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Details for the ship Recovery (4) (1837)

Ship Name:Recovery (4)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1799
Size (tons):493
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas Johnson
Surgeon:Edward Jeffery
Sailed:1 June 1837
Arrived:8 October 1837
Days Travel:129
Convicts Landed:275 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Airsine, William FurnessDevere, ThomasJames, ThomasPowell, Richard
Allbutt, JohnDillon, MichaelJohnson, JohnPowell, William
Alsop, JohnDingle, John EdwardJohnson, ThomasPrice, Joseph
Anderson, WilliamDixon, GeorgeJones, EdwardPringle, Henry
Arnett, Edward SimonDonohoe, PeterJones, John WilliamQuin, Mark
Atkins, AlexanderDougall, AlexanderJones, PaulRees, Evan
Attiwell, JohnDowdeswell, DanielJones, WilliamReeves, George
Baden, WilliamDownes, ThomasJones, WilliamReeves, John
Baker, JamesDring, ThomasJones, WilliamRice, Matthew
Baker, RobertDuffey, PatrickJordan, ThomasRomans, George
Baker, WilliamDunn, JamesJoynson, SamuelRose, George
Baldock, JamesEdwards, JosephJude, HenryRosser, Frederick
Bannon, JohnEllett, RichardKarney, EmanuelSaunders, James
Bawden, HenryElliott, JamesKenny, HenrySaxon, John Joseph
Beaumont, SamuelElmer, JamesKing, MartinSeward, Robert
Biddle, CharlesEvans, EdwardKitchen, JohnShaw, George
Biggs, JosephEvans, WilliamLarndon, BenjaminShaw, John
Bishop, JonathanFallon, ThomasLee, JamesSimpson, George
Blewitt, JohnFarrar, BenjaminLinford, AlfredSkeeles, Joseph
Blue, AngusFaulkner, JamesLloyd, WilliamSkegg, John
Blunt, WilliamFay, JohnLord, JosephSmith, James
Bolton, RichardFielden, WilliamLucas, NathanielSmith, John
Bouttell, JamesFirman, ThomasLunt, EdwardSmith, Thomas
Boville, WilliamForrest, WilliamMacdonald, DonaldSmith, William
Bowen, JohnFowns, ThomasMacdonald, WilliamStanding, Richard
Bowyer, JohnFranks, JosephMacintosh, LauchlanStarkey, Thomas
Boyer, ThomasFurness, WilliamMackintosh, JohnSteers, Richard
Bradfield, CharlesGambrill, GeorgeMansfield, HenryStiles, Richard
Bridgeman, BenjaminGardner, JohnMarkham, ThomasStitch, Robert
Brierley, JohnGayton, JohnMartin, JamesStoker, Robert
Briggs, Martin ThomasGerrard, WilliamMascall, JamesStretton, John
Bright, JohnGoddard, JacobMason, JohnSweeney, Owen
Brook, CharlesGoodwin, WilliamMcDaniel, ThomasTalbot, George
Brooks, JohnGordon, WilliamMcGuire, SamuelTarsey, Charles
Brown, JamesGossage, CharlesMcKenna, JohnTaylor, John
Brown, ThomasGrainger, JohnMcKenna, PeterThomas, John
Brown, WilliamGray, ThomasMcKenzie, RobertThompson, John
Brown, WilliamGreen, FrederickMcKie, HughThompson, Joseph
Bull, JohnGreen, HenryMeavin, RichardThompson, Thomas
Burgess, SamuelGreenfield, ArchibaldMeggison, GeorgeThorn, William
Burnham, JamesGreenwood, JamesMillard, WilliamTodd, William
Cameron, DanielGreenwood, ThomasMilroy, AlexanderTong, Henry
Cameron, JohnGriffiths, GriffithMoore, PhilipTownes, George
Campbell, WilliamGrove, WilliamMoreton, RichardTreadwell, Henry
Cannell, ThomasHackett, JohnMorse, JosephTreble, William (the younger)
Canning, JohnHallam, EdwardMoulding, EdwardTroth, Abraham
Carine, WilliamHamer, ThomasMurray, JohnTucker, James
Carnegie, JohnHarper, GeorgeMurray, MatthewTwyning, Thomas
Carter, JohnHarper, WilliamMutters, WilliamWaddell, John
Cavenah, JohnHarris, SamuelNaylor, HenryWaite, Stephen
Clarke, WilliamHarris, ThomasNewton, WilliamWalker, George
Clifford, JosephHart, HenryNisbet, DavidWalker, John
Clist, RobertHart, PeterNisbet, WilliamWard, John
Cockerell, JohnHart, RichardNixon, JamesWarren, Rowland
Colley, Henry CoulsonHarvey, JohnOdell, JohnWebb, William
Conner, DennisHeadley, ThomasOgden, JohnWells, Robert
Conway, JohnHerbert, GeorgeOldbury, ThomasWelsh, Joseph
Cook, HenryHetherington, RobertOsborne, GeorgeWharf, Samuel
Cook, JohnHicks, JohnOwen, JohnWhitehill, Walter
Cooper, JohnHill, JosephPalin, StephenWilday, Francis
Cooper, WrightHitchcock, ThomasParker, GeorgeWilkins, James
Coppin, ThomasHoldforth, JohnPask, NewbornWilliams, Robert
Corlett, RobertHone, RobertPattison, JohnWilliams, William
Coulbeck, Joseph ParkerHope, MichaelPayne, AlexanderWilloughby, George
Cowan, HughHorseley, GeorgePenman, JosephWilson, Edward
Croft, ClementHoward, JosephPhillips, JohnWilson, Thomas
Crook, WilliamHughes, HenryPhillips, WilliamWinter, Henry
Daniel, EdwardHughes, ThomasPickard, WilliamWool, Thomas
Davidson, RalphHughes, WilliamPitt, JosephYork, Thomas
Davison, JamesJackson, GeorgePool, WilliamYoung, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Recovery (4) is 280 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/11, pp.41-53
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 390

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