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Details for the ship Susan (3) (1837)

Ship Name:Susan (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1813
Size (tons):573
Voyage Details
Master:Henry Neatbey
Surgeon:Edward Hilditch
Sailed:5 August 1837
Arrived:21 November 1837
Days Travel:108
Convicts Landed:293 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abbott, CharlesFirth, JohnLane, ThomasSellard, John
Abbott, GeorgeFoots, JosephLapham, JamesSelwood, Jesse
Abrahams, ThomasFoots, StephenLee, RichardSharpe, Henry
Adams, GeorgeFowler, NicholasLing, JohnShearn, John
Angove, WilliamFrancis, JamesLing, WilliamShears, Josiah
Appleton, JohnFruke, FrancisLinnett, AbrahamShears, Thomas
Appleton, WilliamGascoine, ThomasLucas, WilliamShillite, George
Aram, EugeneGibbs, JohnLush, JamesShorland, William
Ashen, WilliamGibbs, ZachariahMacassey, PatrickSilvester, John
Atack, JamesGirling, Henry (the younger)MacOnnel, PatrickSimpson, Arthur
Atkinson, ThomasGodfrey, JamesMansfield, JohnSims, John
Austin, ThomasGoff, GeorgeMarginson, WilliamSims, Robert
Austin, WilliamGosney, EliasMarriott, JohnSkinner, Henry
Bagshaw, WilliamGould, GeorgeMarsh, RobertSmee, Robert
Bailey, JonathanGrace, WilliamMcGuinness, FelixSmith, Henry
Baker, JamesGraham, ThomasMcLean, RoderickSmith, James
Baker, JohnGrantham, JohnMcMahon, ThomasSmith, John
Banks, ThomasGreen, JohnMcMillen, WilliamSmith, John
Bantick, WilliamGroves, WilliamMead, ThomasSmith, Lawrence
Barin, ThomasGyp, WilliamMills, SamuelSmith, Robert
Bateman, JosephHall, John MetcalfeMitchell, ThomasSmith, Samuel
Beale, JamesHam, Richard PykeMoore, RobertSmith, Saunders
Bellamy, HenryHarding, JohnMorris, BenjaminSmith, William
Benson, AmbroseHarding, JosephMurray, JohnSpringay, Joseph
Beresford, ThomasHardwicke, WilliamNewcombe, HenrySquirrell, Samuel
Bird, JohnHarper, WilliamNewell, JamesStanford, Samuel
Bird, JohnHarris, GeorgeNewitt, CharlesStanley, Nicholas
Bishop, ThomasHarris, HenryNewman, WilliamStokes, William
Blinkhorne, ThomasHarris, JohnNewton, JamesSweeney, Anthony
Bond, JamesHartel, JohnNichols, WilliamSweet, George
Bond, JohnHarvey, ChristopherNorth, EdwardTandy, John
Bovis, ThomasHarvey, StephenNoyce, JohnTaylor, George
Bowley, ThomasHarvey, William (the elder)Nunn, Robert (the younger)Thomas, George
Bowley, ThomasHarvey, William (the younger)Ollive, RichardThomas, John
Braithwaite, WilliamHasard, RichardOsman, TimothyThomas, John
Broad, CharlesHawkes, AugustusOwen, WalterThomas, William
Brokin, JohnHawkins, JamesPage, GeorgeThompson, John
Brown, GeorgeHaydon, CharlesPage, TraytonThompson, William
Brown, JohnHeaven, JosephPallent, ThomasThompson, William
Brown, ThomasHewitt, ThomasParsons, JohnThrower, James
Bryley, WilliamHill, GeorgePearce, JohnTom, John
Bucknall, ThomasHines, JamesPearcy, SamuelTooley, William
Bullock, JamesHobson, HenryPearle, GeorgeTownsley, Joseph
Burgess, ThomasHolland, RobertPerkins, Joseph FisherTrigwell, John
Busson, JohnHorton, JosephPerry, JamesTurner, Daniel
Butwright, JohnHorton, WilliamPetchey, JohnTurner, James
Canham, SimonHorton, William (the younger)Pinfold, HenryTurner, John
Carey, WilliamHowes, JohnPinner, WilliamTurner, Robert
Carter, GeorgeHumphries, WilliamPlayle, SamuelTurner, William
Chapman, JohnIngram, CharlesPoland, WilliamVallice, James
Chorley, JamesInsoll, BenjaminPorter, WilliamVince, Henry
Churchman, IsaacJamaison, GeorgePowell, WilliamWade, Job
Coleman, JohnJefferies, JohnPrice, JamesWainewright, Thomas Griffiths
Collard, CharlesJenner, JosephPurdom, ThomasWallis, George
Cook, AlfredJennings, GeorgeRadford, Charles FrederickWard, James
Cooke, WilliamJohnson, HenryRafley, JosephWay, John
Coombs, RobertJohnson, JonathanRand, JohnWebb, James
Crane, JohnJohnson, WilliamRandall, JosephWebb, Robert
Crask, WilliamJones, DanielRandall, PeterWebb, William
Cripps, IsaacJones, JohnRattew, JohnWells, James
Crozier, WatsonJones, JohnRawlinson, ThomasWeyman, Thomas
Cruell, JohnJones, JohnReed, RichardWheeler, John Brown
Cupit, RobertJoyce, ThomasRhodes, JamesWhite, George
Davis, AbrahamJude, WilliamRidgeon, GeorgeWhite, John
Davis, JohnJude, WilliamRiley, JamesWhite, Thomas
Davis, JohnJupp, JohnRisley, JohnWilcox, John
Day, WilliamJupp, PhilipRobinson, JamesWilliams, John
Divall, JohnKempster, WalterRogers, GeorgeWilliams, Thomas
Dixon, ThomasKestle, RichardRogerson, GeorgeWilliams, Thomas
Donnison, ThomasKett, IsaacRudgeley, SolomonWilson, James
Doyle, GeorgeKibby, WilliamSageman, ReubenWiltshire, Robert
Duningham, JamesKing, CharlesSamuels, AbrahamWinter, Henry
East, EdwardKing, JamesSaunders, JamesWoby, John
Evans, WilliamKnowles, WilliamSaw, John
Everitt, WilliamKnox, ArthurScott, George
Eyles, GeorgeLalley, MichaelSeldon, Joseph

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Susan (3) is 301 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/11, pp.115-128
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 390

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