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Details for the ship Lord Lyndoch (3) (1836)

Ship Name:Lord Lyndoch (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1815
Size (tons):638
Voyage Details
Master:John Baker
Surgeon:James Lawrence
Sailed:24 April 1836
Arrived:20 August 1836
Days Travel:118
Convicts Landed:325 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

??, AbrahamDavis, JohnLatimer, ThomasRichards, William
??, ChristmasDavis, JohnLea, ThomasRichardson, John
??, HarryDawse, ThomasLeigh, JamesRigby, Thomas
??, MoodyDivinie, HughLennox, MartinRimington, James
??, StephenDoherty, WilliamLevi, LazarusRoberts, John
Adams, DavidDraper, AlfredLilley, ChristopherRoberts, Richard
Adamson, JamesDraper, GeorgeLindley, WilliamRobertson, William
Allen, BenjaminDriskell, JohnLindsey, JamesRobinson, John
Allwood, JohnDuncan, CharlesLloyd, ThomasRobinson, William
Andrews, JamesDyson, JosephLockyer, StephenRome, George
Arney, SamuelEdwards, JamesLoder, JamesRook, John
Atkinson, EdwardEdwards, WilliamLowe, JohnRooney, John
Bain, DanielEgglestone, JobMacAndrew, AndrewRowe, Thomas
Baker, RichardEvans, DanielMacdonald, AndrewRowland, James
Baker, WilliamFagg, JacobMacGilvray, WilliamRussell, Thomas
Barnett, JohnFerguson, RichardMaine, PhilipRylah, Henry
Barrett, WilliamFisher, JohnMarr, JohnSeale, Thomas
Batho, JohnFleming, MatthewMathews, JamesSewell, Joseph
Batt, HenryFloyd, HenryMaunders, GeorgeShanley, John
Beck, HenryFraser, JoeMcConkey, HughSharp, William
Bedford, ThomasFraser, MalcolmMcCracken, JamesShaw, Samuel
Bell, WilliamFreer, JohnMcDead, PatrickSheen, Timothy
Bennett, JohnGell, ThomasMcDonald, AlexanderShort, James
Bennett, RichardGimson, WilliamMcFadyen, JohnSimpson, William
Bennett, Thomas PalmerGledhill, DanielMcFarlane, JohnSlaith, John
Bent, John RivettGlover, WalterMcIver, FrancisSlater, Lubin
Beynon, JohnGodwin, FrancisMcKechnie, DuncanSmith, James
Bibby, JamesGolden, JamesMends, WilliamSmith, Jameson
Bingham, BenjaminGoodger, WilliamMetcalf, EphraimSmith, John
Birtles, DavidGrant, RichardMew, ThomasSmith, John
Blacker, TitusGray, JosephMiles, JohnSmith, Joseph
Blain, Henry JohnGray, ThomasMillar, JohnSmith, William
Blood, WilliamGreen, JohnMillard, LeviSmith, William
Blunt, HenryGreen, WilliamMiller, JohnSmyth, Edward
Bofham, ThomasGrieve, AndrewMiller, WilliamSteadman, Alexander
Bond, GeorgeGriffiths, JosephMills, WilliamStephenson, John
Bourleton, WilliamGrindlay, WilliamMitchell, ThomasStewart, Alexander
Bourne, PeterHall, WilliamMorgan, EdmundStiggen, John
Bowler, RobertHall, WilliamMorgan, JosephStrike, Robert
Brewer, CharlesHamilton, JamesMott, HenrySullivan, William
Brimfield, RichardHampson, JosephMousley, JosephSussham, William
Brookes, JohnHankinson, JosephMunday, GeorgeSutliff, John
Brotherton, RobertHarding, JosephNarraway, WilliamThomas, Benjamin
Brown, CharlesHarper, JohnNash, JohnThomas, James
Brown, JohnHarris, ThomasNeale, CharlesThomas, John
Brown, JosephHarrison, JohnNewcomb, JosephThompson, Isaac
Brown, WilliamHart, ThomasNewman, JohnThompson, Joseph
Burgan, JohnHartley, JonathanNorman, PeterTimbrell, George
Burns, PatrickHartley, WilliamOakes, JamesTodd, David
Burrows, JamesHaskell, ThomasOgden, AbrahamTracey, Joseph
Butler, JohnHaslehurst, ThomasOxley, HenryTurner, Edwin
Cairns, CharlesHawksley, HenryPadmore, HenryTwining, Jacob
Calvert, JamesHaynes, JohnParadise, JohnUnderwood, Benjamin
Carr, ThomasHealy, HenryParker, ThomasUnwin, James
Carter, JamesHeap, ThomasParkes, EdwinVaughan, Henry
Carter, JosephHill, JohnPedley, JohnWager, Henry
Chamberlain, JohnHillage, WilliamPepper, JohnWallis, John
Champion, WilliamHobson, EdwinPerry, ThomasWallis, Robert
Chappell, SamuelHolliday, JohnPhillips, EdwardWard, George
Charlton, DanielHolmes, SamuelPhillips, GeorgeWare, Henry
Clay, GeorgeHopkin, HenryPickles, MatthiasWarrington, Samuel
Clay, WilliamHoughton, EdwardPike, JohnWaterland, John Walker
Clayton, RichardHughes, JohnPile, JosephWatters, James
Clew, JohnHughes, JohnPilliner, RichardWelch, John
Cockbill, DavidHunt, GeorgePlumpton, ThomasWells, Henry
Cohen, BenjaminHunter, EdwardPollock, RobertWest, Charles
Cole, AmosJackson, ThomasPollock, ThomasWest, William
Coleman, WilliamJacques, EdwardPorter, ThomasWheatley, Henry
Colmer, WilliamJenkins, JenkinPotter, JamesWheeler, James
Cook, WilliamJepson, JohnPound, JohnWhite, James
Cooke, SamuelJewkes, BenjaminPratt, JohnWhitehouse, James
Coppin, JamesJohnson, HenryPreston, IsaacWild, William
Corston, JamesJohnson, JohnPriest, DanielWilliams, Thomas
Courten, MatthiasJohnson, JosephPrince, WilliamWilliams, William
Courtney, JamesJones, ThomasPybus, JohnWilson, Robert
Cox, ThomasJones, WilliamRainsbury, ThomasWood, James
Crossland, GeorgeJones, WilliamRathbone, ThomasWood, William
Crossley, JohnJones, WilliamRayner, WilliamWright, David Gibson
Cruickshanks, JohnKelly, EdwardReed, GeorgeYeates, William
Crutcher, JohnKelly, ThomasReid, MathewYeomans, Thomas
Cussell, JohnKing, JohnReilly, PatrickYoung, John
Davenport, JosephKirkham, ThomasReynolds, William
Davies, DavidKnockett, JohnRice, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lord Lyndoch (3) is 330 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.247-259
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 390

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