, JohnLeaf, WilliamSaunders, JohnWhittingham, John
Cook, JohnLedbrook, FrancisSaunders, WilliamWilkin, John
Cooper, JohnLeighton, AbrahamSavory, JeromeWilliams, James
Coward, JamesLenard, JeremiahSeager, JosephWilliams, Robert
Cox, RobertLightbourne, JosephSevier, GeorgeWilliams, William
Cox, WilliamLineham, WilliamSharp, RichardWilson, John
Crathern, WilliamLingham, JohnShaw, BenjaminWilson, Thomas
Curtis, ThomasLivermore, DanielShort, JobWilson, William
Davies, CharlesLonghurst, NathanielSilk, SamuelWoodcock, William
Davis, CharlesLovell, JamesSkinner, JohnWoodfield, George
Denyer, CharlesLovenbury, MatthewSmith, GeorgeWoods, John
Dickerson, WilliamLynam, AbrahamSmith, GeorgeWyles, Daniel
Dunn, WilliamMackman, HenrySmith, GeorgeWymark, John
Eagle, John SimmondsManning, GeorgeSmith, JamesYoung, Thomas
Edwards, RichardMansell, CharlesSmith, JohnYowell, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Bardaster is 240 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.151-160
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 389

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