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Details for the ship Lady Nugent (2) (1836)

Ship Name:Lady Nugent (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1813
Size (tons):535
Voyage Details
Master:James Fawcett
Surgeon:John Dobie
Sailed:14 July 1836
Arrived:12 November 1836
Days Travel:121
Convicts Landed:286 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

??, BillyDavidson, WilliamJordan, RobertRogers, Richard
??, CharlesDavis, CharlesKendall, ThomasRogers, William
??, EmanuelDavis, GeorgeKenney, JohnRoss, John
??, JackoDavis, JohnKenney, RichardRussell, William
??, JeffryDay, WilliamKey, ThomasRyley, James
??, LouisDeardon, JosiahKilbourn, SamuelSalter, Isaac
??, LouisDecker, JamesKnowles, RobertSanderson, William
??, NatDesmond, TimothyLane, MichaelSaunders, Robert
??, PrinceDimond, AndrewLangford, JohnSchofield, Ellis
??, RichmondDole, JosephLawless, JamesScott, James
??, SoldierDuffety, SamuelLeyland, WilliamShaw, William
??, SpidellDunton, JamesLimeburner, GeorgeShelshire, Samuel
Aaron, JosephEddishaw, JamesLomax, GeorgeSimpson, Charles
Ackery, JamesEdwards, IsaacLynch, JamesSmart, John
Agar, DanielEdwards, RichardMacCann, JohnSmith, George
Aich, WilliamEllson, ThomasMacKenzie, PeterSmith, George
Alexander, JohnEvans, ThomasMallyon, ThomasSmith, Henry
Alexander, ThomasFagan, JohnManuel, MichaelSmith, Henry
Allbone, ThomasFarmer, ThomasMartin, DavidSmith, James
Allen, WilliamFegan, JamesMartin, DickSmith, John
Alton, WilliamFerminger, WilliamMcCarthy, JeremiahSmith, John
Baker, RichardFitton, BenjaminMcGee, WilliamSmith, Reuben
Barker, WilliamFitzgerald, ThomasMcGloughlin, DanielSmith, Sidney
Bartlett, JohnFogarty, MichaelMcHenry, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Bartrop, JamesFord, JohnMeads, WilliamSmith, William
Bassett, JohnFord, MichaelMellor, WilliamSnape, William
Bathurst, StephenFoster, WilliamMelven, JohnSparkes, James
Beach, WilliamFry, SamuelMereweathers, JohnSpeed, John
Beckett, RichardFurniss, GeorgeMiller, JamesSpencer, David
Beckley, JamesGailor, WilliamMiller, JohnStone, William
Belcher, ThomasGibson, WilliamMillgate, JamesSwann, William
Bennett, JamesGiggins, Edward (the younger)Mills, CharlesSykes, John
Bennett, ThomasGilbert, CorneliusMitchell, JohnTaylor, Cornelius
Berry, StephenGill, JohnMitchell, RichardTaylor, Thomas
Bishop, WilliamGoggin, RichardMoore, JohnThom, John
Booth, WalterGoode, JohnMoreton, HenryThompson, George
Bradley, JohnGray, WilliamMortlock, ArthurThompson, Jacob
Bright, JohnGreen, HenryMoses, AaronThurgood, William
Brothwell, AbrahamGreen, LeviNewall, HillTimms, Henry
Brown, CharlesGreen, ThomasNewman, ThomasTownend, Thomas
Brown, WilliamGregson, JamesNewton, RichardTurthill, James
Buckley, WilliamGuilliams, ThomasNorcutt, RichardVeal, Thomas
Bullimore, WilliamGurney, WilliamNorton, James (the younger)Walker, Abraham
Burdin, SamuelHagan, EdwardOldfield, JamesWalker, John
Burnham, LewisHague, Henry (the younger)Oyston, JohnWalker, Thomas
Burton, JohnHall, JamesPanting, JamesWarburton, John
Butcher, GershamHanks, ThomasParadise, JamesWard, Jeremiah
Butterworth, SamuelHarman, GeorgeParker, JohnWebster, William
Cairns, JamesHarris, JohnParker, RobertWest, John
Calvert, WilliamHatfield, HenryParry, JohnWhitehead, Henry
Chadwick, GeorgeHaw, RichardPearce, GeorgeWhiteley, Charles
Chard, JohnHenderson, JamesPearce, JosephWhiting, Samuel
Christie, JohnHenderson, RobertPearson, JohnWicks, Thomas
Clark, RichardHilminster, JohnPennefather, WilliamWight, James
Clayton, JosephHoward, RobertPickering, JohnWilcox, Emanuel
Clemson, ThomasHowes, JosephPolley, RobertWild, James
Coates, WilliamHowitt, WilliamPowell, ThomasWildman, John Thomas
Collins, GeorgeHuckbody, DavidPratt, GeorgeWilliams, Samuel
Collins, JamesHuckbody, NathanPrior, SamuelWilliams, Thomas
Connor, CharlesHustler, ThomasPritchard, WilliamWilliamson, William
Connor, DanielJackson, JohnPugh, HughWinroe, John
Connor, ThomasJackson, Thomas PhilipRaey, SamuelWise, Henry
Cook, RobertJames, RichardRay, ThomasWood, Henry
Cooledge, JohnJenkins, JohnReed, ThomasWood, John
Counter, William JohnJennings, WilliamRees, OwenWoollen, Joseph
Crabtree, JamesJohnson, EdwardRees, ThomasWoolley, Edward
Craig, DanielJohnson, JohnRendle, GeorgeWorsley, Hollbrook
Cross, Daniel (the younger)Johnson, WilliamReville, AlfredWrench, William
Cuff, JosephJolliffe, ThomasRichmond, GeorgeWright, William
Cunningham, PeterJones, HenryRoach, PatrickWright, William
Dalton, JamesJones, JonathanRobertson, Alexander
Davidson, CharlesJones, WilliamRogers, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lady Nugent (2) is 286 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.305-318
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 390

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