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Details for the ship Moffatt (2) (1836)

Ship Name:Moffatt (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1807
Size (tons):820
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas Bolton
Surgeon:John Smith
Sailed:7 May 1836
Arrived:31 August 1836
Days Travel:116
Convicts Landed:396 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

??, FrankDolphin, JohnJones, CharlesRyan, George
??, JohnDore, JamesJones, EdwardSaunders, James
??, ZavierDouglas, JohnJones, JohnSavage, John
Aitken, CharlesDrake, JohnJones, JohnSelwood, Alfred
Alexander, RobertDrew, John MauriceJones, JohnShadford, George
Aling, JohnDriver, DavidJones, JohnSharmon, Herod
Allinton, JohnDunn, SamuelJones, RichardShepherd, George
Anderson, AdamEast, ThomasJones, WilliamShepherd, John
Antonio, JosephEdwards, WilliamJordan, RichardShields, William
Ashman, JohnEdye, BenjaminJupp, JonathanSimmonds, Thomas
Asplen, WilliamEggbeer, JohnKeasley, WilliamSims, James Henry
Atkins, ThomasEgmore, William SidneyKeefe, DavidSly, William
Attmore, EdwardElvin, JamesKelly, WilliamSmith, Francis
Bailey, JohnFacey, WilliamKennedy, JohnSmith, George
Baines, JohnFaith, SamuelKenny, JamesSmith, James
Baker, ThomasFalkner, WilliamKew, JohnSmith, John
Balaam, HenryFarmer, StephenKing, WilliamSmith, John
Ball, WilliamFarnworth, RichardKingsby, ConnellSmith, Robert
Balls, RobertFiddaman, JohnLahey, ThomasSmith, Robert
Barber, JamesFinbow, SamuelLambert, RichardSmithson, Charles
Barber, SamuelFinden, HenryLangford, JohnSoames, Robert
Barkins, HenryFine, James MillerLarner, WilliamSouthern, Robert
Base, WilliamFisher, ThomasLasseter, WilliamSpinks, John
Basketful, JohnFord, WilliamLavender, WilliamStaines, Thomas
Bate, WalterFord, WilliamLawless, JohnSteel, William
Batt, AbnorFowler, JamesLawrence, GeorgeStelfox, John
Bayley, John RayFox, BransbyLayton, ThomasSteward, William
Bayne, AlexanderFranklin, HenryLeabon, JohnStewart, Robert
Beard, EdwardFranklin, ThomasLeary, JohnStickwood, John
Beasley, EdwardFranks, RobertLewis, WilliamSullivan, John
Beaton, ThomasFreeman, JamesLloyd, JohnSullivan, John
Bland, JosephGale, ThomasLoseby, RichardSullivan, John
Boddington, EdwardGale, WilliamLuff, JamesSullivan, Owen
Bone, WilliamGardiner, HenryMacdonald, WilliamSullivan, Thomas
Bonner, RobertGarlick, GeorgeMakins, RodgerSully, James
Bonner, Thomas ButlerGarlick, WilliamMaleed, PatrickSummers, William
Bosworth, CharlesGarrard, FrederickMann, JamesSutherland, George
Bowyer, WilliamGarrett, WebbMarin, LouisTadman, Peter Thomas
Boyd, WilliamGilbert, SamuelMarshall, RobertTaylor, John
Braidley, RichardGilchrist, DanielMatthews, GeorgeTaylor, Richard Stotherd
Brett, HenryGillham, HenryMatthews, JohnTaylor, Samuel
Brigden, HenryGlover, JohnMayhew, CharlesTaylor, Timothy
Brooker, ThomasGoddard, ThomasMcAllister, JohnTaylor, William
Brown, HenryGordon, JamesMcCarthy, TimothyThompson, James
Brown, ThomasGorton, ThomasMcCready, JamesThompson, James
Brown, WilliamGothard, JohnMcCuaig, AlexanderTimms, George
Browne, RobertGotheridge, JosephMcDead, HughTodd, William
Bryon, ThomasGourlay, AlexanderMcNeill, JamesTrego, Thomas
Bubb, HenryGraham, AlexanderMerritt, WilliamTurner, John
Buchanan, WilliamGraham, CharlesMiddleton, BenjaminTurner, Matthew
