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Details for the ship Tellicherry (1806)

Ship Name:Tellicherry  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1796
Size (tons):467
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas Cuzens
Surgeon:John Connellan
Sailed:31 August 1805
Arrived:15 February 1806
Days Travel:168
Convicts Landed:125 males & 35 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Austen, HenryDoyle, RichardJohnson, MaryMurphy, Henry
Barry, MaryDwyer, MichaelJones, EdwardMurphy, James
Bayly, LawrenceEnnis, PhilipJones, JohnMurphy, John
Began, MichaelFagan, MaryKearney, JohnMurphy, Timothy
Begley, MaryFarrell, DennisKelly, DanielMurray, Darby
Behan, JamesFarrell, PatrickKelly, MargaretNowlan, John
Bradshaw, MaryFenlon, LaurenceKelso, JosephO'Brien, Margaret
Brady, CatherineFinnis, CatherineKenewan, PatrickO'Mara, Patrick
Brennan, BernardFitzgerald, MichaelKenna, MichaelO'Neal, John
Bryan, JohnFitzpatrick, JohnKenna, PatrickPendergast, Nicholas
Burke, EdmundFlahaven, MauriceKennedy, ElizaPendergrass, Nicholas
Burke, EleanorForbes, AnnKennedy, MaryPrice, Thomas
Burke, MartinFox, LaurenceKeogh, RogerQuin, Thomas
Butler, BarnabyFox, RobertKeough, PatrickRedmond, John
Byrne, HughFrancess, RichardKianhan, PatrickReynolds, John
Byrne, MaryGallagher, ChristopherLacey, NicholasReynolds, John
Carlahan, JosephGannon, BryanLamb, MaryRice, Mary
Clare, WalterGibbins, ThomasLeeson, CatherineRielly, John
Clarke, OwenGore, PatrickLeonard, EleanorRowson, Daniel
Cleary, PatrickGough, MaryMagrath, MichaelRyan, Denis
Cluff, ThomasGrady, MaryMaguire, MichaelRyan, John
Cogan, JohnGriffen, JamesMalone, JamesRyan, Malachy
Condon, PierceGriffith, JeremiahMasterson, PatrickShaughnessy, Thomas
Conlon, HughHaines, PatrickMatthews, AnnShea, Bridget
Connolly, JohnHalfpenny, JamesMcCabe, JohnSheedy, James
Cooksey, SarahHalfpenny, StephenMcLaughlin, CatherineSleaven, Daniel
Cooper, ElizaHalfpenny, WilliamMcMahon, BridgetSmith, Mary
Cox, PatrickHarman, LaurenceMcMahon, PatrickSullivan, Dennis
Cuff, ThomasHayes, MargaretMcMahon, PatrickSweeny, Patrick
Dawson, PatrickHill, CatherineMcNulty, MaryTiernan, Bartholomew
Dent, JohnHinchy, JamesMeagher, PatrickTiernan, Patrick
Derby, FrancisHindes, ThomasMeagher, ThomasTighe, Thomas
Develin, ArthurHogan, PatrickMerner, JohnTownsend, Laurence
Devlin, ArthurHolden, ThomasMollowny, HonorahTyrrell, Elinor
Dolan, MilesHughes, JohnMonagan, LaughlinWhite, Edmund
Donovan, DarbyHutchinson, JamesMoony, JohnWhite, Peter
Dooley, RichardHyland, StephenMornane, PatrickWilliams, James
Doyle, ArthurJohnson, BridgetMortill, JohnWood, William
Doyle, EdwardJohnson, JamesMulhall, PatrickWoods, Hugh

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Tellicherry is 156 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.

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