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Details for the ship Elphinstone (2) (1837)

Ship Name:Elphinstone (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1825
Size (tons):425
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas Fremlin
Surgeon:Campbell France
Sailed:1 June 1837
Arrived:2 October 1837
Days Travel:123
Convicts Landed:239 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allen, JosephDorrity, JamesKirkham, WilliamReece, Thomas
Arnold, Samuel TuckDougal, William HenryKnight, HenryReed, Robert
Arnold, WilliamDowling, JohnKnight, WilliamReid, Steward
Ashford, JohnDrummond, AlexanderLander, WilliamRennie, Matthew
Atkins, JosephDunham, JohnLarg, ThomasRiley, James
Avent, SamuelDutton, ThomasLee, AbelRiley, Robert
Axtell, JohnEdwards, RichardLeys, JamesRobertson, George Robert
Bacon, JacobElms, AmbroseLindley, JamesRobertson, John
Baker, JamesElsham, William (the younger)Livingston, JohnRobertson, William
Barnes, GeorgeEvison, WilliamLochrie, JohnRoden, Peter
Barnes, JosephFisher, JohnLonsdale, JamesRoss, John
Barrett, JohnFitton, AndrewLucas, ThomasRowett, William
Barrie, ThomasFlanders, JamesLynch, JohnRyan, Michael
Bastock, WilliamFletcher, WilliamMacfarlane, JohnSanders, William
Bates, JosephFrance, WilliamMack, CorneliusService, William
Batten, ThomasFrancis, WilliamManning, GeorgeSharp, Michael
Belfield, ThomasFuller, GeorgeMason, JohnShepherd, Edward
Bell, EvanGathercole, RichardMcAulay, WilliamShields, James
Bell, WilliamGeorge, ThomasMcCarron, FelixShore, Henry
Belsham, ThomasGilbert, WilliamMcClelland, HughShore, Peter
Bennett, ThomasGill, JohnMcClusky, JamesSkipworth, Albert Thomas
Beresford, WilliamGill, RichardMcCulloch, MatthewSmith, Charles
Black, Thomas JohnGoodier, ThomasMcCullock, ThomasSmith, Henry
Bold, JamesGore, ArthurMcDonald, JohnSmith, John
Booth, JohnGray, JohnMcGeary, BernardSpence, John
Boulton, AbrahamGreen, JamesMcGraw, ThomasSpinks, William
Brassington, GeorgeGuelder, WilliamMcGrigor, JamesStainsby, George
Broadhurst, JosephHall, JamesMcIntosh, AndrewStandish, John
Brock, ThomasHamilton, JohnMcIntyre, JamesStephenson, John
Brown, WilliamHardacre, JohnMcIntyre, WilliamStones, James
Bruce, JamesHarrington, JohnMcKay, ArchibaldSullivan, John
Bucknall, JohnHarris, ThomasMcKay, JohnSullivan, Michael
Burley, WilliamHarrison, JohnMiddleton, WilliamSword, Thomas
Burns, JohnHarrison, RichardMillington, WilliamTaylor, Charles
Burring, JohnHarwood, JamesMills, JohnTaylor, William
Burton, HenryHawkins, JamesMoore, Philip HenryTaylor, William
Bussell, JohnHay, WilliamMorris, WilliamTaylor, William
Cain, JamesHenningham, GeorgeMoss, CharlesTharme, David
Campbell, JohnHextall, WilliamNaylor, JohnTippen, John
Cannon, JohnHiggs, GeorgeNelson, WilliamTodd, Thomas
Carter, WilliamHillhouse, ThomasNewberry, HumphreyTonkin, Henry
Chambers, JamesHislop, ChristopherNicholson, WilliamTurner, Richard
Church, CharlesHobson, WilliamNorris, ChristopherWalden, George
Clarkson, JohnHollis, FrancisOakes, MatthewWalden, William
Colley, GeorgeHowie, DavidOliver, EdwardWallace, James
Costall, JohnHyde, JamesOpenshaw, JohnWallis, John
Costeley, DeninusIrwin, ThomasOwens, JohnWalpole, John
Cresswell, JosephJackson, BoothOxley, JohnWay, George
Crooks, JohnJackson, GeorgeParsons, JohnWebber, George
Crowder, ThomasJames, JosephPercival, ThomasWeer, John
Crowther, IsaacJarvis, ThomasPerry, GeorgeWhite, Richard
Dale, GeorgeJeffs, RileyPerry, JosephWhite, Thomas
Davidson, Peter FergusonJennings, WilliamPloughwright, JohnWhitehouse, Isaac
Davis, JamesJohnson, JamesPool, William (the younger)Wild, Edward
Davis, JamesJohnson, JamesPotter, WilliamWilliams, William
Davis, ThomasJohnson, WilliamPrice, CharlesWilson, James
Dean, SamuelJones, JohnPriest, JohnWinward, Thomas
Dixon, JohnJones, RobertPutt, RichardWoods, John
Dockerty, JohnJowitt, JamesRathbone, JohnWybrow, Philip
Donnally, JohnKeep, JohnRead, William JohnYoungs, George

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Elphinstone (2) is 240 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/11, pp.55-65
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 390

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