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Details for the ship Sarah (2) (1837)

Ship Name:Sarah (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1819
Size (tons):488
Voyage Details
Master:J. T. Whiteside
Surgeon:James McTernan
Sailed:22 December 1836
Arrived:29 March 1837
Days Travel:97
Convicts Landed:245 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

??, AlfredDe Castanos, John PerezKelly, RichardShyers, William
??, BaptisteDeadman, WilliamKerr, RobertSievewright, William
??, BillyDennis, JohnLambert, JamesSimcole, James
??, EdwardDixon, ThomasLeclair, Francois ZavierSimmonds, John
??, HamletDonelly, PatrickLee, WilliamSimmons, Dunham
??, HenryDunbar, WilliamLeggett, ThomasSimpson, Edward
??, JoeEames, StephenLemon, JamesSmart, Henry
??, RobertEmberley, JohnLinch, ThomasSmith, Christopher
??, SanderEntwistle, JamesLittlewood, JamesSmith, James Henry
??, ScipioFaris, HenryLongford, JohnSmith, John
??, WellingtonFife, EdwardLyes, ThomasSmith, John
Absalom, JamesFinney, RichardLyon, CharlesSmith, Joseph
Adam, JohnFletcher, HughMacGoverin, AlexanderSmith, Peter
Aldred, JosephFox, WilliamMarkham, EdwardSmith, William
Allpin, RobertFrankham, HenryMarriott, AlfredSpencer, Joseph
Armstrong, RobertFraser, JamesMarsden, WilliamSpencer, William
Ashley, JohnFraser, JamesMaxwell, WilliamSpooner, Edward
Baker, JohnGane, AaronMcCarne, JohnStapleton, George (the younger)
Baldwin, JohnGarlands, JonathanMcFarlane, WilliamStephens, James
Barker, ThomasGarner, GeorgeMcGregor, JohnStewart, William
Barnes, WilliamGarraway, JamesMcIntosh, John WilliamStiles, John
Barnett, CharlesGarraway, WilliamMcLean, DanielStocks, Mark
Bayly, JohnGauthier, Jean BaptisteMcMenzies, PhilipStringer, John
Benford, GeorgeGayton, RobertMcQuade, BarnardTabbenor, John
Bethell, FrederickGilbert, JohnMercer, FahieTame, Joseph
Blades, AbelGilbert, RichardMiller, JohnTampion, James
Blades, FrancisGilbrass, ThomasMiller, ThomasTampion, William
Blades, JohnGilham, ThomasMobbs, JosephTaylor, George
Blake, GeorgeGillard, GeorgeMonaghan, JamesTaylor, Joseph
Bleay, SolomanGilling, JohnMoran, RichardThomas, George
Blue, BoyGoodwin, ThomasMoss, EdwardThomas, Henry George
Boddington, ThomasGould, HenryMulholland, JohnThomas, Hugh
Bourne, HenryGrant, JohnNeil, JohnThompson, James
Bradford, RichardGriffiths, JohnNewell, HenryThorpe, Thomas
Bray, JeremiahHall, John MitchellOrchard, JohnTill, Cornelius
Brown, EdwardHanlon, FelixOwen, EvanTucker, William
Brown, JamesHarper, JamesParsons, EdwardTurner, Leonard
Brown, WilliamHaskell, GeorgePatchett, ThomasViere, Jean
Burge, ThomasHasleton, WilliamPayne, SamuelWaite, Charles
Butters, WilliamHayward, JohnPhelp, HenryWaite, Harry
Caillot, FrancoisHempstead, JohnPierson, JohnWalker, John
Calligani, PiedroHender, ThomasPierson, WilliamWard, John
Canham, JamesHiggins, WilliamPointon, FrederickWarne, Stephen
Carroll, MichaelHigh, JohnPointon, HenryWarrington, James
Carter, JohnHitchman, WilliamPope, GeorgeWatson, John
Charles, JohnHitchmore, JohnPoyner, JohnWells, Henry
Charles, WilliamHolland, JohnPratt, WilliamWelsh, Frederick William
Cheshire, WilliamHolmes, JohnPrince, ThomasWhale, Thomas
Clark, JamesHoughton, JosephPurkis, JamesWhitaker, Edward
Coe, WilliamHutchenson, CharlesPye, John (the younger)Whitehead, Francis
Collins, JohnJames, WilliamQueen, PeterWhitehead, John
Conner, JamesJameson, JohnRafferty, JamesWhittamore, Job
Cornwell, JosephJenks, GeorgeRampton, JamesWiggatts, John
Crawley, DennisJohnson, IsaacRebly, WilliamWilkinson, George
Cue, CharlesJohnston, JohnReid, JamesWilkinson, James
Cummings, WilliamJones, JohnRiley, JosephWilliams, Charles
Cunningham, HenryJones, JohnRoberts, HenryWilliams, John
Dady, MauriceJones, JosephRolland, GeorgeWilliams, John
Dale, JeremiahJones, WilliamRooney, JohnWilliams, John
Darling, JosephKearns, WilliamSampson, AndrewWilson, William
Davenport, JosephKellerstine, AndreSandford, ThomasWimbridge, John
Davis, WilliamKelly, John MossmanSharp, JamesWinter, William
Dawson, HenryKelly, JosephShaw, JosephYoung, John
Day, JamesKelly, PatrickShip, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Sarah (2) is 255 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.405-416
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 390

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