Buckwell, CharlesGriffin, JohnMiller, BenjaminTurner, Robert
Bull, CharlesGriffiths, JamesMiller, JamesTurner, William
Bull, CharlesHallenburgh, GustavusMills, AbrahamUrling, Edward
Bulpit, GeorgeHanbury, JamesMoore, JamesVandevel, Robert
Burke, FrancisHanger, HenryMoreland, JosephWade, John
Burnett, AlexanderHanson, WilliamMorley, JamesWale, John
Burns, BartholomewHardy, JonathanMountain, JohnWalkden, Henry
Burns, JohnHargreaves, JamesMulley, FrederickWalker, John
Callaghan, JohnHarris, ThomasMurphy, MichaelWallace, William
Campbell, AndrewHarris, WilliamMurray, GeorgeWalters, Samuel
Canham, IsaacHarvey, WilliamNeave, HenryWarden, William
Carpenter, PhineasHarwood, GeorgeNeilson, GeorgeWarren, Thomas
Charlwood, CharlesHasker, ThomasNewsom, JamesWarschauer, Marcus
Cheadle, HenryHaylock, RobertNicholson, JohnWaterfall, Henry
Childerstone, PeterHayward, GeorgeNorth, JosephWatkins, George
Chilvers, JamesHayward, JosephOwen, WilliamWatson, George
Chuter, BenjaminHealey, HenryPage, HenryWeeks, Thomas
Chuter, StephenHellier, JohnParcels, JamesWelch, Peter
Chuter, Stephen (the younger)Henderson, ThomasParsons, GeorgeWelland, Henry (the younger)
Chuter, WilliamHerdsfield, GeorgeParsons, WilliamWerley, William
Clark, JamesHicks, ThomasPattrick, HenryWest, George
Clark, JohnHiggins, JosephPeachey, JamesWheeler, George
Clark, PeterHigginson, WilliamPearson, ThomasWhite, Alexander
Clarke, CharlesHill, SamuelPerkins, ThomasWhite, Patrick
Coles, JamesHills, JohnPhillips, CharlesWhitehead, William
Collins, JohnHills, JosephPickering, HenryWhittaker, George
Connor, DanielHodges, WilliamPickering, William ThornicroftWhittaker, Joseph
Cook, CarterHollington, JohnPilborough, JohnWhittick, William
Cooper, JamesHopwood, WilliamPowell, RichardWiddowson, Joseph
Cooper, JohnHorton, ThomasPressick, WilliamWildgust, Joseph
Corby, WilliamHousley, JosephPriest, HenryWilliams, George
Cottle, GeorgeHowes, JamesPummell, WilliamWilsden, William
Coyne, NicholasHughes, ThomasRamsay, WilliamWilson, George
Croome, SamuelHunt, GeorgeRandall, JohnWilson, John
Crossland, JoshuaIngram, WilliamRawlins, JohnWilson, John
Croucher, GeorgeIronmonger, GeorgeRayner, WalterWilson, John
Crowe, GeorgeJackson, HenryReed, HenryWilson, Jonathan
Dade, Robert (the younger)Jackson, JamesReeves, JohnWing, George
Daniel, JamesJacobs, EliasReid, WilliamWinslade, Edward
Davis, JohnJay, Henry ThomasRichards, ThomasWinter, Charles
Davis, JohnJenkins, RobertRiddle, RalphWoodward, John
Davis, RobertJenkinson, AbrahamRigby, WilliamWoodward, Walter
Davis, WilliamJenkinson, ThomasRobertson, ArchibaldWorsley, James
Davy, DanielJennings, JohnRobertson, James SamuelWorsley, John
Day, WilliamJohn, PhillipRobin, JamesWrench, William
Dean, JohnJohnson, AlickRogan, JamesWright, Thomas
Dee, GeorgeJohnson, JamesRogers, JamesYates, Matthew
Deighton, ParishJohnson, TimothyRowledge, GeorgeYoung, Elijah
Denney, JamesJolly, WilliamRussell, JamesYoung, William
Dixon, Thomas CharlesJones, CharlesRussell, Quashie

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Moffatt (2) is 399 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.261-277
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.354-355, 390

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